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Unity crashes running Demo Scene.
I seem to have a problem to run the Demo Scene with the apropriate configurations for my GPU. I tried solving the problem with some suggestions posted in this forum, but none worked.
I can run the testBinary with no problem after I changed the resolution to 1x80.
I tried changing the hand and face resolution to 1x64, 1x16 and 1x80 in the Unity Inspector and also in the code. I tried changing the call of the the UserConfigureOpenPose() function using these parameters:
private void UserConfigureOpenPose(){ OPWrapper.OPConfigurePose( /* poseMode */ PoseMode.Enabled, /* netInputSize */ new Vector2Int(-1, 16), /* outputSize */ null, /* keypointScaleMode */ ScaleMode.InputResolution, /* gpuNumber */ -1, /* gpuNumberStart */ 0, /* scalesNumber */ 1, /* scaleGap */ 0.3f, /* renderMode */ RenderMode.Gpu, /* poseModel */ PoseModel.BODY_25, /* blendOriginalFrame */ true, /* alphaKeypoint */ 0.6f, /* alphaHeatMap */ 0.7f, /* defaultPartToRender */ 0, /* modelFolder */ null, /* heatMapTypes */ HeatMapType.None, /* heatMapScaleMode */ ScaleMode.UnsignedChar, /* addPartCandidates */ false, /* renderThreshold */ renderThreshold, /* numberPeopleMax */ maxPeople, /* maximizePositives */ false, /* fpsMax fps_max */ -1.0, /* protoTxtPath */ "", /* caffeModelPath */ "", /* upsamplingRatio */ 0f);
Is there anything else I can try?
I only need to track the hands, so if I could disable everything else and keep only the hand detection, it would work for me.
Issue Summary
Unity crashed running the Demo Scene
Executed Command (if any)
Play Demo Scene
OpenPose Output (if any)
Unity closes after I try to run the Demo.
Errors (if any)
Unity crashed.
Type of Issue
- Execution error
- Help wanted
- Question
Whole console output No errors appeared. Unity just crashed.
OpenPose version: OpenPose Unity Plugin default
General configuration: Operating system : Windows 10, 64-bit Release or Debug mode : release Compiler : VS 2015 Community
Non-default settings:
- Any custom OpenPose configuration with respect to the default version? No.
3rd-party software:
- Caffe version: Default from OpenPose
- OpenCV version:OpenPose default
If GPU mode issue:
- CUDA version : 10
- cuDNN version: 7.6.1
- GPU model : Nvidia Geforce GTX 960
If Windows system:
- Default OpenPose DLL or Portable demo or compiled library? Installed following the installation guide
Which unity version do you use? The last tested should be 2018.4 and you may also try 2019.1.
Unfortunately, OpenPose cannot detect hand without detecting the body. But in the latest version, detecting hands should not be costly so much.