yii2-attachments copied to clipboard
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if the file name is chinese, for example: 中文文件名测试.jpg add '' to the file name when saving it to the move it to the temp folder. remove the first '' when insert the file name into database.
Bro, I have just tested that and I have not caught that error on my Mac. What OS do you use?
Windows Seven SP1 simple Chinese
if the file name is chinese file name, the pathinfo can not get the right file name.
I have used chinese file name but have not seen any error
Just now I have tested uploading and downloading on mac os and windows and have not seen that problem. When do you have that error? I can not understand you. My file name is 中文文件名测试.xlsx
How about this? http://php.net/manual/vote-note.php?id=79980&page=function.pathinfo&vote=up
7 years ago?? Are you serious? Which version of the PHP do you use?
i use 5.4
the recent comments about file name http://php.net/manual/vote-note.php?id=117298&page=function.pathinfo&vote=up
Are you sure about 5.4? On http://php.net/manual/vote-note.php?id=117298&page=function.pathinfo&vote=up the bug is risen if you use 5.3
I'm sure. But i wonder if it's my php.ini or http.conf config error. I found the bug in this framework. https://github.com/liu21st/thinkphp/blob/master/ThinkPHP/Library/Think/Upload.class.php#L370
So, do you solved the problem?
This PR has solved the problem.