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Modular Routers 官中拉取,翻译更新、修正

Open RCqaq opened this issue 2 years ago • 27 comments

  • [x] 我已仔细阅读注意事项 CONTRIBUTING
  • [x] 我已对 PR 作出 标记
  • [x] 我已确认英文原文(如 en_us.json)存在且完整,内容与中文对应;
  • [x] 我已确认提交文件的路径名称正确例子);
    • 如果是 1.12 翻译,应该是:projects/1.12.2/assets/{CurseForge 项目名称}/{ModID}/lang/zh_cn.lang
    • 如果是 1.16 及以上的翻译,应该是:projects/{版本}/assets/{CurseForge 项目名称}/{ModID}/lang/zh_cn.json
  • [x] 我已阅读并同意许可协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议
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RCqaq avatar Jun 07 '22 01:06 RCqaq

模组 🔗 链接 :art: 相关文件
Modular Routers :mag: 源代码   | 🟩 MCMOD | :file_folder: 对比(Azusa)
最新模组文件1.19.3/🅱 modular-routers-1.19.3-11.0.0-5
1.19/🅱 modular-routers-1.19-10.0.0-96
1.18.2/🅱 modular-routers-1.18.2-9.1.0-2
1.18.1/🅱 modular-routers-1.18.1-9.0.2-85
1.18.1/🅱 modular-routers-1.18.1-9.0.1-79
1.18/🅱 modular-routers-1.18-9.0.0-76
1.16.5/🅱 modular-routers-1.16.5-7.5.0-59
1.16.3/🅱 modular-routers-1.16.3-7.1.0-35
1.16.1/🅱 modular-routers-1.16.1-7.0.0-24

:floppy_disk: 基于此 PR 所打包的资源包:

modularrouters Mod Domain 验证通过。 ℹ modularrouters-1.16 语言文件验证通过。 ⚠ 警告:PR 中 modularrouters-1.16 的英文语言文件与最新模组 modular-routers-1.16.5-7.5.46.jar 内的英文语言文件不对应。自动获取的文件只能反映大多数情况,可能并不需要更新文件。如果你认为英文语言文件确实需要更新到上面的版本,可以使用命令 /update-en modular-routers 1.16 来更新。

  • 英文语言文件有 1 个 Key 多于模组内语言文件。例如:
    • 行 238-itemGroup.modularrouters
  • 模组内语言文件有 2 个 Key 多于英文语言文件。例如:
    • 行 81-modularrouters._comment
    • 行 239-modularrouters.itemGroup.modularrouters

modularrouters Mod Domain 验证通过。 ℹ modularrouters-1.18 语言文件验证通过。 ⚠ 警告:PR 中 modularrouters-1.18 的英文语言文件与最新模组 modular-routers-1.18.2-9.1.2.jar 内的英文语言文件不对应。自动获取的文件只能反映大多数情况,可能并不需要更新文件。如果你认为英文语言文件确实需要更新到上面的版本,可以使用命令 /update-en modular-routers 1.18 来更新。

  • 模组内语言文件有 1 个 Key 多于英文语言文件。例如:
    • 行 81-modularrouters._comment

modularrouters Mod Domain 验证通过。 ℹ modularrouters-1.19 语言文件验证通过。 ℹ modularrouters-1.19 模组内语言文件验证通过。

ℹ 注意:检测到可能的争议译名:速度,请注意区分 1.19.4 后的速度(属性)与迅捷(状态效果)。例如行 "item.modularrouters.speed_upgrade": "速度升级",。 ℹ 注意:检测到可能的争议译名:末影,可能是末地,具体请参考英文原文Ender/End)。例如行 "modularrouters.guiText.label.playerSect.ENDER": "末影物品栏",

详细检查报告 开始检查 modularrouters 1.16
modularrouters-1.16 中文语言文件共有 354 个 Key; 英文语言文件共有 354 个 Key
modularrouters-1.16 模组内语言文件共有 355 个 Key;
英文多于模组内的 Key: 

模组内多于英文的 Key: 

开始检查 modularrouters 1.18
modularrouters-1.18 中文语言文件共有 354 个 Key; 英文语言文件共有 354 个 Key
modularrouters-1.18 模组内语言文件共有 355 个 Key;
模组内多于英文的 Key: 

开始检查 modularrouters 1.19
modularrouters-1.19 中文语言文件共有 357 个 Key; 英文语言文件共有 357 个 Key
modularrouters-1.19 模组内语言文件共有 357 个 Key;
检测到争议译名:速度 projects/1.19/assets/modular-routers/modularrouters/lang/zh_cn.json-0:   "item.modularrouters.speed_upgrade": "速度升级",
检测到争议译名:速度 projects/1.19/assets/modular-routers/modularrouters/lang/zh_cn.json-0:   "modularrouters.gui.config.baseTickRate": "基本路由器速率(无速度升级)",
检测到争议译名:速度 projects/1.19/assets/modular-routers/modularrouters/lang/zh_cn.json-0:   "modularrouters.gui.config.ticksPerUpgrade": "每次速度升级加速的值",
检测到争议译名:末影 projects/1.19/assets/modular-routers/modularrouters/lang/zh_cn.json-0:   "modularrouters.guiText.label.playerSect.ENDER": "末影物品栏",
检测到争议译名:速度 projects/1.19/assets/modular-routers/modularrouters/lang/zh_cn.json-0:   "modularrouters.guiText.popup.flinger.speed": "§a§n抛射速度 ${br} ${br}§r这是路由器将物品扔出去时物品飞出去${br}的速度。 ${br} ${br}用一个粗糙的例子来说明,以1.0速度${br}和30°角度扔出去的物品(模块朝向${br}水平方向)会落在2格远的地方。",
检测到争议译名:速度 projects/1.19/assets/modular-routers/modularrouters/lang/zh_cn.json-0:   "modularrouters.guiText.tooltip.eco.true": "节能模式 §a开 ${br}§7如果路由器进入空闲的时间大于%f秒,它将进入低耗模式,每%f秒检测运行一次。在重新开始处理任何物品时,它将回到正常运行速度。",
检测到争议译名:速度 projects/1.19/assets/modular-routers/modularrouters/lang/zh_cn.json-0:   "modularrouters.guiText.tooltip.flinger.speed": "§b投掷速度(%f → %f)",
检测到争议译名:速度 projects/1.19/assets/modular-routers/modularrouters/lang/zh_cn.json-0:   "modularrouters.guiText.tooltip.fluidTransferTooltip": "§b最大流体转移${br}你希望的一次操作能转移的流体的最大值(单位:mB)。这仍然受限于路由器的总传输速率(流体和速度升级)",
检测到争议译名:速度 projects/1.19/assets/modular-routers/modularrouters/lang/zh_cn.json-0:   "modularrouters.itemText.misc.flingerDetails": "§e投掷速度:§b%f§f | §e俯仰角:§b%f§f | §e偏转角:§b%f",
检测到争议译名:速度 projects/1.19/assets/modular-routers/modularrouters/lang/zh_cn.json-0:   "modularrouters.itemText.usage.item.flinger_module": "从路由器的缓存区中将物品长距离投掷到世界。 可以在模块的GUI中调整投掷的速度与距离,仰角与偏角。",
检测到争议译名:速度 projects/1.19/assets/modular-routers/modularrouters/lang/zh_cn.json-0:   "modularrouters.itemText.usage.item.speed_upgrade": "提高路由器工作间隔的速度。${br}• 路由器每隔%.02f秒(%d刻)工作一次${br}• 升级最多可以放置:%d个",
检测到争议译名:速度 projects/1.19/assets/modular-routers/modularrouters/lang/zh_cn.json-0:   "modularrouters.itemText.usage.item.sync_upgrade": "同步激活路由器${br}• 右击:打开调整GUI${br}• 潜行+右击:调整为随机值。${br}• 所有具有相同调整值的同步升级(和相同数量的速度升级)的路由器将以相同的频率运行。",

上方的译名检测仅有参考价值,可能并没有实际错误。请在修改前仔细斟酌! 报告也可以在 这里 查看。在 PR 更新时这里的检查也会自动更新。

🔛 转到复杂文件 Diff

🔛 语言文件 Diff 内容过长,已经上传至 https://gist.github.com/Cyl18-Bot/6da772c5a663340e9075d2b3d1190af7


  • [ ] 🔄 勾选这个复选框来强制刷新

cfpa-bot[bot] avatar Jun 07 '22 01:06 cfpa-bot[bot]


建议开issue集中讨论如何统一MK:https://github.com/CFPAOrg/Minecraft-Mod-Language-Package/pull/2047#discussion_r890215515 https://github.com/CFPAOrg/Minecraft-Mod-Language-Package/pull/1829#issuecomment-1096048063

n0099 avatar Jun 07 '22 07:06 n0099

空格到底如何处理? 以及tick在句子里真的不顺眼,尤其和数字接在一块。

RCqaq avatar Jun 24 '22 16:06 RCqaq

空格到底如何处理? 以及tick在句子里真的不顺眼,尤其和数字接在一块。

空格遵前管理通知 image

tick 的四个替代:

  • t
  • 游戏刻
  • 换算成秒(实际上不严谨,刻和秒的进率不恒定)

mamaruo avatar Jun 24 '22 17:06 mamaruo


n0099 avatar Jun 24 '22 18:06 n0099


mamaruo avatar Jun 25 '22 17:06 mamaruo


mamaruo avatar Jun 25 '22 17:06 mamaruo


Cyl18 avatar Jun 25 '22 21:06 Cyl18

@Cyl18 回复内容过长,已经上传至https://gist.github.com/48b5777c90751129c81a2767cb2e966e

cfpa-bot[bot] avatar Jun 25 '22 21:06 cfpa-bot[bot]


Cyl18 avatar Jun 25 '22 21:06 Cyl18

@Cyl18 回复内容过长,已经上传至https://gist.github.com/bfeeff940906efb812947d03e226987a

cfpa-bot[bot] avatar Jun 25 '22 21:06 cfpa-bot[bot]


Cyl18 avatar Jun 27 '22 03:06 Cyl18

@Cyl18 回复内容过长,已经上传至https://gist.github.com/30fe60989f92c355ed8385bc60ea873f

cfpa-bot[bot] avatar Jun 27 '22 03:06 cfpa-bot[bot]

随便看了看。 这是在1.12的基础上改的吗。 哦,官中拉取。我们库里有一份 1.12 的。




RCqaq avatar Jul 27 '22 12:07 RCqaq



RCqaq avatar Jul 27 '22 12:07 RCqaq

我看了一下,这模组有帕秋莉 如果我有兴趣(肝)的话,晚点补了

RCqaq avatar Jul 27 '22 13:07 RCqaq


mamaruo avatar Jul 27 '22 16:07 mamaruo



以下内容由程序从文件中提取,可能有遗漏。 点击向右三角展开该 category 详情

category: augments

Module Augments can be installed in Modules to enhance or extend their functionality

name: Fast Pickup Augment / 快速拾取拓展(fast_pickup.json

Fast Pickup Augment 快速拾取拓展
📚 第1页(type: text) This augment can only be added to the $(l:modules/vacuum)Vacuum Module/$. It allows the Vacuum Module to ignore the normal pickup delay on dropped items - 40 ticks for items dropped by players, and 10 ticks for items dropped by other means (e.g. sheep shearing) - and pick up items as soon as it sees them.$(p)A max of one Fast Pickup Augment can be added.
title: ⚪无 / 该拓展只能被添加至$(l:modules/vacuum)真空模块/$中。它可以使真空模块无视掉落物品的正常拾取延迟——玩家投掷的物品有 40 刻的延迟,其它手段投掷的物品有 10 刻的延迟(例如绵羊剪毛)——并且一旦见到物品就会捡起。$(p)最多可以添加一个快速拾取拓展。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Mimic Augment / 模仿拓展(mimic.json

Mimic Augment 模仿拓展
📚 第1页(type: text) This augment can only be added to the $(l:modules/extruder_2)Extruder Module Mk2/$.$(p)When present, any fake blocks extruded by the module take on the properties of the faked block, e.g. $(item)Obsidian/$ is hard to break, $(item)Glowstone/$ emits light, and $(item)Redstone Blocks/$ emit a redstone signal.
title: ⚪无 / 该拓展只能被添加至$(l:modules/extruder_2)挤出模块 2 型/$中。$(p)添加后,任何由模块挤出的假方块都会有此方块的特性,例如$(item)黑曜石/$难以被破坏、$(item)荧石/$会发光,以及$(item)红石块/$会发出红石信号。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Pickup Delay Augment / 延迟拾取拓展(pickup_delay.json

Pickup Delay Augment 延迟拾取拓展
📚 第1页(type: text) This augment can only be added to the $(l:modules/dropper)Dropper/$ and $(l:modules/flinger)Flinger/$ modules.$(p)It can be stacked; each augment added will increase the pickup delay on dropped/flung items by 10 ticks (0.5 sec). This can be useful if you don't want players accidentally picking up nearby dropped items, for example.
title: ⚪无 / 该拓展只能被添加至$(l:modules/dropper)投掷器/$和$(l:modules/flinger)投掷/$模块中。$(p)它可以堆叠;每添加一个拓展,投掷的物品就会增加 10 刻(0.5 秒)的拾取延迟。举个例子,这对防止玩家意外捡起附近的掉落物品来说非常有用。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Pushing Augment / 推动拓展(pushing.json

