merlin copied to clipboard
Error using / & ./
Hello there,
I'm trying to get merlin to talk to me (thus, generate new sentences) using the "standard" settings.
Beforehand i tested, which was successfull and I received some wav-Files in /slt_arctic_full/test_synthesis/wav. Festival itself also works properly (I followed issue #96 for installation an now I can use (SayText "Here is my new senctence") and hear it read out loud). So I thought myself save..
Well, I created a directory .../test_synthesis/txt and in there a textfile named "ThisIsATest.txt" containing only the sentence "This is a test.".
As advised in issue #28 and tried to run, (and in a next try only but it doesn't work, instead I get following error message:
creating a scheme file from text directory generating utts from scheme file *** Error in '...........merlin/tools/festival/bin/festival': free (): invalid next size (fast) : ......***
(followed by a lot of "INFO configuration: Processes: ..." entries)
./scripts/ line 55: 13590 Aborted (core dumped) ${FESTDIR}/bin/festival -b ${testDir}/new_test_sentences.scm
and in the end
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0 deleting intermediate synthesis files... synthesized audio files are in: .........../test_synthesis/wav
Self-evidently there are no new files in there. But anyway something DID happen: -it created two Files "ThisIsATest.lab" (one in promt-lab and one in gen-lab) which are both empty, -a File "test_id_list.scp" (in test_synthesis) which contains my Filename "ThisIsATest" and -a File "new_test_sentences.scm", which says "( (.................. promt-utt/ThisIsATest.utt")
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Did I miss anything when installing festival? I'm puzzled. Thanks in advance!
what is the version of gcc?
Hi guys,
I have the same issue here: ''' creating a scheme file from text directory generating utts from scheme file *** Error in '...........merlin/tools/festival/bin/festival': free (): invalid next size (fast) : ......*** ''' gcc (Ubuntu 7.2.0-8ubuntu3.2) 7.2.0
Any idea @seblemaguer ? Festival should be compiled with a former version of gcc ?
Is this related to the festival fixes in 2.5?
@m-toman I think it is due to some flagging but I didn't investigate yet @gillesdegottex that is what I am doing for now. After blizzard, I might see for that :D
It partly solved the problem. It still crashes on 44 sentences out of 1132 of SLT. Festival might have been compiled with gcc-7 though, I'll try to force it to gcc-6. Thanks!
Still 44 sentences crashing with gcc-6
To double-check, can someone try to generate the label_state_align from slt_arctic_full_data using festival>=2.4 (from a fresh merlin clone) ?
Solved by compiling festival with gcc-4.8
I met same error, how to compile festival with gcc-4.8?
after compiling festival with gcc-4.8, same error still exists. someone have same case with me?
Did you just re-compile festival using gcc-4.8 or did you re-compile both speech_tools and festival?
I forced gcc to be gcc-4.8 and executed
That seems to have solved it for me.
However, I executed the tests of both speech_tools and fetsival using make test
in their base folders.
All tests from speech_tools pass as correct with gcc-4.8, when compiled with gcc-6 or gcc-7 most of the tests fail.
When executing the tests of festival, even with gcc-4.8 half of the tests seem to fail.
hi,friend@v-yunbin! i met the same erro as you .so can you tell me how do you solve the problem.Thanks a lot!
Tried to recompile speech_tools and festival using gcc-4.8.5 but still having the same issue as in the original post. Was able to run both ./, ./, and SayText in Festival though. Any other suggestion?
Recompiled the tools using gcc 5.4, and was able to run ./ and ./ now.