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CGAL::Precondition_exception (how can I insert self-intersecting line or lines with intersection?)

Open AliceZhongyueGUAN opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

Please use the following template to help us solving your issue.

Issue Details

CGAL error: precondition violation!
Expression : (m_traits.compare_y_at_x_2_object()(p, cv) == EQUAL) && compare_xy(cv.left(), p) == SMALLER && compare_xy(cv.right(), p) == LARGER
File       : C:\Users\zguan\Desktop\stroke-universe\code\Ciallo\vcpkg_installed\x64-windows\x64-windows\include\CGAL\Arr_segment_traits_2.h
Line       : 611

Source Code

#include "pch.hpp"
#include "ArrangementManager.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include "Stroke.h"

void ArrangementManager::Run()
	// Insertion and update strokes
	auto start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
	for (auto& [strokeE, curve] : UpdateQueue)
		if (CurveHandleContainer.contains(strokeE))
			// Warning: `remove_curve` has been modified to fit our usage!
			CGAL::remove_curve(Arrangement, CurveHandleContainer[strokeE]);
			if (curve.number_of_subcurves() == 0) // indicate remove

		CurveHandleContainer[strokeE] = CGAL::insert(Arrangement, curve); //error line
	chrono::duration<double, std::milli> duration = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start;
	if (LogSpeed)
		spdlog::info("Arrangement Time: {}ms", duration.count());
		LogSpeed = false;


	// Run query
	for (auto& [e, monoCurves] : CachedQueryCurves)
		std::vector<ColorFace> vecPolygons;
		std::vector<CGAL::Face_const_handle> allFaces;
		for (auto& c : monoCurves)
			auto resultFaces = ZoneQueryFace(c);
			allFaces.insert(allFaces.end(), resultFaces.begin(), resultFaces.end());
		std::set uniqueFaces(allFaces.begin(), allFaces.end());
		for (const auto& face : uniqueFaces)
			std::vector<Geom::Polyline> polygonWithHoles = FaceToVec(face);
		QueryResultsContainer[e] = std::move(vecPolygons);

void ArrangementManager::AddOrUpdate(entt::entity strokeE)
	auto& stroke = R.get<Stroke>(strokeE);
	auto pos = RemoveConsecutiveOverlappingPoint(stroke.Position);
	if (pos.size() <= 1)
	UpdateQueue[strokeE] = CurveConstructor(VecToPoints(pos));

void ArrangementManager::Remove(entt::entity strokeE)
	UpdateQueue[strokeE] = CGAL::Curve{};

void ArrangementManager::AddOrUpdateQuery(entt::entity strokeE)
	auto& stroke = R.get<Stroke>(strokeE);
	auto pos = RemoveConsecutiveOverlappingPoint(stroke.Position);
	if (pos.size() <= 1)

	CachedQueryCurves[strokeE] = ConstructXMonotoneCurve(pos);

void ArrangementManager::RemoveQuery(entt::entity strokeE)

Geom::Polyline ArrangementManager::PointQueryVisibility(glm::vec2 p) const
	CGAL::PointLocation::Result_type queryResult = PointLocation.locate({p.x, p.y});
	if (auto faceHandlePtr = boost::get<CGAL::Face_const_handle>(&queryResult))
		CGAL::Face_const_handle face = *faceHandlePtr;

		CGAL::VisOutputArr arr;
		CGAL::VisOutputArr::Face_const_handle output = Visibility.compute_visibility_in_bounded_face({p.x, p.y}, arr);

		auto start = output->outer_ccb();
		auto curr = start;
		Geom::Polyline result;
		while (++curr != start);
		return result;
	return {};

// return a vector of convex polygons
std::vector<Geom::Polyline> ArrangementManager::PointQuery(glm::vec2 p) const
	CGAL::PointLocation::Result_type queryResult = PointLocation.locate({p.x, p.y});
	if (auto faceHandlePtr = boost::get<CGAL::Face_const_handle>(&queryResult))
		CGAL::Face_const_handle face = *faceHandlePtr;
		if (face->is_unbounded())
			return {};
		return FaceToVec(face);
	return {};

