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CTF Training 经典赛题复现环境

CTF Training


I need your help!!!

环境说明 Explain

  • docker-ce version 18.09+
  • docker-compose version 1.23+


# Install pip
curl -s https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python3

# Install the latest version docker
curl -s https://get.docker.com/ | sh

# Run docker service
service docker start

# Install docker compose
pip install docker-compose


项目内题目源码均从网络收集,如果侵权,请联系本人删除( [email protected]

致谢及贡献者 Credits & Contributor

贡献指南 Contribution Guide

Repository Rules

Name Rules

比赛名称_年份_题目类型_题目名称_其他 GameName_Year_ChallengeName_Others /\w+_\d{4}_\w+_(\w+)+/

eg. westerns_2018_web_shrine and ctf473831530_2018_web_virink

Description Rules

Able to describe clearly what the challenge is.


  • 护网杯 2018 WEB (4) easy_laravel
  • CTF学习交流入群题 Web 20180626

File Rules

  • Dockerfile (require)
  • docker-compose.yml (require)
  • README.md (require)
  • SourceCode file or directory (require)
  • vhost.conf
  • .gitignore

Just like other challenge.

How to contribute challenge

  1. Create a challenge repository on GitHub
  2. Create a new issue in this repository
  3. Waiting for the audit
  4. We will fork your repository after approval

How to update existing challenge

  1. Update your repository
  2. Pull Request
  3. Waiting for the audit
  4. We will merge your repository after approval