react-native-wkwebview copied to clipboard
Is this module supported for react-native 0.60.4([CRAWKWebView webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:decisionHandler:] in libreact-native-wkwebview.a(CRAWKWebView.o))
I am running sample application. I installed this module using npm install react-native-wkwebview-reborn
and i linked using pods like pod install but i am getting below error in Xcode.
[CRAWKWebView webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:decisionHandler:] in libreact-native-wkwebview.a(CRAWKWebView.o)
react-native:0.60.4 react-native-wkwebview-reborn-2.0.0
I have found RCTJSNavigationScheme was defined in [email protected]
line 20
NSString *const RCTJSNavigationScheme = @"react-js-navigation";
Obviously, it has removed in [email protected]. Redefine it in wkwebview temporarily.
// extern NSString *const RCTJSNavigationScheme;
NSString *const RCTJSNavigationScheme = @"react-js-navigation";