Devel-Camelcadedb copied to clipboard
Use of uninitialized value within @lines in join or string at /usr/local/share/perl5/Devel/ line 351.
When trying to debug this remote file: the debugger return this file: Manager.out.txt
In the output file a lot of line are missing and for this reason breakpoints and steps are not mapped corrected by the IDEA.
On the server side the debugger is showing me this error: Use of uninitialized value within @lines in join or string at /usr/local/share/perl5/Devel/ line 351.
For now i have found a workaround. I have add this line before the line 351 of the file
sub _get_file_source_by_file_id
my ($file_id) = @_;
$_source_been_sent{$file_id} = 1;
no strict 'refs';
_report "Getting source of main::_<$file_id" if $_dev_mode;
my @lines = @{"main::_<$file_id"};
@lines = map { !$_ ? "\n" : $_ } @lines;
shift @lines;
return _to_utf8( join '', @lines );
@lines = map { !$_ ? "\n" : $_ } @lines;
but this only return a file with the correct line number but in the output file there are still some that are displayed as empty line but their aren't.