script-bakery copied to clipboard
A collection of scripts written by members of CG Cookie to improve their Blender workflow. - here is a real example when I need this (I suppose it's not only a wish of mine) Start in the left 3dVew then try the right while...
If you have more than one object selected when choosing "Add Target" it will add a target for each one. Three selected objects = three targets.
It seems the keymaps are rewritten at each startup, reverting any user changes.
Iteratively "wiggle" (in orientation) a cross section to mimimize it's area. This usually represents the most ideal cross section. sub to do....function to calculate area of a loop. Does this...
One of our testers, Philippe M. is removing major problems with the widget. It's happening to him almost the time. I've not yet been able to repo it, though. He's...
Need good options for visualizing proposed vert counts and connectivity so that when alpha/beta testers run into problems, we can visualize where the problem is arising.
When working on a mesh with deep crevices Contours has a hard time finding the correct surface points: Increasing the vert count has no affect on the result.
The current CGcookie interface_theme script does not seem to work with blender 2.67.1 Obviously isn't a major urgent issue but just to let you know.
This is a low urgency internal micro todo that users will have no effect on user experience and is part of code refactor to happen betwen V1 and V1.x. Currently...
Mesh generation should be possible via the toolbar, allowing users to work without a keyboard if necessary. **Generate** should be disabled until strokes are drawn, to clearly indicate it relies...