Pushing Augment 推动拓展
📚 第1页(type: text) This augment can only be added to the $(l:modules/extruder_1)Extruder Mk1/$ and $(l:modules/extruder_2)Extruder Mk2/$ modules.$(p)It can be stacked; each augment increases the force that entities are shoved when the module extrudes a block.
title: ⚪无 / 该拓展只能被添加至$(l:modules/extruder_1)挤出 1 型/$和$(l:modules/extruder_2)挤出 2 型/$模块中。$(p)它可以堆叠;每个拓展都会增加模块挤出方块时推动实体的推力。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Range Down Augment / 范围缩小拓展(range_down.json

Range Down Augment 范围缩小拓展
📚 第1页(type: text) This augment can be added to any module which has a range (Sender $(l:modules/sender_1)Mk1/$ / $(l:modules/sender_2)Mk2/$, Puller $(l:modules/puller_1)Mk1/$ / $(l:modules/puller_2)Mk2/$, Extruder $(l:modules/extruder_1)Mk1/$ / $(l:modules/extruder_2)Mk2/$, $(l:modules/fluid_2)Fluid Mk2/$, $(l:modules/vacuum)Vacuum/$).$(p)It can be stacked; each augment will reduce the range of the module by one block.$(p)This is probably only useful in conjunction with the $(l:modules/vacuum)Vacuum Module/$, to control the range it scans for items.
title: ⚪无 / 该拓展只能被添加至有范围的模块中(发送$(l:modules/sender_1)1 型/$ / $(l:modules/sender_2)2 型/$、抽取$(l:modules/puller_1)1 型/$ / $(l:modules/puller_2)2 型/$、挤出$(l:modules/extruder_1)1 型/$ / $(l:modules/extruder_2)2 型/$、$(l:modules/fluid_2)流体 2 型/$、$(l:modules/vacuum)真空/$)。$(p)它可以堆叠;每个拓展都会降低一格模块的范围。$(p)此拓展可能与$(l:modules/vacuum)真空模块/$一起使用效果较好,用于控制模块扫描物品的范围。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Range Up Augment / 范围扩大拓展(range_up.json

Range Up Augment 范围扩大拓展
📚 第1页(type: text) This augment can be added to any module which has a range (Sender $(l:modules/sender_1)Mk1/$ / $(l:modules/sender_2)Mk2/$, Puller $(l:modules/puller_1)Mk1/$ / $(l:modules/puller_2)Mk2/$, Extruder $(l:modules/extruder_1)Mk1/$ / $(l:modules/extruder_2)Mk2/$, $(l:modules/fluid_2)Fluid Mk2/$, $(l:modules/vacuum)Vacuum/$).$(p)It can be stacked; each augment will increase the range of the module by one block.
title: ⚪无 / 该拓展只能被添加至有范围的模块中(发送$(l:modules/sender_1)1 型/$ / $(l:modules/sender_2)2 型/$、抽取$(l:modules/puller_1)1 型/$ / $(l:modules/puller_2)2 型/$、挤出$(l:modules/extruder_1)1 型/$ / $(l:modules/extruder_2)2 型/$、$(l:modules/fluid_2)流体 2 型/$、$(l:modules/vacuum)真空/$)。$(p)它可以堆叠;每个拓展都会增加一格模块的范围。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Redstone Augment / 红石拓展(redstone.json

Redstone Augment 红石拓展
📚 第1页(type: text) This augment can be added to any module.$(p)Normally, modules are run when the router runs, no questions asked. However, if this augment is added to a module, that module can define its own redstone behaviour; an extra button is added to the module's GUI to control this.
title: ⚪无 / 该拓展可以被添加至任意模块。$(p)通常,模块会在路由器运行时运行,没有任何异议。然而,如果将此拓展添加到模块中,可使模块定义自己的红石行为;模块的 GUI 中会添加一个额外的按钮用于控制红石行为。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Regulator Augment / 调节拓展(regulator.json

Regulator Augment 调节拓展
📚 第1页(type: text) This augment allows for precise control over how many items may be sent to or pulled from an inventory, or the router's buffer.$(p)When a module has a Regulator Augment, you will see an extra numeric textfield in its GUI where you can configure a limit. This limit is interpreted differently depending on the particular module:
title: ⚪无 / 该拓展可以精确控制从容器或路由器缓冲区中输入或输出的物品量。$(p)当模块安装调节拓展时,你会看到其 GUI 中有额外的数字文本框供你配置限度。此限度在特定的模块上有着不同的解释:
📚 第2页(type: text) $(li)For the Sender $(l:modules/sender_1)Mk1/$ / $(l:modules/sender_2)Mk2/$ / $(l:modules/sender_3)Mk3/$ Modules and $(l:modules/player)Player Module/$ (in insert mode), the modules will only send an item to the inventory if there are fewer than the configured number of that item already in the inventory.$(li)For the Puller $(l:modules/puller_1)Mk1/$ / $(l:modules/puller_2)Mk2/$ and $(l:modules/player)Player Module/$ (in extract mode), the modules will only pull an item from the inventory if there are more than the configured number of that item in the inventory.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)对于发送$(l:modules/sender_1)1 型/$ / $(l:modules/sender_2)2 型/$ / $(l:modules/sender_3)3 型/$模块和$(l:modules/player)玩家模块/$(输入模式)来说,只有当容器中该物品的数量小于配置的数字时,模块才会向容器发送物品。$(li)对于抽取$(l:modules/puller_1)1 型/$ / $(l:modules/puller_2)2 型/$和$(l:modules/player)玩家模块/$(提取模式)来说,只有当容器中的该物品的数量大于配置的数字时,模块才会从容器中抽取物品。
📚 第3页(type: text) $(li)For the $(l:modules/dropper)Dropper/$, $(l:modules/flinger)Flinger/$, $(l:modules/placer)Placer/$ & $(l:modules/void)Void/$ Modules, the modules will only run if there are more than the configured number of that item in the router's buffer.$(li)For the $(l:modules/breaker)Breaker/$ & $(l:modules/vacuum)Vacuum/$ Modules, the modules will only run if there are fewer than the configured number of that item in the router's buffer.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)对于$(l:modules/dropper)投掷器/$、$(l:modules/flinger)投掷/$、$(l:modules/placer)放置/$和$(l:modules/void)销毁/$模块来说,只有当路由器缓存区的物品数量大于配置的数字时模块才会运作。$(li)对于$(l:modules/breaker)破坏/$和$(l:modules/vacuum)真空/$模块来说,只有当路由器缓存区的物品数量小于配置的数字时模块才会运作。
📚 第4页(type: text) $(li)For the Fluid $(l:modules/fluid)Mk1/$ / $(l:modules/fluid_2)Mk2/$ modules, the limit can be a percentage of the target tank's capacity or an absolute amount in mB (selectable in the GUI) rather than a number of items. When pulling fluid, the module will only run if there is $(italic)more/$ fluid in the target than the configured amount; when pushing fluid, it will only run if there is $(italic)less/$ fluid than the configured amount.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)对于流体$(l:modules/fluid)1 型/$ / $(l:modules/fluid_2)2 型/$模块来说,限度可以是目标储罐容量或以mB为单位的绝对值(在 GUI 中可选)的百分比,而不是物品数量。当抽取流体时,只有当目标中流体$(italic)多于/$配置的量时模块才会运作;当输出流体时,只有当目标中流体$(italic)少于/$配置的量时模块才会运作。
📚 第5页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Stack Augment / 堆叠拓展(stack.json

Stack Augment 堆叠拓展
📚 第1页(type: text) This module can be added to any module which handles $(italic)items/$ (as opposed to $(italic)blocks/$, $(italic)fluids/$ or $(italic)energy/$).$(p)Adding Stack Augments to a module increases the number of items it can process per tick; each Stack Augment doubles the number of items, up to a maximum of the item's natural stack size (64 for most items).
title: ⚪无 / 该模块可以被添加至任何可以处理$(italic)物品/$(与$(italic)方块/$、$(italic)流体/$或$(italic)能量/$相对)的模块中。$(p)向模块中添加堆叠拓展可以增加模块每游戏能够处理的物品数量;每个堆叠拓展可使物品数量翻倍,最大上限为物品的自然堆叠大小(大多数物品为 64)。
📚 第2页(type: text) If the $(l:router/item_router)router/$ also has $(l:upgrades/stack)Stack Upgrades/$ installed, the module's Stack Augments will override that; e.g. if a router has 6 Stack Upgrades, and a module has 2 Stack Augments, the module will process 4 items per tick, not 64.
title: ⚪无 / 如果$(l:router/item_router)路由器/$同时安装了$(l:upgrades/stack)堆叠升级/$,模块中的堆叠拓展会覆盖它;比如说,如果路由器有 6 个堆叠升级,而模块有 2 个堆叠拓展,模块每游戏刻只会处理 4 个物品,而不是 64 个。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: XP Vacuum Augment / 经验真空拓展(xp_vacuum.json

XP Vacuum Augment 经验真空拓展
📚 第1页(type: text) This augment can only be added to a $(l:modules/vacuum)Vacuum Module/$.$(p)When this augment is added, the Vacuum Module will absorb experience orbs instead of items. The orbs will be converted into $(item)Bottles o' Enchanting/$ at the rate of 7XP per bottle (which is the average amount of XP gained by breaking a Bottle o' Enchanting).
title: ⚪无 / 该拓展只能被添加至$(l:modules/vacuum)真空模块中/$。$(p)添加该拓展后,真空模块将会吸收经验球,而不是物品。经验球将会以每瓶 7 经验的倍率(摔碎附魔之瓶得到的平均经验值)转化为$(item)附魔之瓶/$。
📚 第2页(type: text) Depending on what other mods are installed, it might also be possible to convert orbs into XP fluids. This requires that either a fluid-containing tank is in the router's buffer, or adjacent to the router. In the latter case, ensure that the $(bold)Eject/$ button is enabled in the Vacuum Module's GUI.
title: ⚪无 / 取决于安装的其他模组,该拓展也有可能将经验球转化为经验流体。这需要路由器的缓存区或相邻处有一个流体储罐。在后一种情况下,请确保真空模块 GUI 中的$(bold)输出/$按钮为开启状态。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪
category: filters

Smart Filters are a group of filter items, which can be placed in any module's filter slots instead of a normal item, and provide more sophisticated item matching features.

name: Bulk Item Filter / 批量物品过滤器(bulk_item.json

Bulk Item Filter 批量物品过滤器
📚 第1页(type: text) This filter allows for high-performance matching of up to 54 different items, including optional NBT matching. The Bulk Item Filter can be configured in a few different ways:$(p)$(li)$(thing)Sneak+Right-click/$ the filter against any inventory to merge a copy of that inventory's contents into the filter.
title: ⚪无 / 该过滤器可以进行高达 54 种不同物品的高性能匹配,包括可选的 NBT 匹配。批量物品过滤器可以一些别样的方式进行配置:$(p)$(li)用过滤器$(thing)潜行+右击/$任意容器将容器内物品的副本合并至过滤器中。
📚 第2页(type: text) $(li)$(thing)Right-click/$ the filter to open a GUI showing the items currently in the filter. You can add (ghost copies of) items to the filter here, click items to remove them, or press the red $(bold)$(4)X/$ button to clear the filter completely.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)$(thing)右击/$过滤器以打开显示目前过滤物品的 GUI。你可以添加物品(的副本)至过滤器,点击物品来移除它们,或按红色的$(bold)$(4)“X”/$按钮来彻底清除过滤器。
📚 第3页(type: text) $(li)When the filter is in a module that is in a router, you can open the filter's GUI by middle-clicking it, or pressing $(bold)$(4)[$(k:modularrouters.configure)]/$ over it.$(p)$(bold)If/$ the module has a valid inventory targeted, two extra buttons appear on the GUI: a green $(bold)$(2)+/$ button to $(italic)merge/$ the target inventory's items, and a blue $(bold)$(1)=/$ button to $(italic)load/$ the target inventory's items (overwriting the filter's current contents).
title: ⚪无 / $(li)当过滤器在路由器里的模块中时,你可以将鼠标悬停在其上方并按鼠标中键或$(bold)$(4)[$(k:modularrouters.configure)]/$打开过滤器的 GUI。$(p)$(bold)如果/$模块找到了有效的容器,GUI 中将会出现两个额外的按钮:一个用于$(italic)合并/$目标容器物品的绿色$(bold)$(2)“+”/$按钮,以及一个用于$(italic)加载/$(覆盖过滤器的当前内容)目标容器物品的蓝色$(bold)$(1)“=”/$按钮。
📚 第4页(type: text) This last configuration method is particularly useful combined with a $(l:modules/sender_2)Sender Module/$ to implement a sorting system, since the Bulk Item Filter will remember what should be in an inventory, even if the actual inventory later gets emptied.
title: ⚪无 / 最后一种配置手段非常适合用于和$(l:modules/sender_2)发送模块/$结合以实现分类系统,因为批量物品过滤器可以记住容器中应有的物品,即使后续容器被取空。
📚 第5页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Inspection Filter / 检测过滤器(inspection.json

