openpose_train copied to clipboard
the error with body_25
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 368, in
I encounter the same issue on Ubuntu 16.04 with Python 2.7.12. Is it issue from the pretrained VGG-19 caffe model that the document referenced Does anybody have suggestion on how to solve it? Thanks!
After I edited the from the example under training directory, then run from there, the issue is resolved. I think the issue was cased by that it was run from experimental_models/.... directory, which loaded a different caffe model.
I have the same issue as this. How do you fix it?please help @tingz2004 @tingz2004
rename under training directory to be correct the value of sCaffeFolder to point according to your system run "python" under training directory
I want to train hand-detector with hand dataset-lmdb separately, but there are following lines in :
"if sAddHands: if len(sLmdbFolders) != 6: print('Not prepared for this case') assert(False)"
And there are following lines in the training/
"Set sAddFoot to 1 or 0 to enable/disable combined body-foot. Set sAddMpii, sAddFace and sAddHands to 1 or 0 to enable/disable boyd mpii/face/hands (if 1, then all the above must be also 1)."
How can I realize my needs?