matlab_kernel copied to clipboard
Matlab kernel not starting (R2019a)
I have installed the matlab_kernel in a Python 3 (mini)conda environment using the following tutorial: [(]
I'm able to start jupyter notebook (installed via conda) and run the matlab.engine commands in the notebook with Python 3 as explained on the Mathworks website. However, when I try to run the Matlab kernel in jupyter it just times out without connecting.
Running the matlab_kernel.check produces the following output:
Matlab kernel v0.16.9 Metakernel v0.27.0 Python v3.7.9 (default, Aug 31 2020, 17:10:11) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] Python path: C:\Users\jwestraadt\Miniconda3\envs\jmatlab\python.exe
Connecting to Matlab... (where it just hangs without connecting)
I have a university Matlab licence, but can run it locally without having to connect to a server first.