octave_kernel icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
octave_kernel copied to clipboard

makeinfo and version errors when installing packages

Open rshpeley opened this issue 7 years ago • 1 comments

I've tried installing the packages image and signal with,

pkg install -forge image
pkg load image

pkg install -forge signal
pkg load signal

The packages download and install to,


But I get these errors:

octave: X11 DISPLAY environment variable not set
octave: disabling GUI features
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'analyze75info'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'analyze75read'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'analyze75write'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'applylut'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'bestblk'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'blockproc'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'bwarea'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'bwareafilt'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'bwboundaries'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'bweuler'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'bwhitmiss'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'bwmorph'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'bwperim'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'bwpropfilt'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'bwselect'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'checkerboard'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'col2im'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'colfilt'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'colorgradient'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'corr2'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'cp2tform'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'edge'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'edgetaper'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'entropy'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'entropyfilt'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'fchcode'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'fftconv2'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'fftconvn'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'findbounds'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'fspecial'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'getrangefromclass'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'grayslice'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'graythresh'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'histeq'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'hough_circle'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'houghtf'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'im2bw'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'im2col'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'im2int16'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'im2single'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'im2uint16'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'im2uint8'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imabsdiff'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imadd'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imadjust'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imattributes'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imbothat'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imcast'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imclearborder'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imclose'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imcomplement'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imcrop'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imdither'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imdivide'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imfill'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imfilter'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imgetfile'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imgradient'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imgradientxy'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imhist'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imlincomb'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'immaximas'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'immse'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'immultiply'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imnoise'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imopen'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imperspectivewarp'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'impixel'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'impyramid'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imquantize'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imregionalmax'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imregionalmin'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imremap'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imresize'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imrotate'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imshear'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imsmooth'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imsubtract'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imtophat'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imtransform'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'imtranslate'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'iptcheckmap'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'iptnum2ordinal'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'iradon'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'isbw'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'isgray'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'isind'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'isrgb'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'lab2double'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'lab2rgb'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'lab2single'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'lab2uint16'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'lab2uint8'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'lab2xyz'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'label2rgb'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'labelmatrix'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'makelut'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'maketform'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'mat2gray'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'mean2'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'medfilt2'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'mmgradm'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'montage'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'nlfilter'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'normxcorr2'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'ordfilt2'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'ordfiltn'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'otf2psf'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'padarray'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'phantom'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'poly2mask'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'psf2otf'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'psnr'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'qtdecomp'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'qtgetblk'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'qtsetblk'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'radon'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'rangefilt'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'regionprops'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'rgb2gray'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'rgb2lab'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'rgb2xyz'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'rgb2ycbcr'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'rho_filter'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'roicolor'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'std2'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'stdfilt'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'stretchlim'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'subimage'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'tformfwd'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'tforminv'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'tiff_tag_read'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'wavelength2rgb'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'xyz2lab'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'xyz2rgb'
sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'ycbcr2rgb'
/home/shpeley/octave/image-2.6.2/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-api-v51/bwconncomp.oct: failed to load: /home/shpeley/octave/image-2.6.2/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-api-v51/bwconncomp.oct: undefined symbol: _ZNK5ArrayINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEE17resize_fill_valueEv
error: called from
    which at line 34 column 5
    /home/shpeley/octave/image-2.6.2/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-api-v51/PKG_ADD at line 2 column 1
    doc_cache_create>gen_doc_cache_in_dir at line 139 column 5
    doc_cache_create at line 55 column 12
    install>generate_lookfor_cache at line 797 column 5
    install at line 231 column 7
    pkg at line 394 column 9
warning: load_path: /home/shpeley/octave/image-2.6.2/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-api-v51: No such file or directory
warning: load_path: /home/shpeley/octave/image-2.6.2/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-api-v51: No such file or directory
warning: called from
    installed_packages at line 42 column 19
    load_packages at line 27 column 22
    pkg at line 411 column 7
error: package image is not installed
error: called from
    load_packages at line 41 column 7
    pkg at line 411 column 7


error: the following dependencies were unsatisfied:
   signal needs control >= 2.4.5
error: package signal is not installed
error: called from
    load_packages at line 41 column 7
    pkg at line 411 column 7

So, the errors appear to result from not finding the correct package. Image is looking for version image-2.6.2 but it installed image-2.6.1,

warning: load_path: /home/shpeley/octave/image-2.6.2/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-api-v51: No such file or directory

Also, signal says it requires control >= 2.4.5 but the version of control I have is ~/octave/control-3.0.0

rshpeley avatar Nov 11 '17 16:11 rshpeley

Hi @rshpeley, I suspect this is a difference in the path used by octave-cli vs. octave. Can you please try typing path in both and see if ~/octave/control-3.0.0 shows up in octave but not in the cli?

blink1073 avatar May 02 '19 08:05 blink1073