Inspection Filter 检测过滤器
📚 第1页(type: text) This filter allows for matching of items by various miscellaneous integer properties of the item. The current inspections supported are:$(li)For fluid container items (buckets, tanks...), the fluid level as a percentage.$(li)For energy container items (batteries, powered tools...), the energy level as a percentage.
title: ⚪无 / 该过滤器可以按物品的各种杂项整型属性匹配物品。目前支持的检测有:$(li)流体容器物品(桶、储罐……)的流体储量百分比。$(li)能量容器物品(电池、电力工具……)的能量储量百分比。
📚 第2页(type: text) $(li)The highest enchantment level of enchantments on the item (can be used to filter out enchanted items, e.g. from a mob farm)$(li)The durability of items (tools, weapons) as a percentage of the max durability.$(li)For edible items, the food value as the number of half-shanks restored (e.g. steak has a value of 8).
title: ⚪无 / $(li)物品上魔咒的最高魔咒等级(可以用于过滤附魔物品,比如从刷怪塔中来的物品)$(li)物品(工具、武器)的耐久度与最大耐久度百分比。$(li)可食用物品的食物营养价值,恢复多少半个鸡腿的数量(例如牛排的值为 8)。
📚 第3页(type: text) For items which don't have the inspected property at all, the returned value will always be -1, e.g. a piece of $(item)Cobblestone/$ has a durability value of -1. This is distinct from a 0 return, since a tool with <1% durability remaining would return a value of 0.$(p)This filter can be useful to automatically pull out damaged or discharged items for repair/recharging, etc.
title: ⚪无 / 没有检测属性的物品,返回值将会永远为 -1,比如一块$(item)圆石/$的耐久度值为 -1。这与 0 返回值不同,因为有着小于 1% 耐久度的工具会返回 0 这个值。$(p)该过滤器非常适合自动抽取损坏或没电的物品,进行修复/充电,等等。
📚 第4页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Mod Filter / 模组过滤器(mod.json

Mod Filter 模组过滤器
📚 第1页(type: text) This filter allows for matching of items by the mod they belong to. Up to 6 mods can be added per installed filter.$(li)$(thing)Right-click/$ the filter to open its GUI (or $(thing)middle-click/$ / press $(bold)$(4)[$(k:modularrouters.configure)]/$ on a filter which is installed in a module).
title: ⚪无 / 该过滤器可以按物品属于的模组匹配物品。每个过滤器最多可以添加 6 个模组。$(li)$(thing)右击/$过滤器以打开其GUI(也可以对安装在模块中的过滤器按$(thing)鼠标中键/$ / $(bold)$(4)[$(k:modularrouters.configure)]/$ )。
📚 第2页(type: text) $(li)Drop any item into the item slot in the top-left corner of the GUI. The item's mod name will be displayed to the right. Click the $(bold)$(2)+/$ button to add it to the mod list below.$(li)Click the red $(bold)$(4)X/$ button beside an entry to remove that mod from the list.$(p)Vanilla items can be added too, and their "mod" will be shown as $(italic)Minecraft/$.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)将任意物品放入GUI左上角的物品栏位中。物品的模组名称将会显示在右方。点击$(bold)$(2)“+”/$按钮将其添加至下方的模组列表中。$(li)点击条目旁的红色$(bold)$(4)“X”/$按钮将模组从列表中移除。$(p)原版物品也可以被添加,它们的“模组”名称将会显示为$(italic)Minecraft/$。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Regex Filter / 正则表达式过滤器(regex.json

Regex Filter 正则表达式过滤器
📚 第1页(type: text) This filter allows for matching of blocks and items with a regular expression, against the item's $(strong)registry name/$. Regular expressions are very powerful, but take some learning to unlock their full potential. However, basic regex usage isn't too difficult. There are many websites with tutorial information on regular expressions, e.g. $(l:https://regexone.com/)RegexOne/$.
title: ⚪无 / 该过滤器可以用正则表达式匹配物品和方块,和物品的$(strong)注册名/$进行比对。正则表达式非常强大,但需要花一些时间进行学习才能解锁其全部潜力。不过,基础的正则表达式运用并不是很困难。有许多网站都有关于正则表达式的教程信息,例如$(l:https://regexone.com/)RegexOne/$。
📚 第2页(type: text) Because item filtering is done purely on the server, it can't know for sure what an item's displayed text is. Therefore, all filtering matches are made against the item's internal $(thing)registry name/$. You can find this registry name by toggling on advanced tooltip display with $(thing)F3+H/$.$(p)Note that matching is done against only the part of the registry name $(italic)after/$ the colon.
title: Registry Names / 注册名 因为物品过滤是完全在服务器中进行的,因此无法确保物品的显示文本是什么。因此,所有过滤都会按照物品的内部$(thing)注册名/$进行比对。你可以通过按$(thing)F3+H/$开启高级提示框来查看其注册名。$(p)请注意,匹配只会比对冒号$(italic)后/$的部分。
📚 第3页(type: text) $(thing)To open the module GUI, $(thing)right-click/$ the filter, or $(thing)middle-click/$ / press $(bold)$(4)[$(k:modularrouters.configure)]/$ on a filter which is installed in a module.$(li)Type your regex into the textfield at the top, and hit $(thing)Return/$ or click the green $(bold)$(2)+/$ button. Your regex will be added to the list, assuming its syntax is valid. You can have up to 6 entries in one filter.$(li)Click the red $(bold)$(4)X/$ next to any regex to remove it from the list.$(li)Matches are case-insensitive.
title: ⚪无 / $(thing)$(thing)右击/$过滤器,或对安装在模块中的过滤器按$(thing)鼠标中键/$ / $(bold)$(4)[$(k:modularrouters.configure)]/$来打开模块GUI。$(li)在顶部的文本框中输入正则表达式,然后按$(thing)回车键/$或点击绿色的$(bold)$(2)“+”/$按钮。假设语法正确,你的正则表达式将会添加到列表中。一个过滤器中最多有 6 个条目。$(li)点击任意正则表达式旁的红色$(bold)$(4)“X”/$将其从列表中移除。$(li)匹配不区分大小写。
📚 第4页(type: text) A regex of 'ore' will match any items with 'ore' in their registry name ("iron_ore", "gold_ore", "redstone_ore"). Unfortunately, it will also match "drill_core", but you can avoid this by using a regex of $(1)_ore/$. To be even more specific, you could use $(1)_ore$/$, which also ensures that the string "_ore" is at the end of the item's registry name.
title: Example 1 / 示例 1 正则表达式'ore'会匹配所有注册名中含有'ore'的物品("iron_ore"、"gold_ore"、"redstone_ore")。不幸的是,它也会匹配"drill_core",你可以通过使用正则表达式$(1)_ore/$来避免这种情况。想要更精确,你可以使用$(1)_ore$/$,这可以确保字符串"_ore"在物品注册名的结尾。
📚 第5页(type: text) Configure a $(l:modules/player)Player Module/$ to extract from the player's main inventory, and put a regex filter containing $(1)_ore/$ in the module. This can be used to extract any ores from your inventory, regardless of where you are, into your ore processing system; very handy if you're mining far from your base and you want ores that you've mined to be sent home immediately.
title: Example 2 / 示例 2 配置一个$(l:modules/player)玩家模块/$让它从玩家的主物品栏中提取物品,并在模块中放一个含有$(1)_ore/$的正则表达式过滤器。这可以用于提取任何来自你物品栏中的矿石,无论你身在何地,并将它们放到矿石处理系统中;如果你在离你基底很远的地方采矿,并且你想要让采掘的矿物立即送回家,这会很方便。
📚 第6页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪
category: intro

Welcome to $(modr) !

name: Augments / 拓展(augments.json

Augments 拓展
📚 第1页(type: text) $(thing)Augments/$ are like $(l:intro/upgrades)upgrades/$ but are inserted into a $(l:intro/modules)module/$ rather than a $(l:intro/item_router)Modular Router/$. Each module has slots for 4 augments (some augments can be stacked). Augments enhance or extend a module's functionality in various ways.
title: ⚪无 / $(thing)拓展/$和$(l:intro/upgrades)升级/$相似,但用于$(l:intro/modules)模块/$而不是$(l:intro/item_router)模块化路由器/$。每个模块都有可以安装 4 个拓展的栏位(一些拓展可以堆叠)。拓展可以各种方式增强或拓展模块的功能。
📚 第2页(type: image) $(italic)A Vacuum Module with 6 Range Up augments and an XP Vacuum augment/$
title: ⚪无 / $(italic)一个带有 6 个范围扩大拓展和经验真空拓展的真空模块/$

name: Smart Filters / 智能过滤器(filters.json

Smart Filters 智能过滤器
📚 第1页(type: text) $(thing)Smart Filters/$ can be inserted into a $(l:intro/modules)module's/$ filter slots in place of regular items. Instead of just trying to match against the item directly, filters have special matching functionality.$(p)For example, the $(l:filters/bulk_item)Bulk Item Filter/$ can efficiently match against up to 54 different items, and its items can be configured from an existing inventory.
title: ⚪无 / $(thing)智能过滤器/$可以代替常规物品放入$(l:intro/modules)模块/$的过滤器栏位中。和直接匹配物品不同,过滤器有特殊的匹配功能。$(p)比方说,$(l:filters/bulk_item)批量物品过滤器/$可以高效的匹配 54 种不同的物品,且其物品可以直接从现有容器中配置。
📚 第2页(type: image) $(italic)Bulk Item Filter installed in a Puller Mk2 Module/$
title: ⚪无 / $(italic)安装在抽取模块 2 型中的批量物品过滤器/$

name: Modular Router Overview / 模块化路由器总览(item_router.json

Modular Router Overview 模块化路由器总览
📚 第1页(type: text) The $(item)Modular Router/$ is the central block of the routing system. By itself, it does nothing other than serve as a one-slot inventory (which can be piped into and out of by hoppers and other mod piping systems).$(p)To do anything useful with a router, however, you need to install one or more (up to nine) $(l:intro/modules)Modules/$.
title: ⚪无 / $(item)模块化路由器/$是路由系统的核心方块。仅凭路由器自己,它最多只能提供一个栏位的物品栏(可以通过漏斗和其他模组的管道系统进行输入或输出)。$(p)然而,想要通过路由器做任何有用的事,你需要安装一个或多个(最多九个)$(l:intro/modules)模块/$。
📚 第2页(type: text) Every time a router ticks - once per second by default - it will execute every installed module, in order. Each of these modules will operate on the item(s) in the buffer or on the world around the router in a specific way - see the $(bold)Modules/$ section for info on each individual module type.$(p)The router's operation can also be modified with $(bold)Upgrades/$ - speed it up, let it handle more items per tick, increase the range of certain modules...
title: ⚪无 / 每当路由器走过一个路由器刻——默认每秒一次——它就会按照顺序执行所有安装的模块。每个模块都会对缓冲区的物品或路由器周围的世界进行特定的操作——查看$(bold)模块/$部分以了解每种单独的模块类型。$(p)路由器的操作也可以通过$(bold)升级/$修改——将其加速、每路由器刻处理更多物品、增加特定模块的范围……

name: Miscellaneous Stuff / 杂项(misc.json

Miscellaneous Stuff 杂项
📚 第1页(type: text) This chapter covers some miscellaneous items and crafting components.
title: ⚪无 / 此章节介绍了一些杂项物品和合成部件。
📚 第2页(type: spotlight) See $(l:upgrades/security#override)Security Upgrade/$.
title: ⚪无 / 见$(l:upgrades/security#override)安全升级/$。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪
📚 第4页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Modules / 模块(modules.json

