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Slack bot ideas
Extending #19
Make a slack bot that syncs our LDAP entries with the members of a slack channel, give greeting messages, etc.
With a bot, we can do a lot more than just this, there are a number of features I can think of that would be useful. Here are a few I think of:
Access control to channels (officers, pb, other possible private channels)
Will need to associate slack user <-> unix user
Should kick/invite users
Info about server health
Add/remove people from mailing lists and unix groups
- Basically a fancy interface to the django admin site, except no password/web ui needed.
Officer points management
- Might have to plug into google sheets or rethink how we track these
Print out current MOTD
There are a few resources online already for this. https://medium.com/freehunch/how-to-build-a-slack-bot-with-python-using-slack-events-api-django-under-20-minute-code-included-269c3a9bf64e seems pretty helpful. Once we get a framework down, then we can start adding more features.