// For test usage only
std::vector<std::vector<glm::vec2>> ArrangementManager::ZoneQuery(const CGAL::X_monotone_curve& monoCurve)
	std::vector<CGAL::PointLocation::Result_type> output(256);
	auto beginIt = output.begin();
	auto endIt = CGAL::zone(Arrangement, monoCurve, output.begin(), PointLocation);

	std::vector<std::vector<glm::vec2>> result;
	for (auto it = beginIt; it < endIt; ++it)
		auto polygons = GetConvexPolygonsFromQueryResult(*it);
		result.insert(result.end(), polygons.begin(), polygons.end());
	return result;

// Only unbounded face returned
std::vector<CGAL::Face_const_handle> ArrangementManager::ZoneQueryFace(const CGAL::X_monotone_curve& monoCurve)
	std::vector<CGAL::Face_const_handle> result;
	std::vector<CGAL::PointLocation::Result_type> output(256);
	auto beginIt = output.begin();
	auto endIt = CGAL::zone(Arrangement, monoCurve, beginIt, PointLocation);
	for (auto it = beginIt; it < endIt; ++it)
		if (auto faceHandlePtr = boost::get<CGAL::Face_const_handle>(&*it))
			if (!(*faceHandlePtr)->is_unbounded())

	return result;

std::vector<Geom::Polyline> ArrangementManager::GetConvexPolygonsFromQueryResult(
	const CGAL::PointLocation::Result_type& queryResult)
	// TODO: deal with hole
	if (auto faceHandlePtr = boost::get<CGAL::Face_const_handle>(&queryResult))
		CGAL::Face_const_handle face = *faceHandlePtr;
		if (face->is_unbounded())
			return {};
			// TODO: deal with holes
			std::vector<CGAL::Poly_gon> simplePolygonWithHole = FaceToPolygon(face);
			auto& outer = simplePolygonWithHole[0];

			std::list<CGAL::Poly_gon> partitionResult;
			CGAL::approx_convex_partition_2(outer.vertices_begin(), outer.vertices_end(),

			std::vector<Geom::Polyline> result;
			for (auto& poly : partitionResult)
			return result;
		return {};

std::vector<CGAL::Point> ArrangementManager::VecToPoints(const std::vector<glm::vec2>& vec)
	std::vector<CGAL::Point> points;
	for (auto& p : vec)
		points.emplace_back(p.x, p.y);
	return points;

 * \brief Get the polygon from face.
 * If there is a line inserted into a face but not across it, CGAL will return vertices associated with this line.
 * So we need to eliminate it with a palindromic detection.
 * \param face Face handle to get polygon from.
 * \return index 0 is the boundary, others are holes. Hole is not implemented yet.
std::vector<CGAL::Poly_gon> ArrangementManager::FaceToPolygon(CGAL::Face_const_handle face)
	std::vector<CGAL::Poly_gon> result;

	std::vector<CGAL::Arrangement::Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator> starters;
	for (auto hole = face->holes_begin(); hole != face->holes_end(); ++hole)

	for (auto start : starters)
		auto curr = start;
		bool palindromic = false;

		std::vector<CGAL::Halfedge_const_handle> handles{};
			if (!palindromic)

			if (curr->prev() == curr->twin())
				palindromic = true;

			if (palindromic)
				if (!handles.empty() && curr->twin() == handles.back())
					palindromic = false;
		while (++curr != start);

		if (!handles.empty())
		for (auto halfEdge : handles)
			// it's so annoying that cannot `halfEdge->curve().points_end()-1`
			auto beginIt = halfEdge->curve().points_begin();

			if (halfEdge->source()->point() == *beginIt)
				for (auto it = beginIt; it != --halfEdge->curve().points_end(); ++it)
			else if (halfEdge->source()->point() == *--halfEdge->curve().points_end())
				for (auto it = --halfEdge->curve().points_end(); it != beginIt; --it)
				throw std::runtime_error("Something wrong");

	return result;

 * \brief Get the polygon vector from face.
 *  Dealing with the line inserted. Member function `FaceToPolygon` is dealing with it too.
 * \param face Face handle to get polygon from.
 * \return index 0 is the boundary, others are holes. Hole is not implemented yet.
std::vector<Geom::Polyline> ArrangementManager::FaceToVec(CGAL::Face_const_handle face)
	std::vector<Geom::Polyline> result;
	std::vector<CGAL::Poly_gon> polygonWithHoles = FaceToPolygon(face);

	for (auto& polygon : polygonWithHoles)
	return result;