Modules 模块
📚 第1页(type: text) $(thing)Modules/$ are inserted into an $(l:intro/item_router)Modular Router/$ and tell the router what to do. There are 20 different module types, each of which has a specific function. All modules have some characteristics in common, however:$(li)All modules have 9 $(thing)filter slots/$ to control which item(s) a module will process.$(li)Many modules have a defined $(thing)direction/$, relative to the router's facing.
title: ⚪无 / $(thing)模块/$可以放进$(l:intro/item_router)模块化路由器中/$并告诉路由器干什么。有 20 种模块类型,每种都有特定的功能。所有模块都有共性,然而:$(li)所有模块都有 9 个$(thing)过滤器栏位/$来控制模块处理的物品。$(li)许多模块有明确的$(thing)方向/$,和路由器的朝向有关。
📚 第2页(type: text) $(li)Some modules have extra settings for configuring module-specific functionality.$(p)All this can be configured in the module's GUI, which you can access by $(thing)Right-Clicking/$ the module in hand.$(p)You can also configure an installed module in a router GUI by pressing $(4)$(bold)[$(k:modularrouters.configure)]/$ while hovering over it, or $(thing)Middle-Clicking/$ the module in the GUI, without needing to remove it from the router.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)一些模块有用于配置相关功能的额外设置。$(p)这些都可以在模块的 GUI 中配置,你可以手持模块时$(thing)右击/$来访问 GUI。$(p)你还可以通过鼠标悬浮在模块中按$(4)$(bold)[$(k:modularrouters.configure)]/$或$(thing)鼠标中键/$在路由器GUI中配置安装好的模块,无需将其从路由器中移出。
📚 第3页(type: image) $(italic)Module GUI: see following pages for a description of each part of the GUI/$
title: ⚪无 / $(italic)模块 GUI:有关 GUI 每个部分的描述,请查阅以下页面/$
📚 第4页(type: text) There are nine filter slots, where you can insert ghost copies of any item or block. The module will only operate if the item in the router's $(thing)buffer/$ matches an item in the module's filter (if whitelisting; the opposite if blacklisting).
title: 1. Filter Slots / 1. 过滤器栏位 总共有九个过滤器栏位,你可以将任何物品或方块的拷贝放入其中。只有当路由器$(thing)缓存区/$中的物品与过滤器中的某个物品匹配(白名单时;黑名单则相反)模块才会运作。
📚 第5页(type: text) Most modules operate in a defined direction, relative to the router's facing. Here you can define the direction.$(p)Some modules (e.g. the $(l:modules/sender2)Sender Mk2/$) target a distant block directly, so do not have a definable direction. In this case, the direction selector will be blank.
title: 2. Direction Selector / 2. 方向选择器 大多数模块以明确的方向运作,和路由器的朝向有关。你可以在这里定义方向。/$(p)一些模块(例如$(l:modules/sender2)发送 2 型/$)直接指向一个远处的方块,因此没有可定义的方向。这种情况下,方向选择器将为空白。
📚 第6页(type: text) Here there are several buttons which control:$(li)Whitelisting vs. blacklisting$(li)Whether to match item damage (for items with durability)$(li)Whether to match item NBT, e.g. enchantments$(li)Whether to match by $(l:https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tag)item tags/$$(p)There is also a button here to control $(l:router/termination)Termination Behaviour/$, which is explained in a separate page.
title: 3. Filter Control / 3. 过滤器控制 这里有一些按钮,它们控制着:$(li)白名单 vs. 黑名单$(li)是否匹配物品的损害值(用于有耐久度的物品)$(li)是否匹配物品 NBT,例如魔咒$(li)是否按$(l:https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tag)物品标签/$匹配$(p)还有一个用于控制$(l:router/termination)终止行为/$的按钮,在单独一页中有解释。
📚 第7页(type: text) Every module has four $(thing)Augment/$ slots where augments (module-specific upgrades) can be inserted.$(p)The Augments which may be inserted here depend on the module type; not every module type accepts every augment type.
title: 4. Augments / 4. 拓展 每个模块都有四个$(thing)拓展/$栏位,可以放入拓展(用于模块的升级)。$(p)可以放入的拓展种类取决于模块类型;不是每个模块类型都接受所有拓展类型。
📚 第8页(type: text) Some modules have some extra configuration options. For example, the $(l:modules/detector)Detector Module/$ shown earlier has options to set the redstone output level, and whether the output signal should be a weak or strong redstone signal.$(p)Where modules have such options, they're shown on the right-hand side of the GUI.
title: 5. Extra Settings / 5. 额外设置 一些模块有额外配置选项。比方说,之前展示的$(l:modules/detector)检测模块/$有设置红石输出等级的选项,以及输出信号是否为弱或强红石信号。$(p)当模块有类似的选项时,它们会在 GUI 的右侧显示出来。

name: Overview / 总览(overview.json

Overview 总览
📚 第1页(type: text) Welcome to Modular Routers!$(p)This is a highly flexible mod for moving items around the world in various ways. With a single block - the $(thing)Modular Router/$ - and one or more plug-in $(thing)modules/$, you can pull items from any inventory, send them to other inventories near & far, place items as blocks, break blocks, drop items into the world, sort items, and much more.
title: ⚪无 / 欢迎来到模块化路由器!$(p)这是一个高度灵活的模组,能够以多种方式在世界中搬运物品。只用一个方块——$(thing)模块化路由器/$——以及一个或更多插入的$(thing)模块/$,你就可以从任何容器中抽取物品,将它们发送到或近或远的其他容器中、放置方块、破坏方块、在世界中投掷物品、分类物品还有更多可以做的事。
📚 第2页(type: image) $(italic)Think of it like a super-configurable Hopper on steroids.../$
title: ⚪无 / $(italic)把它想象成一个极端的超可调漏斗……/$

name: Upgrades / 升级(upgrades.json

Upgrades 升级
📚 第1页(type: text) $(thing)Upgrades/$ improve a $(l:intro/item_router)Modular Router's/$ functionality in various ways. There are 8 different upgrade types, and 5 upgrade slots in an Modular Router.$(p)You can put multiple upgrades in an upgrade slot, although there is a limit on how many upgrades of a particular type can be inserted; see the individual upgrade pages or upgrade item tooltips for more information on this.
title: ⚪无 / $(thing)升级/$可在多种方面提升$(l:intro/item_router)模块化路由器/$的功能。共有 8 种不同的升级,每个模块化路由器有 5 个升级栏位。$(p)你可以在升级栏位中放置多个升级,尽管每种可以放入路由器的升级数量有限;见单独介绍升级的页面或升级物品的提示以了解更多信息。
category: modules

Modules are placed into an Modular Router and define the router's functionality.

name: Activator Module / 执行模块(activator.json

Activator Module 执行模块
📚 第1页(type: text) This powerful module acts like a $(italic)fake player/$ which can use an item in the router's buffer, against nearby blocks or entities. There are three modes, which can be selected via the controls on the right of the GUI. Each mode is detailed in the following pages.
title: ⚪无 / 这个强大的模块表现得像一个$(italic)假玩家/$,可以对周围的方块或实体使用路由器缓存区中的物品。有三种模式可在 GUI 右边的控制进行选择。以下页面详细描述了每种模式。
📚 第2页(type: text) This mode performs a right-click with the item in the router's buffer, just as if a player had done so. The logic used is the same as for player clicks, e.g. right-clicking a $(item)Flint and Steel/$ on a door will open the door, not start a fire.$(p)The targeted block (if any) depends on the router's facing, module direction, and also the Look Above/Below/Level module setting.
title: Right-click / 右击 此模式会用路由器缓存区中的物品执行右击操作,和玩家执行是一样的。其中的逻辑与玩家点击是相同的,比如用$(item)打火石/$右击门会打开门,而不是点火。$(p)目标方块(如果有的话)取决于路由器的朝向、模块方向和朝向上方/下方/水平模块设置。
📚 第3页(type: text) This mode performs a right-click with the item in the router's buffer on a nearby $(thing)entity/$. You could use this to milk a cow for example, or shear a sheep.$(p)This can result in items being dropped on the ground, e.g. if a cow is clicked with a stack of more than one bucket in the router's buffer.
title: Right-click Entity / 右击实体 此模式会用路由器缓存区中的物品对附近的一个$(thing)实体/$执行右击操作。例如,你可以使用此模式为牛挤奶,或为绵羊剪毛。$(p)这会导致物品掉落在地面上,比如用路由器缓存区中多于一个的桶点击牛时。
📚 第4页(type: text) This mode performs a left-click with the item in the router's buffer on a nearby $(thing)entity/$, attacking it. This mode costs $(l:upgrades/energy)Forge Energy/$ by default, unlike other modules.$(p)Note: while $(l:upgrades/speed)Speed Upgrades/$ can be useful here, weapon cooldowns do apply, so excessive Speed Upgrades will just end up wasting energy and weapon durability.
title: Attack Entity / 攻击实体 此模式会用路由器缓存区中的物品对附近的一个一个$(thing)实体/$执行左击操作,对其进行攻击。与其他模式不同,此模式默认会消耗$(l:upgrades/energy)Forge 能量/$。$(p)注:虽然$(l:upgrades/speed)速度升级/$在这里会很有用,但是依然会有武器冷却,因此过量的速度升级只会浪费能量和武器耐久度。
📚 第5页(type: text) The Activator has a range of about 4 blocks, similar to what an actual player has. The module can also be configured to look $(thing)Above/$ or $(thing)Below/$ (default is $(thing)Level/$).$(p)$(thing)Above/$ is particularly handy for planting things on top of a solid block beside or above the router, while $(thing)Below/$ is useful when you want to target the ground directly adjacent to the router, rather than a more distant block.
title: ⚪无 / 执行模块大约有 4 格的距离,和真正的玩家相似。该模块也可以配置成朝向$(thing)上方/$或$(thing)下方/$(默认为$(thing)水平/$)。$(p)$(thing)朝向上方/$对于在路由器旁或上方的完整方块上种植东西是非常方便,而$(thing)朝向下方/$在你想要直接指向路由器周围而非远处的地面时很有用。
📚 第6页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Breaker Module / 破坏模块(breaker.json

Breaker Module 破坏模块
📚 第1页(type: text) This module tries to break a block, adjacent to the $(l:router/item_router)Router/$ in the module's $(l:intro/modules#direction)configured direction/$.$(p)Most blocks are breakable, although anything with an unbreakable hardness (e.g. vanilla $(item)Bedrock/$ or $(item)End Portal/$) can not be broken, nor can any fluid blocks. If the block is broken, its primary drop(s) will be automatically inserted into the item router's buffer, if possible.
title: ⚪无 / 该模块会尝试破坏与$(l:router/item_router)路由器/$模块$(l:intro/modules#direction)配置方向/$相邻的方块。$(p)它可以破坏大多数方块,但任何硬度为不可破坏(比如原版的$(item)基岩/$或$(item)末地传送门/$)的方块不可以被破坏,流体方块也无法被破坏。如果方块会破坏,其主要掉落物会被自动放进路由器的物品缓存区,如果可以的话。
📚 第2页(type: text) The Breaker Module can be crafted with any type of pickaxe (including modded pickaxes), but the pickaxe used to craft the module determines its harvest level. E.g. if you create a Breaker Module with an $(item)Iron Pickaxe/$, it will not be able to break $(item)Obsidian/$.$(p)Additionally, any $(thing)enchantments/$ on the pickaxe used will be noted in the module ($(thing)Silk Touch/$ and $(thing)Fortune/$ are of particular use).
title: ⚪无 / 破坏模块可以由任意类型的镐(包括模组镐)合成而得,但用于合成模块的镐决定了模块的采集等级。比如你用一把$(item)铁镐/$合成了破坏模块,它就无法破坏$(item)黑曜石/$。$(p)此外,镐上的任何$(thing)魔咒/$都会在模块检测到($(thing)精准采集/$和$(thing)时运/$有特殊用途)。
📚 第3页(type: text) By default the Breaker Module filter works on $(thing)items that would be dropped/$, rather than on the block itself. E.g. filtering on $(item)Stone/$ would not work to break Stone, unless the module has $(thing)Silk Touch/$ enabled. In this case, you should filter on $(item)Cobblestone/$.$(p)You can set the module to match by the $(thing)block/$ via the module GUI; this can be useful to distinguish between blocks that both drop nothing, e.g. $(item)Ice/$ and $(item)Packed Ice/$.
title: ⚪无 / 默认状态下破坏模块过滤器会对$(thing)预期掉落的物品生效/$,而不是方块本身。比如过滤$(item)石头/$不会在破坏石头时起效,除非模块开启了$(thing)精准采集/$。在此情况下,你应该过滤$(item)圆石/$。$(p)你可以在模块 GUI 中设置按$(thing)方块/$匹配;这对区分不掉落任何东西的方块很有用,比如$(item)冰/$和$(item)浮冰/$。
📚 第4页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Creative Module / 创造模块(creative.json

Creative Module 创造模块
📚 第1页(type: text) The Creative Module is a special uncraftable module which simply inserts items, from out of nowhere, into the router's buffer.$(p)It uses the module's filter as an item list, and on each tick moves to the next item in the filter in round-robin fashion. It doesn't care about any other filter settings (whitelist/blacklist, match NBT...).
title: ⚪无 / 创造模块是一种无法合成的特殊模块,会无中生有,产生物品进入路由器得缓存区。$(p)它将模块的过滤器作为物品列表,每路由器刻都会以循环的方式遍历过滤器中的物品。它不会受任何其它过滤器设置的影响(白名单/黑名单,NBT 匹配……)。

name: Detector Module / 检测模块(detector.json

Detector Module 检测模块
📚 第1页(type: text) This module doesn't actually manipulate items, but instead detects specific items in the router's buffer. If the buffer contents are matched by the module's filter, it will make the router emit a redstone signal in the $(l:intro/modules#direction)configured direction/$.$(p)The signal level (default: 15) and signal type (default: weak) can be adjusted via the module GUI.
title: ⚪无 / 该模块不会操纵物品,而是检测路由器缓存区中的特定物品。如果缓存区中的物品与模块的过滤器相匹配,它就会使路由器在$(l:intro/modules#direction)配置方向/$发出红石信号。$(p)信号等级(默认:15)和信号种类(默认:弱)可以通过模块 GUI 调整。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Distributor Module / 分配模块(distributor.json

