This pull request implements a new developer mode command, allowing you to reload the Rules and Art files while the game is running. It will reload the files in the...
Closes #358 This pull request implements the ability to perform a quick save and quick load in single-player _(campaign and skirmish)_. These actions are performed by using the following new...
Closes #148 This pull request adds the feature from Red Alert 2 which auto-save's at the start of every singleplayer mission. This can be used as a checkpoint to jump...
Closes #785 This pull request adds the Underground layer to the tactical display Next and Prev search, allowing units that are currently underground to be included.
Closes #218, Closes #309, Closes #294, Closes #665, Closes #922 This pull request implements support/bug-fixes for the following; - Removes the limit of only two sides allowed to have unique...
Closes #71 This pull request adds support for up to 701 (`ZZ`) waypoints to be used in scenarios.
Closes #680 This pull request implements `StupidHunt` and `CanApproachTarget` for TechnoTypes from Red Alert 2. **`[TechnoType]`** `StupidHunt=` _Should this unit just head towards the enemy if possible rather than assigning...
Closes #554 This pull request removes various hardcoded properties of specific game-type objects. It's quite possible these properties were hardcoded during one of the original patch cycles by a programmer...
Closes #28 This pull request implements a new option to allow the briefing statement to be shown before the mission starts. _In the scenario file;_ `[Basic]` `ShowBriefing=` - _Should the...
Closes #570 This pull request implements `RadarColor` for TerrainTypes. The game already has a system in place the override the radar colour, which is initialised to the color value from...