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Generic project structure for WordPress website industrialisation.

WordPress project creation helper Latest Stable Version

This repository is an empty wordpress project that can be used to start a new website. It also contains some tools to help project industrialisation (deployment, testing, content manipulation...).

Create a new project

To start a new project using this barebone one, you just need to run :

composer create-project chstudio/wordpress-project [path] [version]
  • [path] is the path to the installation directory, if not defined, a wordpress-project folder will be created in your current path.
  • [version] is the version of the project to use when installing, if not defined, the more recent stable is used, else you can use : dev-master, v0.0.0, ...

You can also use a simple git clone :

git clone https://github.com/CHStudio/wordpress-project.git


To configure database credentials and all the others settings, you can rely to command parameters or create a specific wp-cli.local.yml file at project root.

You must check the WP-CLI configuration handbook for more details.

Example of local configuration :

path: public/wp-cms
color: true

core install:
  title: "WordPress Project !"
  url: http://wordpress-project.dev
  admin_user: stephane
  admin_email: [email protected]

core config:
  dbuser: root
  dbpass: mypass
  dbname: my_database
  extra-php: |
    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
    define( 'WP_POST_REVISIONS', 50 );

Beware, never add your wp-cli.local.yml file to Git, it may contains sensitive information.


This project rely on WP-CLI to perform common tasks.

To install your local environment you must run the following commands :

bin/wp core download
bin/wp core config
bin/wp core install
mv public/wp-cms/wp-config.php public

If your local configuration is not defined, you must pass all the required parameters. You can get more details by running --help flag on each command (will display parameters and command description).

If you haven't defined it, the core install will prompt the generated administrator password, you'll be asked to change it after your first admin panel login.

The last one moves the generated configuration file to your project public root. It's mandatory to use the public/wp-content folder as code container.

When the execution has succeded, you can access your local installation.


You can review some details about this project philosophy here (french) : http://www.24joursdeweb.fr/2014/comment-bien-versionner-son-site-wordpress-avec-git-et-github/

A presentation was made at the first WordCamp in Lyon (france). You can review the video or the slides.


We welcome everyone to contribute to this project. Below are some of the things that you can do to contribute.