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add a collaboration/remote reveal feature
This is very much a nice to have/convenience feature, but makes sense when talking about jobs and you are not face-to-face.
- A job/render would get a context menu entry like "Show this to ...".
- When clicked a window with current monitors list opens.
- The user selects one, clicks OK.
- On the other AfWatch a windows opens with "User XY wants to show you something. Accept?".
- If the user clicks yes, Afwatch scrolls to/highlights the job.
Hi. Browsers&sites uses links to a particular element. I can give a link not only to page, but to any anchor that page has. May be create in afwatch something like "address bar". When you select something it will change to something like "jobs:2". And you can send this link to anybody who has the same farm. We can do it in a webgui at first. Than we can teach afwatch to understand the same links. This way we will be able to exchange selections even between different types of guis.
yes, indeed, but for this i still need to copy it, open a chat client, find the user, copy/paste. Well, I am lazy :D Maybe read this first. Interesting: