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Development Roadmap and Future of ModOpt.
I reckon that I have started multiple PRs, moving forward here is a proposition for the integration of this work.
I would recommend we use a squash+rebase strategie, to minimize the effect on the main trunk. To smooth things up here is what I propose:
- [x] 1. merge the CI-update (#268) into develop
- [x] 1.5 fix the test due to astropy upgrade (#272)
- [x] 2. pull develop and merge the test refactorisation PR (#266) ~~(- [ ] 3. pull develop and merge the PnP PR (#265))~~
- [x] 3. merge the Example2Test PR (#277)
- [ ] 4. pull develop and merge the ADMM PR (#263)
- [ ] 5. Run Black once, and update the test to use
check. There should also be modification of isort ^1
In a later future (e.g. start of Q2 2023), taking the opportunity of a coding sprint:
7. Write test for the new algorithms. This might also be the opportunity to revisite the significance of all optimisation algorithm, to solve a less dummy problem (for instance a LASSO regularised least square)
8. Move the configuration to pyproject.toml
, and maybe use a src
layout ^2, -> this seems to be the new standard ^3
9. Release a new ModOpt version (2.0 ? )
10. Write new a paper about it, add it to zenodo^5 to get a DOI for the package.