Distributor Module 分配模块
📚 第1页(type: text) This is an extended version of the $(l:modules/sender_2)Sender Module Mk2/$, which can send items to multiple targets. $(thing)Sneak-right-click/$ an inventory to add it to the Distributor Module, and $(thing)Sneak-right-click/$ the inventory again to remove it.$(p)The Distributor Module can distribute to up to 8 targets.
title: ⚪无 / 这是$(l:modules/sender_2)发送模块 2 型/$的拓展版本,可以向多个目标发送物品。$(thing)潜行右击/$容器将其加入分配模块,再次$(thing)潜行右击/$容器将其移除。$(p)分配模块最多可以向8个目标分配物品。
📚 第2页(type: text) A little extra control over distribution strategy is available via the GUI control on the right:$(li)$(bold)Round Robin/$ - distribute to each inventory in turn, as evenly as possible$(li)$(bold)Random/$ - pick one of the targets at random$(li)$(bold)Nearest/$ - always fill the closest target with space for the item$(li)$(bold)Furthest/$ - always fill the furthest target with space for the item
title: ⚪无 / 通过 GUI 右侧的控制可以控制分配策略:$(li)$(bold)循环/$——轮回为每个容器分配,尽可能地平均$(li)$(bold)随机/$——随机选取其中一个目标$(li)$(bold)最近/$——总是填充最近且有空位的目标$(li)$(bold)最远/$——总是填充总是填充最远且有空位的目标。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Dropper Module / 投掷器模块(dropper.json

Dropper Module 投掷器模块
📚 第1页(type: text) This module tries to drop an item from the router's buffer as an item entity in the world. The drop will be adjacent to the router in the module's $(l:intro/modules#direction)configured direction/$. The item entity will be placed with a zero velocity, unlike the vanilla $(item)Dropper/$ which adds an irritating random velocity to the item.
title: ⚪无 / 该模块会试着从路由器缓存区投掷物品,将其变为世界中的物品实体。此掉落物会在以模块的$(l:intro/modules#direction)配置方向/$与路由器相邻的位置。物品实体放置时速度为零,和为物品增加烦人的随机速度的原版$(item)投掷器/$不同。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Energy Distributor Module / 能量分配模块(energy_distributor.json

Energy Distributor Module 能量分配模块
📚 第1页(type: text) This module is like a combination of an $(l:modules/energy_output)Energy Output/$ and a $(l:modules/distributor)Distributor/$ Module, in that it can wirelessly distribute FE (Forge Energy) to up to 8 nearby energy-accepting blocks.$(p)$(thing)Sneak-right-click/$ a block to add it to the Energy Distributor Module, and $(thing)Sneak-right-click/$ the block again to remove it.
title: ⚪无 / 该模块很像$(l:modules/energy_output)能量输出/$和$(l:modules/distributor)分配/$模块的结合,因为它可为至多 8 个附近的能量接收方块无线分配 FE(Forge 能量)。$(p)$(thing)潜行右击/$一个方块将其添加至能量分配模块,再次$(thing)潜行右击/$方块将其移除。
📚 第2页(type: text) Like the $(l:modules/energy_output)Energy Output Module/$, this module can extract energy from either the router's internal energy buffer (if any $(l:upgrades/energy)Energy Upgrades/$ are installed) or from an energy-containing item in the router's item buffer. The internal energy buffer is used by preference.
title: ⚪无 / 和$(l:modules/energy_output)能量输出模块/$相似,该模块会从路由器的内部能量缓存区(如果安装了任何$(l:upgrades/energy)能量升级/$)或路由器物品缓存区中的承载能量的物品中提取能量。优先使用内部能量缓存区。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Energy Output Module / 能量输出模块(energy_output.json

Energy Output Module 能量输出模块
📚 第1页(type: text) This module attempts to output FE (Forge Energy) from the Router to an adjacent energy-receiving block, in its configured direction. The module can extract energy from either the router's internal energy buffer (if any $(l:upgrades/energy)Energy Upgrades/$ are installed) or from an energy-containing item in the router's item buffer. The internal energy buffer is used by preference.
title: ⚪无 / 该模块会试图从路由器中向其配置方向相邻的能量接收方块输出 FE(Forge 能量)。该模块会从路由器的内部能量缓存区(如果安装了任何$(l:upgrades/energy)能量升级/$)或路由器物品缓存区中的承载能量的物品中提取能量。优先使用内部能量缓存区。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Extruder Module Mk1 / 挤出模块 1 型(extruder_1.json

Extruder Module Mk1 挤出模块 1 型
📚 第1页(type: text) This module extends and withdraws a row of blocks (from the router's buffer) in the module's configured direction.$(p)By default, the module extends blocks when the router has a redstone signal, and withdraws them when the router has no signal, but a Redstone Enhancement can be added to the module to customise this behaviour.
title: ⚪无 / 该模块会向模块配置方向延伸和收回一行方块(来自路由器缓存区)。$(p)默认状态下,该模块会在路由器收到红石信号后延伸方块,并在路由器没有信号时收回它们,但是可以向模块添加红石增强来自定义其行为。
📚 第2页(type: text) Using this module, it's possible to build large extending bridges and doorways. (If you ever used the Tinker's Drawbridge from the Tinker's Mechworks mod in 1.7.10, the functionality will be familiar).$(li)See also the $(l:upgrades/camouflage)Camouflage Upgrade/$, which may be useful to hide the router.$(li)The default range (i.e. number of blocks which can be placed) is 12, but this can be increased up to 24 with $(l:augments/range_up)Range Up Augments/$.
title: ⚪无 / 使用该模块,可以建造大型的延伸桥和门(如果你曾使用过来自 1.7.10 Tinker's Mechworks 模组的造桥器,你会对这个功能很熟悉)。$(li)也看看$(l:upgrades/camouflage)伪装升级/$,它对隐藏路由器很有用。$(li)默认范围(既可以放置的方块数量)为 12 个,可以最高可以被$(l:augments/range_up)范围扩大拓展/$增加至 24 个。
📚 第3页(type: text) $(li)If you change the module's direction while it has blocks extended, you may get the router a little confused. In this case, breaking and replacing the router will help.$(li)If you break the router while blocks are extended, it won't remember that, and you'll need to manually remove those blocks.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)如果你在其方块延伸时改变了模块的方向,路由器可能会有一点困惑。在这种情况下,破坏并重放路由器会有帮助。$(li)如果你在方块延伸时破坏了路由器,它不会记住这事,因此你需要手动移除这些方块。
📚 第4页(type: text) $(li)If you have multiple routers together with Extruder Modules installed (e.g. for a wide door or bridge), you may find the $(l:upgrades/sync)Sync Upgrade/$ useful to ensure they all run on the same tick.$(li)The Extruder (like the $(l:modules/placer)Placer/$) can also plant crop seeds on farmland, and cocoa beans on an adjacent jungle log.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)如果你有多个安装挤出模块的路由器(例如用于较宽的门或桥),你也许会发现$(l:upgrades/sync)同步升级/$在保证它们在同一游戏刻运行很有用。$(li)挤出模块(和$(l:modules/placer)放置模块/$一样)也可以在耕地上种植作物种子,在相邻的丛林原木上种植可可豆。
📚 第5页(type: text) It is important to note that the $(l:modules/breaker)Breaker Module/$ used to craft this module will transfer its harvest level (and enchantments) to this module. So if you want your Extruder Module to be able to break $(item)Obsidian/$, for example, make sure you use a Breaker Module crafted with a $(item)Diamond Pickaxe/$!
title: ⚪无 / 需要注意的是用于此模块的$(l:modules/breaker)破坏模块/$会将其采集等级(和魔咒)转移到该模块上。因此,比如你想让你的挤出模块破坏$(item)黑曜石/$,请确保使用$(item)钻石镐/$合成的破坏模块!
📚 第6页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Extruder Module Mk2 / 挤出模块 2 型(extruder_2.json

Extruder Module Mk2 挤出模块 2 型
📚 第1页(type: text) This module behaves somewhat like the $(l:modules/extruder_1)Extruder Module Mk1/$, but with a few important differences:$(li)The Mk2 module doesn't place items from the router's buffer, but rather from a template defined within the module itself.$(li)This template appears on the right-hand side of the module's GUI, has 9 slots, and can have multiple items per slot. Items placed in the template are "ghost" items.
title: ⚪无 / 该模块表现和$(l:modules/extruder_1)挤出模块 1 型/$相似,但有几个重要的差别:$(li)2 型模块不会从路由器缓存器中放置物品,而是来自模块内定义的模板。$(li)此模板会在模块 GUI 右侧出现,有 9 个栏位,并且每个栏位可以放多个物品。放置在模板中的物品为“幽灵”物品。
📚 第2页(type: text) $(li)Blocks extruded are "virtual" - effectively created out of nowhere, but drop nothing when broken and can't be crafted normally.$(li)Therefore, this module isn't suitable for farming like the Extruder Mk1, but can be used to place doors/bridges etc. with more complex patterns than the Mk1 could.$(li)The default range for the Extruder Mk2 is 24 blocks, which can be increased to 48 with Range Upgrades.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)挤出的方块是“虚拟”的——一种高效的无中生有,但破坏时不会掉落任何东西,也不能被正常合成。$(li)因此,该模块不适合像挤出 1 型一样收获方块,但可以用于放置比 1 型更复杂样式的门/桥等。。$(li)挤出 2 型的默认范围为 24 格,可以被范围升级增加至 48 格。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Flinger Module / 投掷模块(flinger.json

Flinger Module 投掷模块
📚 第1页(type: text) This module behaves like the $(l:modules/dropper)Dropper Module/$, except that it also imparts a configurable velocity to the dropped item, potentially throwing the item a considerable distance. You can adjust the item's speed, pitch and yaw via the module's GUI.$(li)Pitch and Yaw are in degrees, relative to a base pitch or yaw.
title: ⚪无 / 该模块和$(l:modules/dropper)投掷器模块/$行为相似,只不过它会为投掷的物品提供可配置的速度,能够将物品扔出可观的距离。你可以通过模块 GUI 调整物品速度、竖直和水平角度。$(li)竖直和水平角度按角度计量,相对于基本竖直和水平角度。
📚 第2页(type: text) $(li)If the module ejects Up or Down, the base pitch is +90° or -90°, respectively. Otherwise, the base pitch is 0°.$(li)If the module ejects Up or Down, the base yaw is the router's facing direction. Otherwise the base yaw is taken from the module's direction.$(li)Example: a speed of 1.0, pitch/yaw of 0°, and a horizontal module direction, will throw an item along the ground for a distance of about 7 blocks.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)如果模块向上或向下弹出,基准竖直角度分别为 +90° 或 -90°。否则,基准竖直角度为 0°。$(li)如果模块向上或向下弹出,基准水平角度为路由器面向的方向。否则基准水平角度将从模块朝向中获取。$(li)示例:投掷速度 1.0、竖直/水平角度 0°、水平模块朝向,将会将沿地面将一个物品投掷约7格远。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Fluid Module Mk1 / 流体模块 1 型(fluid.json

Fluid Module Mk1 流体模块 1 型
📚 第1页(type: text) While Routers can't handle fluids directly (they don't have an internal tank), they can manipulate fluids if there is a (single) fluid container item in the buffer. This includes buckets and any fluid containers added by other mods.
title: ⚪无 / 虽然路由器不能直接处理流体(它们没有内部储罐),但当缓存区有存储流体物品时可以操控流体。这包括桶和任何其他模组添加的流体容器。
📚 第2页(type: text) The Fluid Module's GUI allows the transfer direction to be set:$(li)$(bold)Transfer To Router/$ means the router will try to pull fluids from an adjacent block (either a fluid in the world or a fluid-holding block) into a fluid-holding item in the buffer.$(li)$(bold)Transfer From Router/$ means the router will try to push fluids from a fluid-holding item in the buffer to the world; either pouring fluid out, or putting fluid into an adjacent tank.
title: ⚪无 / 流体模块的 GUI 可以设置传输方向:$(li)$(bold)传输至路由器/$意味着路由器将会尝试从相邻方块(世界中的流体或承载流体的方块)中提取流体至缓存区的承载流体的物品中。$(li)$(bold)从路由器传出/$意味着路由器将会尝试从缓存区承载流体的物品中将流体输出至世界;要么将流体倒出,要么将其放入相邻的储罐中。
📚 第3页(type: text) The GUI also allows the maximum transfer rate to be set. Note this is the maximum that will be $(italic)attempted/$, and is still limited by the Router's overall transfer rate, which is 1 bucket per second, and the transfer rate of the external fluid or fluid container.$(p)The Fluid Module's filter slots will only accept fluid-containing items, and will filter by the contained fluid, not by the container item.
title: ⚪无 / 其 GUI 也可以设置最大传输速率。请注意它将会$(italic)尝试/$这个最大值,其仍然会被路由器整体的传输速率限制,也就是每秒 1 桶,以及外部流体或流体容器的传输速率。$(p)流体模块过滤栏位只能接受容纳流体的物品,并且会按照容纳的流体过滤,而不是容器物品。
📚 第4页(type: text) Adding $(l:upgrades/speed)Speed Upgrades/$ will not transfer fluids any faster, only more often. A Router with 9 speed upgrades will still only transfer 1 bucket per second, just more often and in smaller quantities. To increase the overall transfer rate, add $(l:upgrades/fluid)Fluid Transfer Upgrades/$.$(p)Be very careful tinkering with Fluid Module settings if the router holds any dangerous fluids, such as a lava bucket. The router will not hesitate to pour lava over you if you get it wrong...
title: ⚪无 / 添加$(l:upgrades/speed)速度升级/$不会使传输流体更快,只会让其更加频繁。带有 9 个速度升级的路由器依然只能每秒传输 1 桶,只不过会以小数量更频繁地传输。想要增加其总体的传输速率,需添加$(l:upgrades/fluid)流体传输升级/$。$(p)如果路由器盛装了任何危险的流体,比如熔岩桶,请非常小心的修改流体模块设置。如果你搞错了,路由器可不会犹豫将熔岩倒在你身上……
📚 第5页(type: text) Note that you can also connect fluid pipes from other mods to a router, $(bold)if/$ the buffer has a fluid container in it, and pump fluids in and out of the router; fluids will be directed to/from the container item.$(p)You $(italic)don't/$ need a Fluid Module installed to do this; Fluid Modules are only required if you want to actively push or pull fluids.
title: ⚪无 / 请注意,$(bold)如果/$缓存区内有一个流体容器,你也可以将路由器与其他模组的流体管道连接,并将流体输入或输出路由器;流体将会被直接导入/导出容器物品。$(p)你$(italic)不/$需要安装流体模块来干这个;只有你想要主动输出或输入流体时需要流体模块。
📚 第6页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Fluid Module Mk2 / 流体模块 2 型(fluid_2.json