Geom::Polyline ArrangementManager::PolygonToVec(const CGAL::Poly_gon& polygon)
	Geom::Polyline result;
	for (auto it = polygon.begin(); it != polygon.end(); ++it)
		result.push_back({CGAL::to_double(it->x()), CGAL::to_double(it->y())});
	return result;

std::vector<CGAL::X_monotone_curve> ArrangementManager::ConstructXMonotoneCurve(
	const std::vector<glm::vec2>& polyline)

	std::vector<CGAL::Point> points(polyline.size());
	for (int i = 0; i < polyline.size(); ++i)
		points[i] = {polyline[i].x, polyline[i].y};

	CGAL::Curve curve = CurveConstructor(points);
	using Make_x_monotone_result = boost::variant<CGAL::Point, CGAL::X_monotone_curve>;
	std::list<Make_x_monotone_result> x_objects;
	XMonoMaker(curve, std::back_inserter(x_objects));

	std::vector<CGAL::X_monotone_curve> result;
	for (const auto& x_obj : x_objects) 
		const auto* x_curve = boost::get<CGAL::X_monotone_curve>(&x_obj);
		if (x_curve != nullptr) 
	return result;

std::vector<glm::vec2> ArrangementManager::RemoveConsecutiveOverlappingPoint(std::vector<glm::vec2> polyline)
	auto endIt = std::unique(polyline.begin(), polyline.end());
	polyline.resize(std::distance(polyline.begin(), endIt));
	return polyline;


  • Operating system (Windows/Mac/Linux, 32/64 bits): Windows, 64 biits
  • Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ compiler
  • Release or debug mode:
  • Specific flags used (if any):
  • CGAL version: 5.6
  • Boost version: 1.82.0#2
  • Other libraries versions if used (Eigen, TBB, etc.):

AliceZhongyueGUAN avatar Sep 09 '23 15:09 AliceZhongyueGUAN

How can a line be self intersecting? Please provide a complete minimal program that reproduces the problem. If you are trying to insert a set of curves that might not be pairwise disjoint in their interiors you better use the exec-predicate exact-construction kernel (EPEC).

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On Sat, 9 Sept 2023 at 18:20, 010722 @.***> wrote:

Please use the following template to help us solving your issue. Issue Details

CGAL error: precondition violation! Expression : (m_traits.compare_y_at_x_2_object()(p, cv) == EQUAL) && compare_xy(cv.left(), p) == SMALLER && compare_xy(cv.right(), p) == LARGER File : C:\Users\zguan\Desktop\stroke-universe\code\Ciallo\vcpkg_installed\x64-windows\x64-windows\include\CGAL\Arr_segment_traits_2.h Line : 611 Source Code

#include "pch.hpp" #include "ArrangementManager.h"

#include #include "Stroke.h"

void ArrangementManager::Run() { // Insertion and update strokes auto start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); for (auto& [strokeE, curve] : UpdateQueue) { if (CurveHandleContainer.contains(strokeE)) { // Warning: remove_curve has been modified to fit our usage! CGAL::remove_curve(Arrangement, CurveHandleContainer[strokeE]); if (curve.number_of_subcurves() == 0) // indicate remove { CurveHandleContainer.erase(strokeE); continue; } }

CurveHandleContainer[strokeE] = CGAL::insert(Arrangement, curve); //error line } chrono::duration<double, std::milli> duration = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start; if (LogSpeed) { spdlog::info("Arrangement Time: {}ms", duration.count()); LogSpeed = false; }


