flutter_tflite_audio copied to clipboard
Output with predicated score and label
Hi, @Caldarie can I add the predicted label with score or value as shown in the image below Can you please help with this, it would be appreciated
Hi, yes it’s possible to get the raw score. All you need to do is set outputRawScores
to true. For example:
model: 'assets/conv_actions_frozen.tflite',
label: 'assets/conv_actions_label.txt',
inputType: 'decodedWav',
outputRawScores: true, //change value here
numThreads: 1,
isAsset: true,
You need to get the scores from the stream. Sample code is from the example
result = TfliteAudio.startAudioRecognition(
sampleRate: sampleRate,
bufferSize: bufferSize,
numOfInferences: numOfInferences,
?.listen((event) =>
print("Recognition Result: " + event["recognitionResult"].toString()));
Yes, I am using the exact same audio code, but when I set outputRawScores
to true it's not detecting anything and when I set it to false it works fine without Scores.
Of course it will not match the labels as you are returning the raw scores. If you use the code that i have pasted above, it should print out the raw score on the terminal.
If you wish to match the raw scores to the labels, you'll need to implement the code yourself. For an example of an implementation, please take a the code found here
//model initialization
inputType: 'rawAudio', //'decodedWav', //'rawAudio',
numThreads: 1,
outputRawScores: true,
isAsset: true,
Stream<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>? result;
result = TfliteAudio.startAudioRecognition(
sampleRate: 44100,
//recordingLength: 44032, //16000, //44032,
bufferSize: 11008, //to get 2-3 secs of analisys instead of 1
numOfInferences: 99999,
detectionThreshold: 0.7,
averageWindowDuration: 1500,
//minimumTimeBetweenSamples: this.minimumTimeBetweenSamples,
//suppressionTime: this.suppressionTime,
///Logs the results and assigns false when stream is finished.
result.listen((audioEvent) {
var scores = audioEvent['recognitionResult'];
try {
//handle Unexpected character error
scores = jsonDecode(scores.replaceAll('"', ''));
} catch (e) {
double last = 0;
double max = 1;
if (scores is List) {
List<double> l = scores.cast<double>();
last = l.last;
max = l.reduce(math.max);
//if cough has the higher percentage and this is higher than 0.72 > IS COUGH
if (last == max && max > 0.72) {
count = count + 1;
title: "Background",
content: "$count",
{"result": count},
}).onDone(() {});