Cam Gould

Results 34 comments of Cam Gould

@davidbitton I've been writing a new version that does exactly that. I'm currently on the road, and heading to Unite next week. But I can probably share some code that...

OK, cool. I write a completely new custom version for another project recently that also included filtering functions. I'll try to make some time to modularise that when I'm back...

Hey @gvisniuc. I'm 99% sure you'd just need to call whatever function is dynamically adding the content to each of the paginated items. There's a callback option available for exactly...

The documentation should ideally have some more info on the callbacks too.

@stanleynguyen nice one. Personally I don't think we should change the package to support IE. But I'd like to keep this issue open, and possible pinned, so that others can...

@qnak94 for sure. I'm a big fan of custom events for plugins. I'll look at adding this as soon as we can.

I agree. I'm pretty sure Soundcloud, for one, should really be included in this set. I'm a big fan, but some really important icons are missing from the social array.

@Divide-By-0 Honestly I'd just use the CLI. We've stopped updating this project (though it should still work) in favour of supporting the official CLI bundle. We'll be looking at transforming...

Nice. Please do share your findings!

Hi Ari. Yes, that is exactly where it is! Again, another settings related issue that needs to be addressed soon!