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neovim plugin for executing go tests


  • A simple plugin to run go tests from within Neovim


  • function picker picker

  • test execution output output


  • using your package manager add the following
    • "cademichael/gotest.nvim => example using lazy.nvim
  • the exact format will depend on your package manager

novel features

  • golang allows for testing individual function (kindof)
  • you pass a string to the test command, and the command will run all test functions that contain that string
  • ie
go test -run TestHello
  • will run any function that contains "TestHello" and report status of executing the test
  • the main goal of this plugin is to allow you to run individual test functions without leaving the file that you are writing these functions in

general features

  • run an indivual test function
    • when the command GoTestFunction is called a TreeSitter query is used to find all function names
    • a Telescope picker is created to show all function names and preview their function bodies
    • upon selection a test command, filtering functions that match the selected function
    • the output is displayed to the user
  • run all tests (from present working nvim directory)
    • the directy the test command originates from can be seen with
    • :pwd


  • go test works with modules and will test based on the module in the directory from which the command is executed
  • this directory is usually the same directory that nvim is started from
  • this means you should open nvim from the module directory that you are testing


  • telescope
  • treesitter


  • right now it uses global variables I might change it to a .setup() function
  • before requiring the package you will need to define the global variables if you don't want the defaults
  • if using lazy add the requirements so that gotest loads after treesitter and telescope
dependencies = {
config = function()
    -- defaults
    vim.g.gotest = {
        test_cmd = "go test -run ",
        preview_cutoff = 0,
        preview_width = 0.67
    local goTest = require("gotest")
    vim.keymap.set("n", "<Space>tf", goTest.goFuncTester)
    vim.keymap.set("n", "<Space>tm", goTest.goModTester)