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Please guys I have a huge problem burning the ISO file (All PS2 Slims - English language)
I tried to burn it on ImgBurn, DVD Decrypter and Free ISO Burner.
In Free ISO Burner it says "Failed to write ISO image, Error: Hardware Error 9216.", Sometimes it also says "BURNING ERROR: ABORTING".
In ImgBurn and DVD Decrypter "ASC/ ASCQ Interpretation: Session Fixation Error Writing Lead In".
I've tried 8x, 4x, 2.4x, 2x, 1x burning speed (Writing Speed).
I've tried it with about 3 blank DVD-R discs and still I can't burn it successfully.
After a moment I tried to burn some PS2 game in Free ISO Burner as an example in my blank DVD-R and it worked, But when I try to burn (All PS2 Slims - English language.iso) in blank DVD-R the error came back again.
I also tried "FreeDVDBoot and ESR Patcher by Jabu" and the exe file gave me some error like "handled exception has occurred in your application...".
I googled it for hours and hours still didn't find the exact solution then I understood that the disc and the disc writer is not problem, the file is the problem. That's why I came here.
Please help me, Specially the developer please help! I just wanted the nostalgia of my PS2.
The Lead-in part takes longer in Imgburn but should not fail unless there's a buffer error or the disc is really bad . If you get an error in Jabu that tells me your Windows is out of date, maybe put a newer one ? Jabu's patcher makes the disc look like a DVD movie . You could also try to burn a real DVD movie . With all the money spent on these blanks you could easily get a FMCB memory card :)
The Lead-in part takes longer in Imgburn but should not fail unless there's a buffer error or the disc is really bad . If you get an error in Jabu that tells me your Windows is out of date, maybe put a newer one ? Jabu's patcher makes the disc look like a DVD movie . You could also try to burn a real DVD movie . With all the money spent on these blanks you could easily get a FMCB memory card :)
I finally got why it's not working the disc was made by 'CMC corporation' those discs that made by this most of the time they won't be burned properly. so the pc and the disc writer was not the problem, the problem was only the disc. and i could get the memory card but all of the shops have blank memory card. btw thank u for helping me