Carlos A. Rocha
Carlos A. Rocha
i not have any problem i use this in my setting INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'debug_toolbar', ) DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PATCH_SETTINGS = False INTERNAL_IPS = '' MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware', ) it work great!...
Wow, this error not resolves! Maybe @jazzband-bot need change the responsibility in this project not?
this working for me M1-macbook air rvm install 3.1.2 --with-openssl-dir=$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl@3
Hi all, actually used wagtail 6.x and wagtailmenus 4 but i have a error? first warning: wagtailmenus.FlatMenu: (wagtailadmin.W002) FlatMenu.content_panels will have no effect on snippets editing HINT: Ensure that FlatMenu...
Hi @ppetrid Look like lots of people want to help to maintain this repository maybe you can consider a project transfer to jazzband ? Just a suggestion!
How to install the latest update? still have this warnign The plugin `pdf_flutter` uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding. i install this way pdf_flutter: git:
How to install version that have this PR that solve this problem?
this is the problem!! :/ Continued maintainance is at risk! There are no members yet who have volunteered to lead this project. for Jazzband