Tom Callaghan
Tom Callaghan
Hi there, I just found this repo. I was wondering does this repo support splash for spiders? is there any documentation for this repo to show how you configure splash?...
Hi there, I've been trying to use this boilerplate all day and I've followed the readme instructions. I have the project running and i'm trying to add in front end...
Hi there, Thanks for sharing your lovely portfolio site. It's really well made. I've tried to run this project but I have an error on line 46. ``` const filters...
My tasks crash and do not run anymore due to a no such file error. I'm using the file based backend and this is my set up. CELERY_ONCE =...
I've just pulled this repo. I'm trying to get my own project running with a similar setup so when I run docker compose on and ec2 instance with daphne and...
Thank you for uploading such a detailed repo. There's so much best practice features using modern web technologies. I've tried to run this repo with docker on my machine and...
I ran the steps for docker and had a poke around in the containers. I also checked running docker-compose with django default server instead of daphne. No issues but visiting...
There's many issues using these templates and I've spent countless hours trying to use these as boilerplates. Two many strange errors with cors. Eccon refused both on dev and production....
Hi, I'm having issues setting this starter up on aws. I've created and EC2 instance with Amazon 2 Installed, git, nvm, npm, yarn & node on the instance. Then yarn...
I just did git clone Why is it 500+ mb size?