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An implement of SPEECHSPLIT


  • This code is an implementation of SPEECHSPLIT. The algorithm is based on the following paper:

Qian, K., Zhang, Y., Chang, S., Cox, D., & Hasegawa-Johnson, M. (2020). Unsupervised speech decomposition via triple information bottleneck. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.11284.


  • torch >= 1.5.0

  • tensorboardX >= 2.0

  • librosa >= 0.7.2

  • matplotlib >= 3.1.3

  • Optional for loss flow

    • tensorboard >= 2.2.2


Used dataset

  • Currently uploaded code is for the replication of papaer result.
  • I used 106 speakers in VCTK for model training.
  • Two speakers are used for inference only.
  • I will add the compatible dataset later.
Dataset Dataset address
VCTK https://datashare.is.ed.ac.uk/handle/10283/2651

Hyper parameters

Before proceeding, please set the pattern, inference, and checkpoint paths in 'Hyper_Parameter.yaml' according to your environment.

  • Sound

    • Setting basic sound parameters.
  • Num_Speakers

    • Setting how many speaekers are used.
  • Encoder

    • Setting rhythm, content and pitch encoder parameters
    • Random_Resample set the content and pitch encoder's random resample parameters.
  • Decoder

    • Setting the parameters of decoder.
  • WaveNet

    • Setting the parameters of Vocoder.
    • This implementation uses a pre-trained Parallel WaveGAN model.
      • https://github.com/CODEJIN/PWGAN_Torch
    • If checkpoint path is null, model does not exports wav files.
    • If checkpoint path is not null, all parameters must be matched to pre-trained Parallel WaveGAN model.
  • Train

    • Setting the parameters of training.
    • When the number of speaekrs in your train dataset is small, I recommend to increase the Train_Pattern/Accumulated_Dataset_Epoch.
      • The performance of dataset module of PyTorch is not good when dataset size is small.
  • Inference_Path

    • Setting the inference path
  • Checkpoint_Path

    • Setting the checkpoint path
  • Log_Path

    • Setting the tensorboard log path
  • Use_Mixed_Precision

    • Setting mixed precision.
    • To use, Nvidia apex must be installed in the environment.
  • Device

    • Setting which GPU device is used in multi-GPU enviornment.
    • Or, if using only CPU, please set '-1'.

Generate pattern


python Pattern_Generate_Replication.py [parameters]


  • -p
    • Set the path of VCTK. VCTK's patterns are generated.
  • -s
    • Set the number of speakers.
  • -e
    • Set the evaluation rate in the patterns.
    • For example, when the parameter is 0.1, 10% data does not trained, and they will used at the evaluation.
  • -mw
    • The number of threads used to create the pattern



python Train.py -s <int>
  • -s <int>
    • The resume step parameter.
    • Default is 0.
    • When this parameter is 0, model try to find the latest checkpoint in checkpoint path.


  • Please refer the demo site:
    • https://codejin.github.io/SpeechSplit_Demo

Trained checkpoint

Dataset Tag Link
VCTK 106 speaker 800000 Step Download

Future works

  1. Changing one-hot speaker embedding to GE2E speaker embedding.
  2. Increasing training dataset (e.g. LibriSpeech) by using GE2E speaker embedding.