cadquery copied to clipboard
importStep ignore dimensions
Dimensions inside the step file are not recognized:
import cadquery as cq
import math
r = 1
h = 1
Vol = r**2 * math.pi * h
r_wrong = 1000
h_wrong = 1000
Vol_wrong = r_wrong**2 * math.pi * h_wrong
stp = cq.importers.importStep("cylinder_1000mm.step")
print("volume: ", stp.objects[0].Volume(), " corrected volume: ",r**2 * math.pi * h)
print("volume with wrong dimensions: ", Vol_wrong)
results in
volume: 3141592653.5897927 corrected volume: 3.141592653589793
volume with wrong dimensions: 3141592653.589793
The step file was created with freecad. The same issue appeared with a 3Dx step file.
Can you share the step file? NB: CQ has no units.
So the defualt import/export unit of OCCT seems to be mm. You can change it for importing using xstep.cascade.unit
via e.g. OCP.Interface.Interface_Static.SetCVal_s("write.step.unit","UM")