Nginx-Lua-Secure-Link-Anti-Hotlinking copied to clipboard
My soloution to those who try to hotlink / steal or waste bandwidth from your sites and servers will also help with DoS / DDoS / Slowloris attacks it works the same as the secure_link module but i did...
My soloution to those who try to use proxies to hotlink / steal or waste bandwidth from your sites and servers it works the same as the secure_link module but i did it using entirely Lua.
The reason i did this was because my PHP / CMS / Web Applications that i run all use caching and because they serve that same cached page to users with different IP addresses etc it means if my web app was to generate a secure link instead of Nginx they will be served 403 forbidden errors when ever they went to access any file.
If you have a problem make a Issue request or if you fix something make a pull request and i will push it to the main repo. Thanks for any contributions that will help others <3
The way this works is a rather than hack the core of your PHP,, Javascript, HTML etc what ever your web application / CMS uses to generate it's link's, I rewrite the output links in the html body contents so you don't need to hack your web application and risk making it incompatible with other servers.
It also has a added benefit where malicious traffic that could be targeting a specific file, It may be DoS or DDoS or a form of Slowloris attacking trying to waste / consume bandwidth so nobody else can access the server or the file in question, It stops their attack from working due to the secure link being generated matches that users IP address only so any other IP addresses that may try to access the file without a secure link or without their own generated secure link to match their own IP address will be served a 403 forbidden error, The secure links expire after what ever time you specify means any generated link will NOT last forever, I set it to 1 hour as the max time a secure link is valid for the file path / url in question and IP address that the user requested.
Only uses the following Lua syntaxes
body_filter_by_lua_block {}
header_filter_by_lua_block {}
access_by_lua_block {}
#HTML Example output Lua will use regex to match src="*" and replace the link on the page output contents with its generated secure link for what ever file format types you choose.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> | Test Page!</title>
body {
width: 35em;
margin: 0 auto;
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
<h1>Test Page</h1>
<p><em> Test page</em></p>
<video width="320" height="240" controls>
<!-- Video source link that should be caught by lua -->
<source src="/1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<!-- This should be changed -->
<!-- Output url should be /1.mp4?md5=encrypted&expires=unix_timestamp -->
Your browser does not support the video tag.
Known Issue's :
None :) <3
Make the regex recognize when a src="" link contains "../" for back tracking directories currently it does not pick up on these link formats within the quotations so the hash encoded key generated will differ to the one generated in the file location resulting in the http 403 forbidden error. The same goes for src="http://www." it needs to be more universal than just basic src="/*"