block-options icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
block-options copied to clipboard

Press enter three times to add a spacer block.

Open paaljoachim opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

Hey Jeffrey

As it is in the middle of the night where you are I thought I might as well add this issue.

Gutenberg version 7.8 Chrome Theme: Twenty Twenty

I installed EditorsKit. Then went to test the press enter three time to have a Spacer block appear. The first time a notification showed up. I clicked something not sure what (probably cancel). As in the settings the feature was turned off. I turned it on again. Noticed no save button. Then tried again. Nothing happened. I went back to settings again and noticed it had turned off again. I turned it on again. Refreshed the page and noticed it was still on/checked.

Went back to a post/page clicked 2 times and a spacer appeared. No notification this time. I even deactivated and reactivated the plugin. I never saw a notification again. I even deleted the plugin and reinstalled it. No notification.

Here is a press enter two times and get a spacer. 2-enter-press-spacer

Anyhow I am nudging Gutenberg Core to add the same feature:

Ps. As I just read through what I wrote again. I can see that it is a bit confusing. Bottom line is that the first time on skipping out of the notification. It never returns.

paaljoachim avatar Mar 25 '20 19:03 paaljoachim

Hey Jeffrey, I had started something for Gutenberg, but then heard about you already having something implemented. If you were going to apply your logic, this repo might be helpful in that it is using wp-scripts. You may also recognize the file structure as similar to your tutorial from August 2019!! If I can help you with the PR or maybe you help me?

pbrocks avatar Mar 30 '20 19:03 pbrocks