QueryResultsContainer.clear(); // Run query for (auto& [e, monoCurves] : CachedQueryCurves) { std::vector<ColorFace> vecPolygons; std::vectorCGAL::Face_const_handle allFaces; for (auto& c : monoCurves) { auto resultFaces = ZoneQueryFace(c); allFaces.insert(allFaces.end(), resultFaces.begin(), resultFaces.end()); } std::set uniqueFaces(allFaces.begin(), allFaces.end()); for (const auto& face : uniqueFaces) { std::vectorGeom::Polyline polygonWithHoles = FaceToVec(face); vecPolygons.emplace_back(polygonWithHoles); } QueryResultsContainer[e] = std::move(vecPolygons); }


void ArrangementManager::AddOrUpdate(entt::entity strokeE) { auto& stroke = R.get(strokeE); auto pos = RemoveConsecutiveOverlappingPoint(stroke.Position); if (pos.size() <= 1) return; UpdateQueue[strokeE] = CurveConstructor(VecToPoints(pos)); }

void ArrangementManager::Remove(entt::entity strokeE) { UpdateQueue[strokeE] = CGAL::Curve{}; }

void ArrangementManager::AddOrUpdateQuery(entt::entity strokeE) { auto& stroke = R.get(strokeE); auto pos = RemoveConsecutiveOverlappingPoint(stroke.Position); if (pos.size() <= 1) return;

CachedQueryCurves[strokeE] = ConstructXMonotoneCurve(pos);


void ArrangementManager::RemoveQuery(entt::entity strokeE) { CachedQueryCurves.erase(strokeE); }

Geom::Polyline ArrangementManager::PointQueryVisibility(glm::vec2 p) const { CGAL::PointLocation::Result_type queryResult = PointLocation.locate({p.x, p.y}); if (auto faceHandlePtr = boost::getCGAL::Face_const_handle(&queryResult)) { CGAL::Face_const_handle face = *faceHandlePtr;

CGAL::VisOutputArr arr; CGAL::VisOutputArr::Face_const_handle output = Visibility.compute_visibility_in_bounded_face({p.x, p.y}, arr);

auto start = output->outer_ccb(); auto curr = start; Geom::Polyline result; do { result.push_back(CGAL::to_double(curr->source()->point().x()), CGAL::to_double(curr->source()->point().y())); } while (++curr != start); return result; } return {};


// return a vector of convex polygons std::vectorGeom::Polyline ArrangementManager::PointQuery(glm::vec2 p) const { CGAL::PointLocation::Result_type queryResult = PointLocation.locate({p.x, p.y}); if (auto faceHandlePtr = boost::getCGAL::Face_const_handle(&queryResult)) { CGAL::Face_const_handle face = *faceHandlePtr; if (face->is_unbounded()) return {}; return FaceToVec(face); } return {}; }

// For test usage only std::vectorstd::vectorglm::vec2 ArrangementManager::ZoneQuery(const CGAL::X_monotone_curve& monoCurve) { std::vectorCGAL::PointLocation::Result_type output(256); auto beginIt = output.begin(); auto endIt = CGAL::zone(Arrangement, monoCurve, output.begin(), PointLocation);

std::vector<std::vectorglm::vec2> result; for (auto it = beginIt; it < endIt; ++it) { auto polygons = GetConvexPolygonsFromQueryResult(*it); result.insert(result.end(), polygons.begin(), polygons.end()); } return result;


// Only unbounded face returned std::vectorCGAL::Face_const_handle ArrangementManager::ZoneQueryFace(const CGAL::X_monotone_curve& monoCurve) { std::vectorCGAL::Face_const_handle result; std::vectorCGAL::PointLocation::Result_type output(256); auto beginIt = output.begin(); auto endIt = CGAL::zone(Arrangement, monoCurve, beginIt, PointLocation); for (auto it = beginIt; it < endIt; ++it) { if (auto faceHandlePtr = boost::getCGAL::Face_const_handle(&*it)) { if (!(*faceHandlePtr)->is_unbounded()) result.push_back(*faceHandlePtr); } }

return result;


std::vectorGeom::Polyline ArrangementManager::GetConvexPolygonsFromQueryResult( const CGAL::PointLocation::Result_type& queryResult) { // TODO: deal with hole if (auto faceHandlePtr = boost::getCGAL::Face_const_handle(&queryResult)) { CGAL::Face_const_handle face = *faceHandlePtr; if (face->is_unbounded()) { return {}; } else { // TODO: deal with holes std::vectorCGAL::Poly_gon simplePolygonWithHole = FaceToPolygon(face); auto& outer = simplePolygonWithHole[0];

  std::list<CGAL::Poly_gon> partitionResult;
  CGAL::approx_convex_partition_2(outer.vertices_begin(), outer.vertices_end(),

  std::vector<Geom::Polyline> result;
  for (auto& poly : partitionResult)
  return result;

} } else { return {}; }


std::vectorCGAL::Point ArrangementManager::VecToPoints(const std::vectorglm::vec2& vec) { std::vectorCGAL::Point points; for (auto& p : vec) { points.emplace_back(p.x, p.y); } return points; }


\brief Get the polygon from face.