Fluid Module Mk2 流体模块 2 型
📚 第1页(type: text) Like the $(l:modules/fluid_1)Fluid Module Mk1/$, this module can transfer fluids into or out of the router, if it has a fluid-containing item in the buffer. However, this module can also target more distant locations, up to 12 blocks away (up to 24 with $(l:augments/range_up)Range Up Augments/$).
title: ⚪无 / 和$(l:modules/fluid_1)流体模块 1 型/$箱子,该模块可以将流体传输至或传输出路由器,如果缓存区有一个承载流体的物品。然而,该模块也可以将远处的方块作为目标,最多 12 格远(有$(l:augments/range_up)范围扩大拓展/$时最多可达 24 格)。
📚 第2页(type: text) $(thing)Sneak-right-click/$ any block with the module to set its target.$(p)Note that the target block does not necessarily need to be a fluid tank; if you break the block after setting the module target, the module will be able to empty a bucket of fluid into the world at that location.
title: ⚪无 / 用该模块$(thing)潜行右击/$任意方块将其设置为目标。$(p)请注意目标方块并不一定需要是流体储罐;如果你在设置模块目标后破坏该方块,模块可以将一通流体倒入世界中的那个位置。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Placer Module / 放置模块(placer.json

Placer Module 放置模块
📚 第1页(type: text) This module tries to place an item from the router's buffer as a block, adjacent to the router in the module's $(l:intro/modules#direction)configured direction/$.$(li)If the item isn't a block or the destination block space is obstructed, nothing will be done.$(li)Normal Minecraft placement rules are followed; e.g. sugar cane can only be placed next to water on sand/dirt.
title: ⚪无 / 该模块会尝试从路由器缓存区拿去物品放置方块,放在路由器模块的$(l:intro/modules#direction)配置方向/$相邻的位置。$(li)如果物品不是一个方块或目标空间被阻挡,就不会发生任何事。$(li)遵循普通 Minecraft 的放置规则;比如甘蔗只能放置在临水的沙子/泥土上。
📚 第2页(type: text) $(li)Fluid blocks will be replaced, as will replaceable blocks such as tall grass.$(li)The Placer module can plant seeds on farmland, and cocoa beans on an adjacent jungle log.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)流体方块将会被替换,以及如高草丛一类的可替换方块。$(li)放置模块可以在耕地上种植种子,在相邻丛林原木上放置可可豆。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Player Module / 玩家模块(player.json

Player Module 玩家模块
📚 第1页(type: text) This module tries to transfer items between the router and a player's own inventory. The player can be anywhere in any dimension, making this a rather powerful module.$(p)The module can transfer items either from or to the player; you can set this in the module's GUI.
title: ⚪无 / 该模块会尝试将物品在路由器和玩家物品栏之间传输。该玩家可以在任何维度的任何地方,因此这是一个非常强大的模块。$(p)该模块可以对玩家输入或输出物品;你可以在模块的 GUI 中进行设置。
📚 第2页(type: text) $(p)The module can operate on either the player's main 36-slot inventory, their 4-slot armor inventory, their offhand slot, or their Ender inventory (as shown by vanilla $(item)Ender Chests/$). This can also be set in the module's GUI.$(p)Extracted/inserted items can, of course, be filtered by the module.
title: ⚪无 / $(p)模块可以对玩家的 36 栏位主物品栏、4 栏位盔甲物品栏、副手栏或者末影物品栏(有原版$(item)末影箱/$显示)进行操作。你也可以在模块 GUI 中进行设置。当然,$(p)提取/输入的物品可以通过模块被过滤。
📚 第3页(type: text) A good use-case for this module would be to extract ores/cobblestone/dirt etc. from the player's inventory, and send it on to the player's main storage system in their base. With a little design, it should be possible to build a system to auto-swap your armor sets (maybe even in the field, with some wireless redstone from another mod...)
title: ⚪无 / 一个优秀的模块使用案例为从玩家物品栏中提取矿石/圆石/泥土等物品,并将其法总至玩家基地中的主存储系统。加上一点小设计,就可以建立一个用于自动替换盔甲套装的系统(加上来自另一个模组的无限红石,也许还可以在野外实现……)。
📚 第4页(type: text) The Player Module is keyed to a specific player; the item tooltip shows the owner. This is set to the player who initially crafted the module, but can be overridden by holding the module and sneak-right-clicking it. You might also need to do this if you obtained the module by other means (creative, JEI cheat mode...).
title: ⚪无 / 玩家模块与一位特定的玩家对应;物品提示会显示所有者。它设置为最初合成该模块的玩家,但可以手持模块潜行右击来覆盖。如果你通过其它手段(创造、JEI 作弊模式……)获得了该模块,你也许也需要这么做。
📚 第5页(type: text) Using a Security Upgrade in conjunction with this module is probably wise on servers where you don't trust the players; you don't want a hostile player stealing this module...
title: ⚪无 / 将安全升级和该模块合并使用也许是在有不信任玩家服务器中的明智之举;你不会希望一个恶意玩家窃取这个模块……
📚 第6页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Puller Module Mk1 / 抽取模块 1 型(puller_1.json

Puller Module Mk1 抽取模块 1 型
📚 第1页(type: text) This module tries to pull the first eligible item from the adjacent inventory in its $(l:intro/modules#direction)configured direction/$ into the router's buffer. If the buffer is full or contains something that stacks with nothing in the inventory, nothing will be pulled.
title: ⚪无 / 该模块会尝试抽取来自其$(l:intro/modules#direction)配置方向/$相邻的容器中的第一个可抽取物品,放进路由器的缓冲区。如果缓存区已满或不存在可以与物品栏中物品堆叠的物品,就不会抽取任何东西。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Puller Module Mk2 / 抽取模块 2 型(puller_2.json

Puller Module Mk2 抽取模块 2 型
📚 第1页(type: text) This behaves like the $(l:modules/puller_1)Puller Mk1/$, but can pull items from non-adjacent inventories.$(p)The inventory can be up to 12 blocks away (up to 24 with $(l:augments/range_up)Range Augments/$); clear line of sight is $(italic)not/$ required.
title: ⚪无 / 此模块与$(l:modules/puller_1)抽取 1 型/$行为相似,但可以从非相邻的容器中抽取物品。$(p)容器最远可以达到 12 格(有$(l:augments/range_up)范围扩大拓展/$时最多可以达 24);$(italic)不/$需要清除连线处的障碍物。
📚 第2页(type: text) $(li)To select the target inventory, $(thing)Sneak-Right-click/$ the block with the Puller Mk2 module in hand. You will get a confirmation message.$(li)While holding a Puller Mk2 with a target set, the targeted block will be highlighted.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)用抽取模块 2 型$(thing)潜行右击/$方块以选择目标容器。你将会受到一条确认信息。$(li)当手持设定目标的抽取 2 型时,目标方块将会被高亮显示。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Sender Module Mk1 / 发送模块 1 型(sender_1.json

Sender Module Mk1 发送模块 1 型
📚 第1页(type: text) This module tries to send an item from the router's buffer to an inventory in the module's $(l:intro/modules#direction)configured direction/$:$(li)The target inventory can be up to 8 blocks away (up to 16 with $(l:augments/range_up)Range Up Augments/$)$(li)The target inventory $(italic)must/$ be directly along the X, Y, or Z axis.$(li)The router $(italic)must/$ have clear line of sight to the target; no opaque blocks, but blocks such as glass, fences, iron bars etc. are OK.
title: ⚪无 / 该模块会尝试从路由器缓冲区发送物品至与模块$(l:intro/modules#direction)配置方向/$相邻的容器中:$(li)目标容器最多可以离 8 格远(有$(l:augments/range_up)范围扩大拓展/$时最多可以有 16 格远)$(li)目标容器$(italic)必须/$沿 X、Y 或 Z 轴与路由器成直线。$(li)路由器$(italic)必须/$清除与目标连线间的障碍物;不能是不透明放块,但玻璃、栅栏、铁栏杆等方块可以。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Sender Module Mk2 / 发送模块 2 型(sender_2.json

Sender Module Mk2 发送模块 2 型
📚 第1页(type: text) This module behaves like a $(l:modules/sender_1)Sender Module Mk1/$, but has more powerful inventory targeting capabilities:$(li)The target inventory can be up to 24 blocks away (up to 48 with $(l:augments/range_up)Range Augments/$).$(li)Clear line of sight is $(italic)not/$ required.
title: ⚪无 / 该模块和$(l:modules/sender_1)发送模块 1 型/$行为相似,但是有更为强大的容器连接能力:$(li)目标容器可以达 24 格远(有$(l:augments/range_up)范围扩大拓展/$时可达 48 格)。$(li)$(italic)不/$需要清除连线上的障碍物。
📚 第2页(type: text) $(li)To select the target inventory, $(thing)Sneak-Right-click/$ the target with the Sender Mk2 module in hand. You will get a confirmation message.$(li)While holding a Sender Mk2 with a target set, the targeted block will be highlighted.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)用发送模块 2 型$(thing)潜行右击/$目标容器,将其选中。你会收到一条确认信息。$(li)当手持设定目标的发送 2 型时,目标方块将会被高亮显示。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Sender Module Mk3 / 发送模块 3 型(sender_3.json

Sender Module Mk3 发送模块 3 型
📚 第1页(type: text) This top-end sender module operates very much like the $(l:modules/sender_3)Sender Mk2/$, but can send to any inventory (in any dimension) with no restrictions!$(p)Note: the target inventory must be chunk-loaded; $(modr) will not do this for you.
title: ⚪无 / 这个最高阶的发送模块运作方式和$(l:modules/sender_3)发送 2 型/$非常相似,但是可以不受限制地向(任何维度的)任何容器发送物品!$(p)注:目标容器必须被区块加载;$(modr)不会为你做这件事。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Vacuum Module / 真空模块(vacuum.json

Vacuum Module 真空模块
📚 第1页(type: text) This module scans for dropped items in a 13x13x13 cubic area around the router (i.e. up to 6 blocks in each direction), and absorbs them into the router's buffer, if possible.$(p)The range can be increased up to 25x25x25 (12 blocks in each direction) with $(l:augments/range_up)Range Up Augments/$, or shrunk to just 3x3x3 with $(l:augments/range_down)Range Down Augments/$.
title: ⚪无 / 该模块会在路由器周围 13x13x13 的立方区域内扫描掉落的物品(既每个方向 6 格远),如果可行,就将它们吸入路由器的缓存区中。$(p)通过$(l:augments/range_up)范围扩大拓展/$可以将最大范围增加到 25x25x25(每个方向 12 格),或通过$(l:augments/range_down)范围缩小拓展/$将范围减少到只有 3x3x3。
📚 第2页(type: text) The scanned area is centered on the router if the module's $(l:intro/modules#direction)configured direction/$ is $(bold)All/$ (the default).$(p)If the module has an actual direction configured, the area is offset in that direction by 6 blocks, plus one for each Range Up Augment installed, minus one for each Range Down Augment installed.$(p)E.g. with a direction of $(bold)UP/$, the module will only scan an area directly above the router.
title: ⚪无 / 如果模块的$(l:intro/modules#direction)配置方向/$为$(bold)所有方向/$(默认状态下),扫描的区域将以路由器为中心。$(p)如果模块有配置过的方向,区域将会以该方向偏离 6 格,同时每安装一个范围扩大拓展就会再多一格,每安装一个范围缩小拓展就会再少一格。$(p)比如,方向为$(bold)上方/$时,模块将只会扫描其正上方的一块区域。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Void Module / 销毁模块(void.json

Void Module 销毁模块
📚 第1页(type: text) This dangerous module permanently destroys items in the router's buffer! It is strongly recommended to configure this module with a $(l:intro/modules#filter)whitelist filter/$ to prevent accidental deletion of valuable items...
title: ⚪无 / 这个危险的模块会永久地销毁路由器缓存区的物品!强烈建议用$(l:intro/modules#filter)白名单过滤器/$来配置这个模块以防止宝贵物品被意外删除……
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪
category: router

The Modular Router is the only block in the $(modr) mod.

