CADtest copied to clipboard
Make an XUnit version too.
Try to make it work, not like the last one, ok?
In NUnit you can call the NUnitLite Console using NUnitLite.AutoRun().Execute(nunitArgs) inside the CommandMethod. How will you do this in XUnit?
Not sure yet but XUnit does have a console runner. Bonus - the console runner generates html reports. I think.
Reason for XUnit: all the libraries I am using run XUnit. Will I ignore NUnit: no but I probably won't use it much for new things unless it is already in there. Caveat: I haven't switched yet.
probably this: but I haven't looked into it yet. ... or
I'm curious about that. If you get to use this console runner I would like to know.
Any news?
It has stopped raining here. Apart from that, no, not much. Still flat out on but that means I will be needing this in the next month or few. This is on my list, well, one of the first lists in the list of lists, at least.
While you're waiting, check out
just leaving this here for homework ....
This xunit.runner.wpf is a good sample to use xunit Runner! But I didn't get compile this code, because I'm using VS2013 and the code has many keywords of C# 6.0. I think that using this runner we can do a good xunit tests lightweight framework to Autocad. But I'm already using NUnit + NUnitlite + Reportunit and this set of libraries is working perfectly! My reasons to help you are: understand more about XUnit and contribute to community of ARX developers. Do you have some "step by step" of your planning about implementing that? How can I help you?
Thanks for your help, Phil. I don't have a plan as such, I am just making it up as I go along. I am still flat out on tvCAD so I am prioritising tasks in a JIT manner. Feel free change things to create pull requests, if nothing else it would be a godo exercise for both of us in how this Github thing works.
You make a good point about C# 6 - this project is meant to be a public example (good, bad or otherwise) for everyone so using C#6 is perhaps a deal-breaker for too many people.
I added a new issue for that: #9
I did some helper functions and I want to create pull requests. But the button "create pull request" is disable. When I tried to push my changes using GIT, I received that my user is denied. Maybe you need to allow me to create pull requests.
I could add you as a committer on this repo but I think it is a better learning experience for both of us if the do it the "GitHub way" ...
First, you fork this repo into your own Github account ...
You could clone that repo locally and copy your changes into it, then commit it to a new feature branch, or if you have a commit history you want to preserve, you could do this instead...
- Change the name of the "origin" remote (which points to this repo) to "upstream"
- Add a new remote to the fork you just created. Call it "origin"
- push your repo to "origin" which is your fork
- Do the Pull request thing ...
- Usually changes for pull requests are done on a feature branch bu this procedure will break that if you have committed to the "master" branch.
- later, when there are changes to "upstream" (here), just just fetch from here instead of "origin"