If there is a line inserted into a face but not across it, CGAL will return vertices associated with this line.

So we need to eliminate it with a palindromic detection.

\param face Face handle to get polygon from.

\return index 0 is the boundary, others are holes. Hole is not implemented yet. */ std::vectorCGAL::Poly_gon ArrangementManager::FaceToPolygon(CGAL::Face_const_handle face) { std::vectorCGAL::Poly_gon result;

std::vectorCGAL::Arrangement::Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator starters; starters.push_back(face->outer_ccb()); for (auto hole = face->holes_begin(); hole != face->holes_end(); ++hole) { starters.push_back(*hole); }

for (auto start : starters) { auto curr = start; bool palindromic = false;

std::vector<CGAL::Halfedge_const_handle> handles{};
	if (!palindromic)

	if (curr->prev() == curr->twin())
		palindromic = true;

	if (palindromic)
		if (!handles.empty() && curr->twin() == handles.back())
			palindromic = false;
while (++curr != start);

if (!handles.empty())
for (auto halfEdge : handles)
	// it's so annoying that cannot `halfEdge->curve().points_end()-1`
	auto beginIt = halfEdge->curve().points_begin();

	if (halfEdge->source()->point() == *beginIt)
		for (auto it = beginIt; it != --halfEdge->curve().points_end(); ++it)
	else if (halfEdge->source()->point() == *--halfEdge->curve().points_end())
		for (auto it = --halfEdge->curve().points_end(); it != beginIt; --it)
		throw std::runtime_error("Something wrong");


return result; }


\brief Get the polygon vector from face.

Dealing with the line inserted. Member function FaceToPolygon is dealing with it too.

\param face Face handle to get polygon from.

\return index 0 is the boundary, others are holes. Hole is not implemented yet. */ std::vectorGeom::Polyline ArrangementManager::FaceToVec(CGAL::Face_const_handle face) { std::vectorGeom::Polyline result; std::vectorCGAL::Poly_gon polygonWithHoles = FaceToPolygon(face);

for (auto& polygon : polygonWithHoles) { result.push_back(PolygonToVec(polygon)); } return result; }

Geom::Polyline ArrangementManager::PolygonToVec(const CGAL::Poly_gon& polygon) { Geom::Polyline result; for (auto it = polygon.begin(); it != polygon.end(); ++it) { result.push_back({CGAL::to_double(it->x()), CGAL::to_double(it->y())}); } return result; }

std::vectorCGAL::X_monotone_curve ArrangementManager::ConstructXMonotoneCurve( const std::vectorglm::vec2& polyline) {

std::vectorCGAL::Point points(polyline.size()); for (int i = 0; i < polyline.size(); ++i) { points[i] = {polyline[i].x, polyline[i].y}; }

CGAL::Curve curve = CurveConstructor(points); using Make_x_monotone_result = boost::variant<CGAL::Point, CGAL::X_monotone_curve>; std::list<Make_x_monotone_result> x_objects; XMonoMaker(curve, std::back_inserter(x_objects));

std::vectorCGAL::X_monotone_curve result; for (const auto& x_obj : x_objects) { const auto* x_curve = boost::getCGAL::X_monotone_curve(&x_obj); if (x_curve != nullptr) { result.push_back(*x_curve); } } return result;


std::vectorglm::vec2 ArrangementManager::RemoveConsecutiveOverlappingPoint(std::vectorglm::vec2 polyline) { auto endIt = std::unique(polyline.begin(), polyline.end()); polyline.resize(std::distance(polyline.begin(), endIt)); return polyline; } Environment

  • Operating system (Windows/Mac/Linux, 32/64 bits): Windows, 64 biits
  • Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ compiler
  • Release or debug mode:
  • Specific flags used (if any):
  • CGAL version: 5.6
  • Boost version: 1.82.0#2
  • Other libraries versions if used (Eigen, TBB, etc.):

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efifogel avatar Sep 10 '23 08:09 efifogel