name: Modular Router / 模块化路由器(item_router.json

Modular Router 模块化路由器
📚 第1页(type: text) The $(thing)Modular Router/$ is core of the system. It is responsible for executing all the modules plugged into it, moving items, blocks and fluids around in various ways.
title: ⚪无 / $(thing)模块化路由器/$是本系统的核心。它负责执行所有插入其中的模块,以各种方式移动物品、方块和流体。
📚 第2页(type: image) $(italic)An Modular Router GUI with several modules and upgrades installed
title: ⚪无 / $(italic)装有数个模块和升级的模块化路由器 GUI
📚 第3页(type: text) The $(thing)Modular Router/$ has a one-slot buffer, able to hold up to stack of items. This buffer is exposed as a normal inventory, so it can be interacted with via $(item)Hoppers/$ and other mod piping systems.$(p)In addition, a $(item)Comparator/$ placed against the router will measure the slot's fullness as expected.
title: 1. The Buffer / 1. 缓存区 $(thing)模块化路由器/$有一格栏位的缓存区,可以存放一组物品。该缓存区和正常物品栏一样开放,因此可以通过$(item)漏斗/$和其他模组的运输系统与其进行互动。$(p)此外,对着路由器放置的$(item)比较器/$将会测量栏位的空满程度。
📚 第4页(type: text) The $(thing)Modular Router/$ has nine slots for $(l:intro/modules)modules/$. Each time the router runs (between 1 and 10 times per second depending on Speed Upgrades), it will $(thing)execute/$ each module in turn, from left to right.$(p)You can configure installed modules without removing them from the router by pressing $(4)$(bold)[$(k:modularrouters.configure)]/$ while hovering over it, or $(thing)Middle-Clicking/$ the module in the GUI.
title: 2. Module Slots / 2. 模块栏位 $(thing)模块化路由器/$有九个栏位用于安装$(l:intro/modules)模块/$。每当路由器运行一次(每秒 1 至 10 次,取决于速度升级),它就会从左到右轮流$(thing)执行/$每个模块。$(p)你可以在GUI中将鼠标悬浮在模块上方按$(4)$(bold)[$(k:modularrouters.configure)]/$或$(thing)鼠标中键/$就能配置安装的模块,无需将它们移除。
📚 第5页(type: text) The $(thing)Modular Router/$ has five slots for $(l:intro/upgrades)upgrades/$. Upgrades enhance the router's functionality in various ways; for example, each inserted $(l:upgrades/speed)Speed Upgrade/$ makes the router tick a little faster, while each $(l:upgrades/stack)Stack Upgrade/$ allows it to handle more items in each operation.
title: 3. Upgrade Slots / 3. 升级栏位 $(thing)模块化路由器/$有五个栏位用于安装$(l:intro/upgrades)升级/$。升级会以多种方式增强路由器的功能;比如说,每个放入的$(l:upgrades/speed)速度升级/$都会时路由器刻来的更快,而每个$(l:upgrades/stack)堆叠升级/$都可使其每次操作处理更多物品。
📚 第6页(type: text) The $(thing)Modular Router/$ has some flexibility over how it responds to redstone input, controlled by the top-right button:$(li)Default: always run, regardless of redstone signal$(li)Only run when there is $(italic)no/$ redstone signal$(li)Only run when there $(italic)is/$ a redstone signal$(li)Never run$(li)Run $(italic)once/$ when a redstone pulse is received (any signal higher than previously).
title: 4. Redstone Control / 4. 红石控制 $(thing)模块化路由器/$在如何响应红石输入方面具有一定的灵活性,这是通过右上角的按钮控制的:$(li)默认:总是运行,忽视红石信号$(li)只在$(italic)无/$红石信号时运行$(li)只在$(italic)有/$红石信号时运行$(li)从不运行$(li)当接收红石脉冲(任何强度高于先前的信号)时运行$(italic)一次/$。
📚 第7页(type: text) In the spirit of being environmentally-friendly, the router has an option to automatically slow down if it's been idle for a while.$(p)When Eco Mode is enabled, if the router has done no work in the last $(ttcolor)$(t:Adjustable in mod config - 'ecoTimeout')5 seconds/$ then it will slow down and only tick once every $(ttcolor)$(t:Adjustable in mod config - 'lowPowerTickRate')5 seconds/$ (regardless of $(l:upgrades/speed)Speed Upgrades/$). However, as soon as it does any work, it will return to normal tick speed.
title: 5. Eco Mode / 5. 低耗模式 本着环境友好的精神,路由器有一个选项,可以让路由器待机一段时间后自动放慢速度。$(p)当低耗模式开启时,如果路由器在上$(ttcolor)$(t:在模组配置中可调——'ecoTimeout')5 秒钟/$都没有可做的事,它就会放慢速度,每$(ttcolor)$(t:在模组配置中可调——'lowPowerTickRate')5 秒/$只运行一次(无视$(l:upgrades/speed)速度升级/$)。然而,当它有可做的事时,就会回到正常的工作速度。
📚 第8页(type: text) This is primarily intended for busy servers, to save on CPU cycles, but it's potentially nice-to-have for any router that only runs rarely and where rapid item transfer isn't that important (e.g. a sheep farm where you might have a $(l:modules/vacuum)Vacuum Module/$ gathering sheared wool periodically).
title: Eco Mode (cont) / 低耗模式(续) 这主要时为了繁忙的服务器设计,用于节省 CPU 周期,但是,对于任何很少运行并且快速传输物品没有那么重要的路由器来说,这可能是一种很好的选择(比如一个有着$(l:modules/vacuum)真空模块/$定期收集羊毛的绵羊牧场)。
📚 第9页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Termination / 终止(termination.json

Termination 终止
📚 第1页(type: text) This a slightly esoteric topic which in most cases you won't need to worry about. However, when you do need it, it'll be very useful!
title: ⚪无 / 这是一个稍微深奥的话题,在大多数情况下你不需要关心这个问题。然而,当你确实需要它时,它将非常有用!
📚 第2页(type: text) Termination is configured on a per-module basis, by the 'T' button beneath the filter slots. By default, it's inactive; if you switch if on for a module, then $(italic)if/$ the module does any work this router tick, the router will stop there. No further modules (i.e. to the right of this module) will be executed this time round.
title: ⚪无 / 终止可以通过滤器栏位下方的'T'按钮进行配置,且每个模块可以单独配置。默认状态下,它不会激活;如果你开启了一个模块的终止选项,那么$(italic)如果/$该模块在路由器刻工作了,路由器就会停止于此。此轮的后续模块(既在该模块右方的模块)将不会被执行。
📚 第3页(type: text) Why would this be useful? Imagine a scenario where your router is being supplied with many items, e.g. from a quarry. You want to void $(item)Cobblestone/$, and send everything else to another inventory; so you would add a $(l:modules/void)Void Module/$ with a whitelist of Cobblestone, followed by a $(l:modules/sender_1)Sender Module/$ to send anything else onwards.
title: ⚪无 / 为什么这会很有用?想象一个路由器被提供了很多物品的场景,比如说来自采石场的物品。你希望销毁$(item)圆石/$,并将其他东西送至另一个容器;因此你会添加一个带有圆石白名单的$(l:modules/void)销毁模块/$,以及向别处发送剩余物品的$(l:modules/sender_1)发送模块/$。
📚 第4页(type: text) When the router runs, say there's already a stack of Cobblestone in the buffer. The Void Module will void a Cobblestone, and then the Sender module will send the remaining 63 Cobblestone on to your storage. This is probably not you want.$(p)However, if you switch on Termination on the Void Module, then when it runs, the router will stop for that tick; the Sender module won't run until the Void Module has nothing else to do.
title: ⚪无 / 当路由器运行时,假设缓存区已经有一组圆石了。虚空模块将会销毁圆石,然后发送模块将会把剩余的 63 个圆石送至你的存储系统。这也许不是你想要的。$(p)然而,如果你将销毁模块的终止打开,然后当其运行时,路由器将会在那一游戏刻停止;在销毁模块没有事可以做前,发送模块将不会运行。
category: upgrades

Upgrades can be installed in an Modular Router to enhance or modify its functionality.

name: Blast Upgrade / 爆炸升级(blast.json

Blast Upgrade 爆炸升级
📚 第1页(type: text) This upgrade makes the router fully immune to explosion damage, and also to being destroyed by boss mobs.
title: ⚪无 / 该升级可使路由器完全免疫爆炸伤害,也不会被boss级生物摧毁。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Camouflage Upgrade / 伪装升级(camouflage.json

Camouflage Upgrade 伪装升级
📚 第1页(type: text) This upgrade allows you to disguise the router as another block. $(thing)Sneak+Right-click/$ the module against a block to record that block on the camouflage upgrade. When inserted into a router, that router will take on the appearance of the recorded block.$(p)Note: holding a $(thing)Modular Router/$ will highlight any nearby camouflaged Routers.
title: ⚪无 / 该升级可以让路由器伪装成其它方块。用模块$(thing)潜行+右击/$一个方块,将该方块记录在伪装升级中。将升级放入路由器后,路由器将会变成记录方块的样子。$(p)注:手持$(thing)模块化路由器/$将会高亮显示周围任何的伪装路由器。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Energy Upgrade / 能量升级(energy.json

Energy Upgrade 能量升级
📚 第1页(type: text) This upgrade gives the Router an internal energy buffer. Each upgrade increases the buffer size by 50,000 FE and the transfer rate by 1,000 FE per $(italic)router tick/$ (these figures are adjustable in mod config).$(p)There are several scenarios where an Energy Upgrade is useful, detailed in the following pages.
title: ⚪无 / 该升级给予了路由器一个内置的能量缓存区。每个升级都会增加缓存区大小 50,000 FE ,传输速率 1,000 FE 每$(italic)路由器刻/$(数值在模组配置中可调)。$(p)有几个场景能量升级会很有用,后续页面将会详细说明。
📚 第2页(type: text) The $(l:modules/energy_output)Energy Output/$ and $(l:modules/energy_distributor)Energy Distributor/$ modules are both capable of actively pushing energy from the router's buffer to adjacent or nearby blocks.$(p)With these modules, you can effectively build an energy cell with limited wireless energy transfer capabilities.
title: 1. Routing Energy / 1. 能量路由 $(l:modules/energy_output)能量输出/$和$(l:modules/energy_distributor)能量分配/$模块都可以主动从路由器的缓存区输出能量至相邻或周围的方块。$(p)有了这些模块,你可以建造一个有着有限的无线能量传输能力的能量单元。
📚 第3页(type: text) By default, router modules do not cost any energy to run, with the exception of the $(l:modules/activator)Activator Module/$ in attack mode. $(p)However, energy usage is configurable and it's possible that energy costs may apply to other modules in the pack you're playing; all modules list energy usage numbers in their tooltip where it applies.
title: 2. Powering Modules / 2. 模块供电 默认情况下,路由器模块不需要任何能量来运行,攻击模式下的$(l:modules/activator)执行模块/$除外。$(p)然而,能耗是可调的,并且你游玩的模组包中其它模块也有可能消耗能量;所有消耗能量的模块都在其物品提示下方列出了能耗数字。
📚 第4页(type: text) Any energy-holding item in the router's buffer can optionally have energy transferred from the router's internal buffer to the item, or vice versa.$(p)When an energy-holding item is in the item buffer, the router GUI will show a switchable button between the buffer and the energy bar to set the energy transfer direction.
title: 3. Charging Items / 3. 物品充能 任何路由器缓存区中承载能量的物品都可以将路由器内置缓存区的能量传输至自身,反之也可以。$(p)当承载能量的物品在物品缓存区中时,路由器 GUI 会在缓存区和能量条之间显示一个可调按钮,用于设置能量传输方向。
📚 第5页(type: text) It is important to note that stated transfer rates on tooltips are in FE per $(italic)router tick/$, which is not the same as FE/t. A Router's tick rate depends on its $(l:upgrades/speed)Speed Upgrades/$; with no Speed Upgrades, a router tick is every 20 server ticks. Therefore, the overall transfer rate may be lower than you might expect.
title: Transfer Rates / 传输速率 需要注意的是提示框中标注的传输速率以 FE 每$(italic)路由器刻/$为单位,和 FE/t 不同。路由器刻速率取决于其$(l:upgrades/speed)速度升级/$;没有速度升级时,每 20 服务器刻为一个路由器刻。因此,总体传输速率可能会低于你预期的数值。
📚 第6页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Fluid Transfer Upgrade / 流体传输升级(fluid.json

Fluid Transfer Upgrade 流体传输升级
📚 第1页(type: text) This upgrade only affects the $(l:modules/fluid)Fluid Module Mk1/$ and $(l:modules/fluid_2)Fluid Module Mk2/$.$(p)It increases the overall fluid transfer rate of the $(l:router/item_router)Router/$ (in each direction; in & out of the router) from the base rate of 50mB/tick by 10mB/tick, up to a maximum of 400mB/tick. Therefore the maximum number of Fluid Transfer Upgrades in a router is 35.
title: ⚪无 / 该升级只会影响$(l:modules/fluid)流体模块 1 型/$和$(l:modules/fluid_2)流体模块 2 型/$。$(p)它可以增加$(l:router/item_router)路由器/$(各个方向;输入和输出)的总体流体传输速率,由 50mB/刻的基准速率,增加 10mB/刻,最高可达 400mB/刻。因此路由器中最多可放 35 个流体传输升级。
📚 第2页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Muffler Upgrade / 消声器升级(muffler.json

