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Incorrect number of occurrences for ConstraintError in a headless test
The following project from Braga et al was headless tested.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// par de chaves de Ana e configurações do criptosistema
KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("EC","SunEC");
System.out.println("KeyPairGen "+kpg.getProvider().getName());
Signature signerAna = Signature.getInstance("SHA512WithECDSA","SunEC");
System.out.println("Signer "+signerAna.getProvider().getName());
// Beto configura seu criptosistema
Signature verifierBeto = Signature.getInstance("SHA512WithECDSA","SunEC");
System.out.println("Verifier "+verifierBeto.getProvider().getName());
I get an inconsistency between the error markers in the IDE console and the specification of expected errors in the headless test itself.
The error marker in the console shows:
ConstraintError violating CrySL rule for (on Object #cdc10a3b31851aec5bfa5ba0d51d63d9cc0be3bf89fec1ba3fc1d1b3770cceba)
First parameter (with value "SHA512WithECDSA") should be any of {SHA256withECDSA, SHA256withDSA, SHA256withRSA, SHA224withDSA, NONEwithDSA, SHA1withDSA}
at statement: r2 = staticinvoke < getInstance(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>(varReplacer10, varReplacer11)
As seen above, the error marker shows only one ConstraintError violation for the Signature object, when in fact there are 2 in total for two different Signature objects.
On the other hand, when specifying the correct expected errors in the headless test itself, the test passes.
setErrorsCount("<example.DefinedProvider2: void main(java.lang.String[])>", ConstraintError.class, 2);
I have stated that the printed error markers are not complete for the ConstraintError for 2 or more objects of the same type (e.g Signature).
See comment to #187
Fixed in #486