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Complete chain of ThunkLang optimisations
The following is the proposed sequence of optimisations for ThunkLang. The actual implementation might merge a few of these.
- pure-to-thunk incorporates let-force (unlike now)
- pull lam out of delay in letrec/let
- inline delay var into every force var
- remove force (delay _) pattern (at the same time as pervious)
- introduce forced version
- inline wrapper everywhere
- remove force (delay _) pattern (at the same time as pervious)
- push let-delay inwards
- optionally: split the letrec
- optionally: remove deadcode
@samsa1 tells me: 2-4 are done as part of thunk_split_Delay_Lam
Example: count (one forced var, one unforced)
Original PureLang code:
count = lam n acc ->
if n = 0 then acc else count (n - 1) (n : acc)
in ...
After demands:
count = lam n acc ->
seq n $
if n = 0 then acc else count (seq n (n - 1)) (n : acc)
in ...
When entering ThunkLang:
count = delay $ lam n acc ->
let n' = force n in
if n' = 0 then force acc else
(force count) (delay (n' - 1)) (delay (n : acc))
in ...
Lift lam out from letrec. This is the first worker-wrapper optimisation:
count_lam = lam n acc ->
let n' = force n in
if n' = 0 then force acc else
(force count) (delay (n' - 1)) (delay (n : acc))
count = delay count_lam
in ...
Inline the wrapper everywhere (including in ...
count_lam = lam n acc ->
let n' = force n in
if n' = 0 then force acc else
(force (delay count_lam)) (delay (n' - 1)) (delay (n : acc))
count = delay count_lam
in ...
At the same time, remove force-then-delay:
count_lam = lam n acc ->
let n' = force n in
if n' = 0 then force acc else
count_lam (delay (n' - 1)) (delay (n : acc))
count = delay count_lam
in ...
Create a forced version. This is the second worker-wrapper optimisation.
count_lam_forced = lam n' acc ->
let n = delay n' in
if n' = 0 then force acc else
count_lam (delay (n' - 1)) (delay (n : acc))
count_lam = lam n acc -> count_lam_forced (force n) acc
count = delay count_lam
in ...
Inline the wrapper everywhere (including in ...
count_lam_forced = lam n' acc ->
let n = delay n' in
if n' = 0 then force acc else
count_lam_forced (force (delay (n' - 1))) (delay (n : acc))
count_lam = lam n acc -> count_lam_forced (force n) acc
count = delay count_lam
in ...
At the same time, remove force-then-delay:
count_lam_forced = lam n' acc ->
let n = delay n' in
if n' = 0 then force acc else
count_lam_forced (n' - 1) (delay (n : acc))
count_lam = lam n acc -> count_lam_forced (force n) acc
count = delay count_lam
in ...
Push let delay inwards:
count_lam_forced = lam n' acc ->
if n' = 0 then force acc else
count_lam_forced (n' - 1) (let n = delay n' in delay (n : acc))
count_lam = lam n acc -> count_lam_forced (force n) acc
count = delay count_lam
in ...
Finally, we might want to split letrecs:
count_lam_forced = lam n' acc ->
if n' = 0 then force acc else
count_lam_forced (n' - 1) (let n = delay n' in delay (n : acc))
in let
count_lam = lam n acc -> count_lam_forced (force n) acc
in let
count = delay count_lam
in ...
And then a bottom-up dead-code elimination pass might be run.
I've just pushed a relation force_delay_rel
that handles pass 7.
It is defined as the composition of 2 relations : Force (Delay e) -> Tick e
(newly defined relation) and Tick e -> e
(special case of clean_rel