CCAM copied to clipboard
the backbone of CAM is shared witch CCAM?
the backbone of CAM and CCAM is the same or different one? when i use the ccam to refine the CAM, should i start a new network to generate the ccam separately?
The training of CCAM and CAM is separated but with the same architecture like ResNet50.
thanks! another question please, where is the code for refine the cam?
Actually, we adopt a simple method to refine CAM, i.e., put the extracted background cues at the background channel (0) instead of a fixed background threshold and then applying the argmax process to refine CAM. For example, change the padding background threshold to the extracted background cues in
thanks for your reply, you really did a great work
thanks for your reply, you really did a great work
Thanks! : )
thanks for your reply, you really did a great work
Hello, have you solved the final refine code? Is it convenient to share?
thanks for your reply, you really did a great work
Hello, have you solved the final refine code? Is it convenient to share? Hi, just simply load the background cues and concatenate it with the foreground activation map. Btw, welcome to star our repository.
thanks for your reply, you really did a great work
Hello, have you solved the final refine code? Is it convenient to share? Hi, just simply load the background cues and concatenate it with the foreground activation map. Btw, welcome to star our repository. Thank you for your reply, I understand. The star has been finished.
If it is of any help, I managed to refine cams by making the following changes to PuzzleCAM/
# Imports...
# Arguments
parser.add_argument('--sal_dir', default=None, type=str) # (<--- added)
parser.add_argument('--gt_dir', default='../VOCtrainval_11-May-2012/SegmentationClass', type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
sal_dir = args.sal_dir # (<--- added)
def compare(...):
for idx in range(start, len(name_list), step):
name = name_list[idx]
npy_file = os.path.join(predict_folder, name + '.npy')
label_file = os.path.join(gt_dir, name + '.png')
sal_file = os.path.join(sal_dir, name + '.png') if sal_dir else None # (<--- added)
if os.path.exists(npy_file):
if sal_file: # (<--- added)
sal = np.array(
sal = 1 - sal / 255.
cams = np.concatenate((sal[np.newaxis, ...], cams), axis=0)
cams = np.pad(cams, ((1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)), mode='constant', constant_values=args.threshold)
And finally call it passing --sal_dir
python \
--experiment_name ResNet50@Puzzle@optimal@train@scale=0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0 \
--domain train \
--gt_dir /datasets/voc/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/SegmentationClass \
--sal_dir /saliency/sal_55_epoch9_moco
If it is of any help, I managed to refine cams by making the following changes to
:# Imports... # Arguments parser.add_argument('--sal_dir', default=None, type=str) # (<--- added) parser.add_argument('--gt_dir', default='../VOCtrainval_11-May-2012/SegmentationClass', type=str) ... args = parser.parse_args() sal_dir = args.sal_dir # (<--- added) ... def compare(...): for idx in range(start, len(name_list), step): name = name_list[idx] npy_file = os.path.join(predict_folder, name + '.npy') label_file = os.path.join(gt_dir, name + '.png') sal_file = os.path.join(sal_dir, name + '.png') if sal_dir else None # (<--- added) if os.path.exists(npy_file): ... if sal_file: # (<--- added) sal = np.array( sal = 1 - sal / 255. cams = np.concatenate((sal[np.newaxis, ...], cams), axis=0) else: cams = np.pad(cams, ((1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)), mode='constant', constant_values=args.threshold) ...
And finally call it passing
:python \ --experiment_name ResNet50@Puzzle@optimal@train@scale=0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0 \ --domain train \ --gt_dir /datasets/voc/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/SegmentationClass \ --sal_dir /saliency/sal_55_epoch9_moco
Thanks for sharing the code for refining CAMs! I've noticed that when calling it, the experiment_name is 'ResNet50@Puzzle@optimal@train@scale=0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0'. It seems that you use PuzzleCAM to generate cams instead of using CCAM, which is in 'CCAM_VOC12_MOCO@train@scale=0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0'. Have you tried to use these cams to refine the final labels?
If it is of any help, I managed to refine cams by making the following changes to
:# Imports... # Arguments parser.add_argument('--sal_dir', default=None, type=str) # (<--- added) parser.add_argument('--gt_dir', default='../VOCtrainval_11-May-2012/SegmentationClass', type=str) ... args = parser.parse_args() sal_dir = args.sal_dir # (<--- added) ... def compare(...): for idx in range(start, len(name_list), step): name = name_list[idx] npy_file = os.path.join(predict_folder, name + '.npy') label_file = os.path.join(gt_dir, name + '.png') sal_file = os.path.join(sal_dir, name + '.png') if sal_dir else None # (<--- added) if os.path.exists(npy_file): ... if sal_file: # (<--- added) sal = np.array( sal = 1 - sal / 255. cams = np.concatenate((sal[np.newaxis, ...], cams), axis=0) else: cams = np.pad(cams, ((1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)), mode='constant', constant_values=args.threshold) ...
And finally call it passing
:python \ --experiment_name ResNet50@Puzzle@optimal@train@scale=0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0 \ --domain train \ --gt_dir /datasets/voc/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/SegmentationClass \ --sal_dir /saliency/sal_55_epoch9_moco
Thanks for sharing the code for refining CAMs! I've noticed that when calling it, the experiment_name is 'ResNet50@Puzzle@optimal@train@scale=0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0'. It seems that you use PuzzleCAM to generate cams instead of using CCAM, which is in 'CCAM_VOC12_MOCO@train@scale=0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0'. Have you tried to use these cams to refine the final labels?
Hi, he just used puzzlecam to generate initial CAMs and you can train C2AM to extract background cues to refine the initial CAMs, so the experiment names were different.
Thanks for the reply. Is that using other method to generate initial CAMs and then using refined background cues (generated by saliency detector like PoolNet with background cues) to get final CAMs is the proper way to use C2AM? Are npy files in 'CCAM_VOC12_MOCO@train@scale=0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0' which contains CAMs generated during training parse just intermediate output?
Right! Details were provided at sec. 3.5 in our paper.