Muffler Upgrade 消声器升级
📚 第1页(type: text) This upgrade can be used to suppress sounds and particle effects made by item routers, and can be useful if a noisy module is regularly running in a place where a player often is.$(li)One or more Muffler Upgrades in a router will disable all audible effects$(li)Two or more will also disable all particle effects (beams and flying items)
title: ⚪无 / 该升级可以用于消除物品路由器产生的声音和粒子效果,并且如果一个吵闹的模块经常在玩家附近运行,这可能会很有用。$(li)一个或更多消声器升级将会关闭所有路由器的声效$(li)两个或更多还会关闭所有的粒子效果(光束和飞行的物品)
📚 第2页(type: text) $(li)Three upgrades will also disable the router's active animation; the pulsing texture on the front face of the router block$(p)Note that all sounds and particle effects can also be disabled in the mod config; this upgrade is only useful if sounds/effects have not been disabled.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)三个升级还会关闭路由器的启动动画;路由器方块正面的脉冲贴图$(p)请注意,所有声音和粒子效果也可以在模组配置中关闭;该升级只在声音/效果没有关闭的情况下有用。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Security Upgrade / 安全升级(security.json

Security Upgrade 安全升级
📚 第1页(type: text) The $(thing)Security Upgrade/$ has several important functions, detailed in the following pages.
title: ⚪无 / $(thing)安全升级/$有几个重要的功能,详见以下页面。
📚 第2页(type: text) A Router with a Security Upgrade installed can $(italic)only/$ be opened by players whitelisted by that upgrade. The upgrade doesn't prevent a router being broken; but since upgrades and modules remain in a broken router, players can't break a router to steal modules/upgrades or reconfigure the router. If you want to prevent a router being broken, you may wish to explore other mods' block protection capabilities.
title: Protection / 保护 安装有安全升级的路由器$(italic)只能/$被该升级白名单中的玩家打开。该升级不能阻止路由器被破坏;但因为破坏的路由器仍然会保留升级和模块,因此玩家不能窃取或重新配置其中的模块/升级。如果你想要防止路由器被破坏,你也许还要探索其他模组的方块保护功能。
📚 第3页(type: text) Several modules ($(l:modules/placer)Placer/$, $(l:modules/breaker)Breaker/$, $(l:modules/activator)Activator/$) do their work as a $(thing)fake player/$. By default this is a player with the username $(thing)[Modular Routers]/$, but when a security upgrade is installed, those modules operate as the upgrade's owner. This is much safer on multiplayer servers with claim protection than simply allowing $(thing)[Modular Routers]/$ to do anything with your claims.
title: Fake Players / 假玩家 几个模块($(l:modules/placer)放置/$、$(l:modules/breaker)破坏/$、$(l:modules/activator)执行/$)以$(thing)假玩家/$的身份运行。默认状态下,这是一个用户名为$(thing)[Modular Routers]/$的玩家,但当安全升级安装后,这些模块以升级所有者的身份运行。在具有领地保护的多人服务器上,这比简单地允许$(thing)[Modular Routers]/$处理领地要安全得多。
📚 第4页(type: text) When the $(l:modules/activator)Activator Module/$ is in $(thing)Attack Mode/$, it will ignore any players whitelisted by a Security Upgrade installed in the Router. This is generally a good idea to avoid pain & suffering if you have a high-damage weapon in your Router...
title: Activator Attack Mode / 执行模块攻击模式 当$(l:modules/activator)执行模块/$处于$(thing)攻击模式时/$,它会忽视所有在安全升级白名单中的玩家。这通常是一个避免受苦的好主意,如果你有一个高伤害武器在你的路由器中……
📚 第5页(type: spotlight) $(li)There is a non-craftable item called the $(thing)Security Override Card/$ - this can be obtained in creative mode or by cheating the item in via JEI etc. A player who holds one of these in either hand is not affected by any Security Upgrade, and can access any router.
title: ⚪无 / $(li)有一个叫做$(thing)安全覆盖卡/$的无法合成物品——它可以通过创造模式或 JEI 作弊模式等方式获得。在主手或副手持有此卡的玩家不会受任何安全升级的影响,并且可以访问任何路由器。
📚 第6页(type: text) You can add extra players to a Security Upgrade by $(thing)right-clicking/$ the player with the upgrade in your main hand.$(p)You can remove players from a Security Upgrade by $(thing)sneak-right-clicking/$ the player.$(p)There is a maximum of 6 additional players per Security Upgrade (so 7 in total, including the creator), but you can install more than one Security Upgrade in a router if necessary.
title: ⚪无 / 你可以用安全升级$(thing)右击/$来向升级中添加额外的玩家。$(p)你可以用安全升级$(thing)潜行右击玩家/$将其移除。$(p)每个安全升级最多可以有 6 名额外玩家(因此加上创造者,总共有 7 位),但如果有必要,你可以安装更多的安全升级。
📚 第7页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Speed Upgrade / 速度升级(speed.json

Speed Upgrade 速度升级
📚 第1页(type: text) By default, a $(l:router/item_router)router/$ ticks every 20 server ticks, or once per second. On each tick, every installed module is executed in order, left to right.$(p)If you need a router to run faster than this, add $(thing)Speed Upgrades/$; each Speed Upgrade reduces the tick interval by 2 server ticks, down to a minimum of every 2 server ticks (or 10 times per second).
title: ⚪无 / 默认状态下,$(l:router/item_router)路由器/$每 20 服务器刻运行一次,或者说每秒执行一次。每个路由器刻,所有安装的模块都会按顺序执行,从左到右。$(p)如果你需要一个运行更快的路由器,请添加$(thing)速度升级/$;每个速度升级都会减少 2 服务器刻的刻间隔,最低可达每 2 服务器刻运行一次(或者说每秒运行 10 次)。
📚 第2页(type: text) The base tick rate, tick increase per upgrade, and hard minimum tick rate are all configurable in the module's config (config/modularrouters-common.toml).$(p)For performance reasons, $(l:upgrades/stack)Stack Upgrades/$ should be preferred over Speed Upgrades where possible; use Speed Upgrades judiciously and only where absolutely required for maximum item transfer rate.$(p)Be Kind To Your Server (tm).
title: ⚪无 / 基准刻速率、每次升级增加的路由器刻以及硬下限刻速率都可以在模块配置中配置(config/modularrouters-common.toml)。$(p)出于性能原因,可能时应该优先考虑$(l:upgrades/stack)堆叠升级/$而不是速度升级;明智地使用速度升级,并且仅在绝对需要最大物品传输速率的情况下使用。$(p)请善待服务器(tm)。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Stack Upgrade / 堆叠升级(stack.json

Stack Upgrade 堆叠升级
📚 第1页(type: text) Modules in a router operate on a single item at a time: e.g. a $(l:modules/sender_1)Sender Module/$ will send a single item from the router's buffer each router tick, regardless of how many items are in the buffer.
title: ⚪无 / 路由器中的模块一次处理单个物品:比如$(l:modules/sender_1)发送模块/$每路由器刻将会从路由器缓存区中发送一个物品,无论缓存区中有多少个物品。
📚 第2页(type: text) By adding Stack Upgrades to a router, this can be increased. Each Stack Upgrade doubles the number of items that can be processed by each module, up to a maximum of 64, or the item's native stack size (e.g. 16 for $(item)Ender Pearls/$).$(p)It therefore follows that 6 is the maximum number of useful Stack Upgrades which can be installed in one router.
title: ⚪无 / 通过像路由器中添加堆叠升级,可以增加单次处理的物品。每个堆叠升级都能使每个模块处理的物品翻倍,最多可达 64 个物品,或者物品的原生堆叠大小(比如$(item)末影珍珠/$为 16 个)。$(p)因此,一个路由器中有效的堆叠升级最多为 6 个。
📚 第3页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

name: Sync Upgrade / 同步升级(sync.json

Sync Upgrade 同步升级
📚 第1页(type: text) This upgrade is used to guarantee that two or more routers run at the same time. The Sync Upgrade has a tuning value of 0 .. 19 (i.e. 1 less than the base router tick rate of 20). This tuning value can be set by $(thing)right-clicking/$ the Sync Upgrade to open its GUI, or quickly set to a random value by $(thing)sneak-right-clicking/$ the upgrade.
title: ⚪无 / 该升级用于保证两个或多个路由器同时运行。同步升级有一个 0 至 19 的调整值(既比 20 的基准路由器刻速率少 1)。该调整值可以通过$(thing)右击/$打开同步升级的 GUI 进行设置,或$(thing)潜行右击/$升级快速设置一个随机值。
📚 第2页(type: text) Any routers with this upgrade installed, with same the tuning value, and with the same number of $(l:upgrades/speed)Speed Upgrades/$ installed, will always run on the same tick. The actual tuning value doesn't matter; only that the value is consistent across the routers you want to synchronise.$(p)This is particularly useful if you have a group of routers with $(l:modules/extruder_1)Extruder Modules/$ installed, and want to ensure all modules extend/retract at exactly the same time.
title: ⚪无 / 任何安装此升级的路由器,且调整值相同,$(l:upgrades/speed)速度升级/$的安装数量相同,永远会在统一游戏刻运行。实际的调整值不重要;只要在同步的路由器之间,该值是一致的就行。$(p)当你有一组安装有$(l:modules/extruder_1)挤出模块/$的路由器,并想要确保所有模块同时延展/收回时非常有用。
📚 第3页(type: text) Advanced notes #1: the Sync Upgrade's tuning value actually specifies precisely when the router will run relative to its tick rate. E.g. routers tick every 20 server ticks by default; a Sync Upgrade with a tuning upgrade of 15 ensures the router $(italic)always/$ runs 15 ticks after that, and that applies to $(italic)all/$ routers with a 15-tuned Sync Upgrade. And a 16-tuned Sync Upgrade always runs 1 tick after a 15-tuned Sync Upgrade, at least for routers with the same number of $(l:upgrades/speed)Speed Upgrades/$ installed...
title: ⚪无 / 高级注释 #1:同步升级的调整值实际上精确指定路由器相对于其刻速率运行的时间。比如默认时路由器每 20 服务器刻运行一次;一个调整值为 15 的同步升级确保路由器$(italic)总是/$在其的 15 刻后运行,并且对$(italic)所有/$安装有 15 调整值同步升级的路由器适用。而 16 调整值的同步升级永远比 15 调整值的慢 1 刻,至少在所有路由器都有着相同数量的$(l:upgrades/speed)速度升级/$的情况下……
📚 第4页(type: text) Advanced notes #2: Because $(l:upgrades/speed)Speed Upgrades/$ make routers tick more frequently, they affect how Sync Upgrades work. A router with 9 Speed Upgrades ticks every 2 server ticks (instead of every 20). For Sync Upgrades in such a router, it only matters whether the tuning value is even or odd; 2 (or 4/6/8...) ticks later is effectively the same as 0 ticks later! General case: the tuning value is calculated modulo the router's actual tick rate after Speed Upgrades are accounted for.
title: ⚪无 / 高级注释 #2:由于$(l:upgrades/speed)速度升级/$会使路由器运作的更频繁,它们会影响同步升级的运作。一个带有 9 个速度升级的路由器每 2 服务器刻(而不是每 20 刻)运作一次。对于该路由器内的同步升级,只需要关注调整值为奇数还是偶数;2(或 4/6/8……)刻的延迟和 0 刻延迟等效!一般情况:在考虑速度升级后,调整值是按路由器的实际刻速率计算的。
📚 第5页(type: crafting) ⚪无text⚪
title: ⚪无 / ⚪无text⚪

mamaruo avatar Jul 21 '23 07:07 mamaruo

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CLAassistant avatar Jul 30 '23 10:07 CLAassistant

@ChuijkYahus @Cactusstudent 什么时候能合并……🧐

RCqaq avatar Nov 01 '23 02:11 RCqaq


ChuijkYahus avatar Nov 01 '23 16:11 ChuijkYahus


RCqaq avatar Nov 06 '23 06:11 RCqaq

modularrouters-1.16 中文语言文件共有 354 个 Key; 英文语言文件共有 354 个 Key modularrouters-1.16 模组内语言文件共有 355 个 Key; 英文多于模组内的 Key:      itemGroup.modularrouters

模组内多于英文的 Key:      modularrouters._comment     modularrouters.itemGroup.modularrouters

啊这 是bot又拉错语言文件了吗(

dovisutu avatar Nov 18 '23 12:11 dovisutu

modularrouters-1.16 中文语言文件共有 354 个 Key; 英文语言文件共有 354 个 Key modularrouters-1.16 模组内语言文件共有 355 个 Key; 英文多于模组内的 Key:      itemGroup.modularrouters 模组内多于英文的 Key:      modularrouters._comment     modularrouters.itemGroup.modularrouters

啊这 是bot又拉错语言文件了吗(


RCqaq avatar Nov 19 '23 01:11 RCqaq

@ChuijkYahus 🥺

RCqaq avatar Jan 19 '24 04:01 RCqaq


dovisutu avatar Feb 02 '24 15:02 dovisutu

话说,手册里的图片有没有需要翻译的...... (1.16这下应该审完了。希望高版本变动不大......)


RCqaq avatar Feb 09 '24 11:02 RCqaq