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Configurable, flexible regex-based APK modification tool.
Resequencer is a configurable, flexible, regex-based APK modification tool. It can be used for adding instrumentation or whatever you'd need to automatically modify APKs for. Also, new code (hooks) can be injected and intelligently added.
Building & Running
Build the jar with ./gradlew fatjar
You'll also need zipalign
and aapt
which can't be included since they're part of the Android SDK. If you already have them on your path, and you probably do if you're cool, and you're cool, right? If so, drop them into the current directory with:
cp `which zipalign` .
cp `which aapt` .
Now you just have to make sense of this impressive usage menu:
java -jar build/libs/resequencer.jar -h
Resequencer 1.1 - Feb 28th, 2016
Usage: java -jar resequencer-1.1.0.jar [options] <Apktool/Baksmali dump | Apk file> [Output Apk]
General Options:
-f, --force Allow overwriting of any existent file
-s, --skip-assembly Decompile and modify but do not rebuild
-d, --detect-only Detect protection information only
--sign-only Sign Apk file then exit
--info-only Get App info then exit
--assemble-only Assemble dump, update Output Apk, sign, zipalign, exit
--skip-cleanup Do not delete dump directory after running
--skip-protect Do not protect with anti-dissassembly methods
--decode-res Decode XML resources and use them for Smali hints
--sign-key PK8 key to sign with (requires --sign-cert)
--sign-cert PEM certificate to sign with (reqires --sign-key)
--sign-pass Password to use with signature
--fplist List installed fingerprints
--fpexclude Comma-separated list of fingerprints to exclude
--fpinclude Comma-separated list of fingerprints to include
--trace Trace all method calls in the logs (noisy!)
--dbghooks Use unobfuscated debugging hooks
-v#, --verbose# Verbose level (1-3)
-h, --help Show this friendly message
Hint Options:
--skip-hints Skip Smali hinting
Hook Options:
--chksigs # Check signatures behavior
0 - *default* only match signatures if installed
1 - always return signature match
--getpi # Get PackageInfo behavior
0 - *default* spoof key/pro/full Apps if not installed
1 - do not spoof apps not installed
--sigvfy # Signature.verify() behavior
0 - *default* always return true
1 - return actual result of verify
--spoof-id # [15 digit device ID]
Fake the Android / Device ID
0 - *default* no spoofing, 1 - always random, 2 - session random
3 - session permute, 4 - emulator (all 0s), 5 - user defined
--spoof-model <model>
Fake device model with given string, eg "Galaxy Nexus".
--spoof-manufacturer <manufacturer>
Fake device manufacturer with given string, eg "Samsung".
--spoof-account # [account name]
Fake the accout name checks (usually Google account)
0 - *default* no spoofing, 1 - always random
2 - session random, 3 - user defined
--spoof-network <string>
Fake the network operator name, eg. t-mobile, sprint, nextel
--spoof-btmac # [MAC eg. 11:22:33:AA:BB:CC]
Fake bluetooth MAC address
0 - *default* no spoofing, 1 - always random
2 - session random, 3 - user defined
--spoof-wifimac # [MAC eg. 11:22:33:AA:BB:CC]
Fake WiFi MAC address
0 - *default* no spoofing, 1 - always random
2 - session random, 3 - user defined
--key-apk <key apk path> Collect fidelity information for key apk
How it Works
Honestly I wrote this years ago in another life time and it seems to work by magic. Looking back over the code, I see that most of the cool stuff happens due to fingerprint definitions. If you wanted to understand more, I'd start by looking there.
This thing is designed to be able to make any change I could imagine to an APK, and I could imagine all kinds of crazy shit back then. If you can't get it working, feel free to make an issue.
What is that apktool.jar in libs/ ?
There's no Maven lib for Apktool, at least one not up-to-date. Just took a copy of apktool and did this so stuff would compile:
zip -d apktool.jar "org/jf/baksmali/**"
zip -d apktool.jar "org/jf/smali/**"
zip -d apktool.jar "org/apache/commons/**"