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Duplicate labels
Duplicate label errors identified by Robot report:
ID | LABEL | Parent |
CLO:0001108 | 15C6 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0001109 | 15C6 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0001199 | 22RV1 cell | immortal human cell line cell |
CLO:0001200 | 22Rv1 cell | immortal human prostate gland-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0001446 | 6-23 (clone 6) cell | immortal rat pyramid of medulla oblongata-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0001447 | 6-23 (Clone 6) cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0001602 | A6 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0001603 | A6 cell | immortal African clawed frog kidney-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0001618 | A9 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0001619 | A9 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0001883 | BBm cell | immortal cattle bone marrow-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0001884 | BBM cell | immortal human lung-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0001934 | BEWO cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0001935 | BeWo cell | immortal human placenta-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0002175 | CAKI-1 cell | immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0002176 | Caki-1 cell | immortal human kidney-derived epithelial cell line cell |
CLO:0037447 | CC-2561 cell | primary cultured cell of skeletal muscle |
CLO:0037448 | CC-2561 cell | primary cultured cell of skeletal muscle |
CLO:0002369 | CF2Th cell | immortal dog thymus-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0002370 | Cf2Th cell | immortal dog thymus-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0002414 | Chang liver cell | immortal human liver-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0002415 | Chang Liver cell | immortal human epithelial cell line cell |
CLO:0002462 | CHO-K1 cell | immortal Chinese hamster female gonad-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0002463 | CHO-K1 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0002480 | Citrullinemia cell | immortal human skin-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0002481 | citrullinemia cell | immortal human skin-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0002664 | D17 cell | immortal dog bone element-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0002665 | D17 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0002821 | DS-1 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0002822 | DS-1 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0002949 | ES-D3 cell | immortal mouse cell line cell |
CLO:0002950 | ES-D3 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0003510 | GM00425 cell | immortal human skin-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0026109 | GM00425 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003511 | GM00469 cell | immortal human fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0025974 | GM00469 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003512 | GM00483 cell | immortal human fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0025954 | GM00483 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003515 | GM00638 cell | immortal human fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0028878 | GM00638 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003517 | GM00863 cell | immortal human fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0029632 | GM00863 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003518 | GM00881 cell | immortal human fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0029624 | GM00881 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003519 | GM01229 cell | immortal human skin-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0030283 | GM01229 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003521 | GM01607 cell | immortal human fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0031565 | GM01607 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0031788 | GM02183 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0037414 | GM02183 cell | primary cultured human fibroblast cell |
CLO:0003522 | GM02185 cell | immortal human skin-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0031786 | GM02185 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003523 | GM02290 cell | immortal human skin-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0032129 | GM02290 cell | immortal human foetal structure-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003524 | GM02291 cell | immortal human cell line cell |
CLO:0032130 | GM02291 cell | immortal human lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003526 | GM02605 cell | immortal human fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0032688 | GM02605 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003527 | GM02824 cell | immortal human fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0012748 | GM02824 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003528 | GM02848 cell | immortal human skin-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0012765 | GM02848 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003529 | GM03123 cell | immortal human fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0013588 | GM03123 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003530 | GM03252 cell | immortal human fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0016698 | GM03252 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0015534 | GM03814 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0037413 | GM03814 cell | primary cultured human fibroblast cell |
CLO:0024821 | GM05400 cell | immortal human inguinal region-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0037443 | GM05400 cell | primary cultured human fibroblast cell |
CLO:0003531 | GM05752 cell | immortal human fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0024641 | GM05752 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003532 | GM05870 cell | immortal human fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0024232 | GM05870 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0003533 | GM06127 cell | immortal human fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0023661 | GM06127 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0026536 | GM09677 cell | immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell |
CLO:0037422 | GM09677 cell | primary cultured human fibroblast cell |
CLO:0024611 | GM10684 cell | immortal human peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell |
CLO:0037445 | GM10684 cell | primary cultured B cell |
CLO:0003554 | GP2d cell | immortal human colon-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0009961 | Gp2D cell | immortal human intestine-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0003590 | H25B10 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0003591 | H25B10 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0003706 | Hep-2 cell | immortal human larynx-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0003707 | HEp-2 cell | immortal human epithelial cell line cell |
CLO:0004299 | HuP-T3 cell | immortal human pancreas-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0004300 | HUP-T3 cell | immortal human pancreas-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0004301 | HuP-T4 cell | immortal human pancreas-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0004302 | HUP-T4 cell | immortal human pancreas-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0004313 | Hybridoma 234 s.2a cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0004314 | Hybridoma 234 s.2a cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0000021 | immortal cat cell line cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0000457 | immortal cat cell line cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0000020 | immortal human cell line cell | |
CLO:0000511 | immortal human cell line cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0006954 | Intestine 407 cell | immortal human cell line cell |
CLO:0006955 | intestine 407 cell | immortal human epithelial cell line cell |
CLO:0007068 | KASUMI-1 cell | immortal human peripheral neuron cell line cell |
CLO:0007069 | Kasumi-1 cell | immortal human peripheral neuron cell line cell |
CLO:0007093 | KG-1 cell | immortal human myeloblast cell line cell |
CLO:0007094 | KG-1 cell | immortal human cell line cell |
CLO:0007187 | L368 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0007188 | L368 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0007365 | LNCAP cell | immortal human prostate gland-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0037116 | LNCaP cell | immortal human prostate gland-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0007377 | LOVO cell | immortal human colon-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0007378 | LoVo cell | immortal human colon-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0007513 | mAB 35 cell | immortal Mus musculus x Rattus norvegicus area X-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0007514 | mAb 35 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0007529 | MALME-3M cell | immortal human lung-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0007530 | Malme-3M cell | immortal human mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0007687 | MEWO cell | immortal human skin-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0007688 | MeWo cell | immortal human skin-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0007710 | MH-22a cell | immortal mouse liver-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0007711 | MH-22A cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0007793 | Mm5MT cell | immortal mouse cell line cell |
CLO:0007794 | MM5MT cell | immortal mouse cell line cell |
CLO:0008254 | OKT 5 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0008255 | OKT 5 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0008322 | P388.D1 (Clone 3124) cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0008323 | P388.D1 (clone 3124) cell | immortal mouse lymphoid follicle-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0008325 | P388D subscript(1) cell | immortal mouse macrophage cell line cell |
CLO:0008326 | P388D subscript(1) cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0008781 | REH cell | immortal human cell line cell |
CLO:0008782 | Reh cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0008956 | SC-1 cell | immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0008957 | SC-1 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0008958 | SC-1 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0009112 | SP2/0-Ag14 cell | immortal mouse cell line cell |
CLO:0009113 | SP2/0-AG14 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0009114 | Sp2/0-Ag14 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0009115 | Sp2/0-Ag14 cell | immortal cell line cell |
CLO:0009583 | WERI-RB-1 cell | immortal human retina-derived cell line cell |
CLO:0009584 | WERI-Rb-1 cell | immortal human anatomical cluster-derived cell line cell |
If they are same term, need to be merged. If not, better to relabel the terms.