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This is a description of human-created passwords using markov models

Analysis of 14 million passwords

The coding accompanying the analysis of human-created passwords using Markovian models. See this article for a detailed blog post on the subject. and EncodingScheme()

This module contains the EncodingScheme class to create computer readable data from a multinomial time series (that means it has finite support). From the docs:

    EncodingScheme is a class to make Markov model data out of raw data.
    EncodingScheme( list_of_regex_bins=[], to_append_to_end = None, garbage_bin=False )
        list_of_regex_bins: a list of regular expressions, as strings, representing how to "bin"
            the raw data. eg: [ '[0-9]', '[a-z]', '[A-Z]' ]
            Notes: -Try not to overlap bins, as it will bin the item into the first bin.
                   -To specify all unique bins, leave the list empty.
                   -An exception is thrown if a item is not able to be binned and garbage_bin is false
            if the series data is not the same length ( eg: password data), this specifies what to append
            to end before performing analysis. If not needed, leave as None. This is still buggy.
        garbage_bin: a boolean to include a garbage bin, ie a bin that collects everything not collected.
            Notes: having garbage_bin to True is pretty much useless if all unique bins is set, ie. 
                   having list_of_regex_bins = []
        self.unique_bins: a dictionary of the bins used to encode the data and the encode mapping.
        self.realized_bins: a dictionary of the bins used to encode the realized data values that
                            satisfy the bins. Useful for debugging and seeing what garbage is collected
                            with realized_bins['garbage']
        encode(raw_data): returns the encoded data as a generator and MultinomialMM()

From the docs:

Create and learn a  multinomial Markov model 

MultinomialMM( encoding=None )

    encoding (optional): a EncodingScheme class that will process the data prior to fitting. If
              no scheme is given, and the data is inputed without encoding, a default 
              encoding will be used (all unique binning).

Attributes: the data used to fit the model
    self.unique_elements: the found unique elements of the data
    self.init_probs_esimate: the probability vector of inital emissions
    self.trans_probs_estimate: the transmission probability matrix of going from 
        emission [row] to emission [col].

Methods:, encoded=True)
    self.sample( n=1)