wasabi copied to clipboard
Error in if (sum(valid) == 0) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
After seeing hdf5 issue fixed I have another problem, when I run
so <- sleuth_fit(so, ~condition, 'full')
I get the following error:
fitting measurement error models
shrinkage estimation
Error in if (sum(valid) == 0) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
The files are the same: http://agingkills.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/pipelines/samples/GSE36041/ The code I use is:
install.packages('tidyverse', dependencies=TRUE, type="source")
devtools::install_github("COMBINE-lab/wasabi") #with fixed rhdf5
base <- file.path("/home", "rstudio", "samples")
samples <- c("GSM1696274", "GSM1696271")
quant <- "transcripts_quant"
pathes <- map_chr(samples, function(s) str_c(base, "/", s, "/", quant))
conditions <- c("one", "two")
s2c = data.frame(
sample = samples,
condition = conditions,
path = pathes,
so <- sleuth_prep(s2c, extra_bootstrap_summary = TRUE)
so <- sleuth_fit(so, ~condition, 'full') #it breaks here!
It's hard to say exactly what the problem is from this error alone. Can you try a traceback()1st to see which function is giving that error or
error(recover=TRUE)1st to dive into the function right before the error? This will help narrow down where things could be going wrong.
Sorry for the slow reply. So, for traceback() I get:
6: get_quantile(., y_col, lwr, upr, ignore_zeroes)
5: overscope_eval_next(overscope, args[[j]])
4: do.grouped_df(data, get_quantile(., y_col, lwr, upr, ignore_zeroes))
3: do(data, get_quantile(., y_col, lwr, upr, ignore_zeroes))
2: sliding_window_grouping(mes_df, "mean_obs", "sigma_sq_pmax",
n_bins = n_bins, lwr = lwr, upr = upr, ignore_zeroes = TRUE)
1: sleuth_fit(so, ~condition, "full")
When I do recover I see: "Error during wrapup: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"
same error. Have you found a solution?