copied to clipboard
Cannot initialize a parameter of type 'UIResponder *' with an rvalue of type 'id<CardIOVideoStreamDelegate>'
Cannot initialize a parameter of type 'UIResponder *' with an rvalue of type 'id<CardIOVideoStreamDelegate>'
To fix this, go to classes/CardIOVideoStream.h Find line: (around line 46) @Property(nonatomic, weak, readwrite) id<CardIOVideoStreamDelegate> delegate;
Replace with: @Property(nonatomic, weak, readwrite) UIResponder<CardIOVideoStreamDelegate> *delegate;
The project should then build properly - however if you're like me that's not the only hurdle you'll run into. Now I'm getting an error when trying to deploy about nameSwitch in RootViewController.xib
I just deleted it and another - now I can deploy the test app, but it never asks for camera permission and subsequently just displays a black square where the camera view should be.
FWIW, in the logs it's also complaining about not being able to find /usr/local/share/tessdata/co.traineddata file and mentiones making sure TESSDATA_PREFIX is set properly.
This seems like a super cool and much needed addition to, but man I'm struggling here.... At this point I'd just like the test app to work on my phone so I can try it out and be in awe of it's coolness....
Add these two outlets in RootViewController.m
@property(nonatomic, strong, readwrite) IBOutlet UISwitch *nameSwitch; @property(nonatomic, strong, readwrite) IBOutlet UISwitch *zipOnlyNumericSwitch;