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Spyse API Key (Update)
We noticed that you used the API of one of Spyse's products most likely it was Findsubdomains, Cert DB or DNS table. We want to notify you about the release of a new and improved API key which you can find in your personal account at Unfortunately, we should stop supporting the old API a few weeks earlier, starting from Monday. Thanks for being with us.
我们注意到您使用的是Spyse产品之一的API,最有可能是Findsubdomains,Cert DB或DNS表。我们想通知您有关新的和改进的API密钥的发布,您可以在spyse.com的个人帐户中找到该密钥。 不幸的是,从星期一开始,我们应该在几周前停止支持旧的API。感谢您与我们在一起。
OK,thank you