upp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
upp copied to clipboard

UPP is a minimalist and generic text preprocessor using Lua macros.

Universal PreProcessor

UPP is a minimalist and generic text preprocessor using Lua macros.

If you need a Pandoc preprocessor, Panda may be a better choice.

Warning: UPP may not be supported in the future

Their is no plan to support UPP from now on. UPP is meant to be replaced by ypp which combines UPP and Panda features.

Open source

UPP is an Open source software. Anybody can contribute on GitHub to:

  • suggest or add new features
  • report or fix bugs
  • improve the documentation
  • add some nicer examples
  • find new usages
  • ...



Installation from source

$ git clone https://github.com/CDSoft/luax.git && make -C luax install
$ git clone https://github.com/CDSoft/upp.git
$ cd upp
$ make install      # install upp in ~/.local/bin

make install installs upp in ~/.local/bin. The PREFIX variable can be defined to install upp to a different directory (e.g. make install PREFIX=/usr to install upp in /usr/bin).

Note: upp can also be installed with makex.

Precompiled binaries

It is recommended to install upp from the sources.

In case you need precompiled binaries (upp and Luax interpretor included), the latest binaries are available here: UPP precompiled binaries


$ make test


$ upp [options] files

where files is the list of files (- for stdin).


  • -h: show help
  • -l script: execute a Lua script
  • -e expression: execute a Lua expression
  • -o file: redirect the output to file
  • -p path: add a path to package.path
  • -MT name: add name to the target list (see -MD)
  • -MF name: set the dependency file name
  • -MD: generate a dependency file


Lua expressions are embedded in the document to process: $( Lua expression ) or @( Lua expression ).

Lua chunks can also be embedded in the document to add new definitions: :( Lua chunk ) or @@( Lua chunk ).

The @ notation has been added as it is more Markdown syntax friendly ($ may interfere with LaTeX equations).

A macro is just a Lua function. Some macros are predefined by upp. New macros can be defined by loading Lua scripts (options -l and -e) or embedded as Lua chunks.

Expression and chunks can return values. These values are formatted according to their types:

  • __tostring method from a custom metatable: if the value has a __tostring metamethod, it is used to format the value
  • arrays (with no __tostring metamethod): items are concatenated (with table.concat) the separator is the first defined among:
    • the sep field of the table
    • the global BLOCK_SEP variable
    • "\\n"
  • other types are formatted by the default tostring function.


The user's home is $(os.getenv "HOME").

Builtin macros

  • All Lua and Luax functions and modules are available as upp macros (see https://www.lua.org/manual/ and http://cdelord.fr/luax/#built-in-modules). E.g.:
    • require(module): import a Lua script (e.g. to define new macros, variables, ...).
  • input_files(): list of the input files given on the command line.
  • output_file(): output file given on the command line.
  • upp(Lua_expression): evaluate a Lua expression and outputs its result.
  • die(msg, errcode): print msg and exit with the error code errcode.
  • include(filename): include a file in the currently preprocessed file.
  • when(condition)(text): process text if condition is true.
  • map(f, xs): return {f(x) | x ∈ xs}.
  • filter(p, xs): return {x | x ∈ xs ∧ p(x)}.
  • range(a, b, [step]): return {a, a+step, ..., b}.
  • concat(l1, l2, ... ln): concatenate the lists l1, l2, ... ln into a new single list.
  • merge(t1, t2, ... tn): merge the fields of the tables t1, t2, ... tn into a new single table.
  • dirname(path): return the directory part of path.
  • basename(path): return the filename part of path.
  • join(p1, p2, ... pn): build a path (p1/p2/.../pn) from the path components p1, p2, ... pn.
  • sh(cmd): run the shell command cmd and return its output (stdout).
  • prefix(p): build a function that adds the prefix p to a string.
  • suffix(p): build a function that adds the suffix p to a string.
  • atexit(f): register the function f. f will be executed before writing the final document.
  • emit(filename)(content): write content to a new file named filename.


Import a Lua script: :(require "module_name")
Embed a Lua script: :( Lua script )
Evaluate a Lua expression: $( 1 + lua_function(lua_variable) )
Include another document: $(include "other_document_name")
Conditional text: $(when (lang == "fr") [[ Ce texte est écrit en français ! ]])

Additional packages

upp comes with some packages (already included in the binaries, no external dependancies are required).


The counter function generates counters:

  • counter(name, initial_value): create a counter named name with initial_value as the initial value. It returns initial_value. The default initial value is 1.
  • counter(name): incremental the previous value of the counter name and returns it.


The package req provides basic requirement management tools.

Warning: this package is still experimental and not tested...


This file is part of UPP.

UPP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

UPP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with UPP.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

For further information about UPP you can visit


Your feedback and contributions are welcome. You can contact me at cdelord.fr.