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Repo for CSEC's blog

Bitdeli Badge


Daktilo is a Jekyll theme with a minimal design inspired from typewriters.

More info and Live preview

Click here to see the theme in action.


  • Fully responsive
  • Disqus integration for comments.
  • Google Analytics integration.
  • Syntax Highlighter (using highlight.js).
  • Support for categories.
  • Font-Awesome Icons.
  • Optimized for SEO.
  • Coolest 404 page ever.

How to use it

Start by cloning the repository, then check the _config.yml file and change it accordingly. Note that the title property is what will be displayed as logo.

Finally execute jekyll serve --watch and head to localhost:4000 to see the result.

Using categories

Categories are little bit tricky. Please make sure to do the following for each category:

  • Create a file within categories folder with the name of your category For example let's say that we have a category called An Awesome Category you will need to add an an-awesome-category.html file with this content:
layout: category
category: an-awesome-category
permalink: /categories/an-awesome-category/

  • Create an entry inside _data/categories.yml
- slug: an-awesome-category
  name: An Awesome Category
  • Then you will see it in the footer in the Explore section.


The contents of this repository is licensed under The MIT License.

All posts on the site are licensed under CC0