
Results 33 issues of CCF100

Didn't say in video: ground pins are shorted together.

Title explains it mostly, I accidentally just typed my password into Discord because of this...

If waydroid crashes, network interface doesn't come back up. Running `ip a` in waydroid shell shows the interface is still up in the container, however, attempting to re-add the default...

Installing a game that uses Wine will always use the Lutris provided Wine, even if the Wine runner is set to use the system provided Wine.

Attempting to backup drive firmware returns this: `[root@caleb-gaming-rig-archlinux flasher_Linux32_11072010_1004AM]# ./flasher -d /dev/sr0 -m -l firmware_backup.bin Devilsclaw's LG Renesas Drive Utility cmd_drive: Opening Drive: /dev/sr0. cmd_dumpmain: Starting dumping process get_firminfo_drive: failed...

I'm trying to create a 3ds theme, and I need to convert to a bcwav file.

I'm playing a NSMBU mod and the ZL and ZR buttons aren't responding :/

I know that you can adjust the brightness via the config file, but going into 3DS mode just to edit it is lengthy and kind of annoying. It would be...

I have a partial NAND dump for a CECHG01. Is it possible to rebuild the NAND so it is a complete 256 MiB?

In your .minecraft folder, edit the config/fml.toml file and change the following property: `earlyWindowControl = false`