bsuite copied to clipboard
Provide a plugin with tools to handle ptex files
############# About B-Suite ############# The B-Suite (pronounced Be Sweet) is a conglomerate of maya plugins that I wrote because I really wanted to try something. The respective plugins where written with quality in mind. Additionally you will find auto-tests, code-docs and end-user docs.
All plugins and tools work on Linux, OSX and Windows.
######## Download ########
The plugins have been compiled on Linux, OSX and Windows for various maya versions. Please download the respective zip file to see if the particular maya version you seek has compiled binaries.
============ Installation
Extract the archive destined for your operating system into a place of your choice.
In your Maya.env file, setup the MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH environment variable to point to the plugin directory containing the plugins compiled for it. Additionally, set the MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH to the mel subdirectory.
Start maya and load the plugins, which should be listed in your plugin editor.
An example Maya.env file might look like this::
########### Lidar Tools ###########
.. image:: :width: 900 px
The lidar visualization tools consist of a locator which efficiently reads LAS files and displays them. Various options allow you to set a tradeoff between display performance and memory consumption.
==================== Lidar Tools Features
Lidar LAS-File Viewport Visualization (lidarVisNode)
Visualize LAS files efficiently as point cloud in the viewport
Supports LAS file format 1.3 and point formats version 0 through 5
Show LAS file header information
Choose from multiple colorization modes, which include
No Color (for maximum performance)
Classification with Intensity
Stored Color
Display any amount of points without the fear of out-of-memory issues.
Speedup reading performance using memory mapping (currently POSIX only)
Speedup display performance using system or GPU caches.
######## PTexVis ########
.. image:: :width: 900 px
PTexVis is a locator which can display ptex textures s point clouds on top of the corresponding mesh. For now it is only used as research project and to obtain an understanding on how ptex works.
================ PTexVis Features
Ptexture Viewport Visualization (ptxVisNode)
Display ptextures directly in the viewport using opengl points
3 different sampling modes, Texel mode displays raw texel tiles without the need for a mesh.
Show ptexture meta information of the loaded file
Fast display of large amounts of samples using GPU Caching. Caching in main memory is supported as well.
Multi-threaded ptex sampling if interpolation mode is 'Point'
Can currently only sample triangle meshes when not only displaying pure texel samples.
################### Curvature HW Shader ###################
.. image:: :width: 900 px
Implements a (by now) legacy viewport hardware shader to display the curvature of triangle-vertices relative to the interpolated direction of their respective triangle.
It can help to estimate overall smoothness of a surface.
================ Features
- Display curvature on meshes in real-time
- supports display-based mesh-smoothing (as when pressing 1,2, 3 on the keyboard)
- flat-shaded mode and one that incorporates scene lights
- customize mapping of angles to colors using a ramp
- adapt the shader to your scene's scale using a simple scale slider (required on windows only)
################# Byrons Poly Tools #################
.. image:: .. image:: .. image:: .. image::
This plugin is my very first C++ project, and was written more than 10 years ago. This, of course, shows in the code, which is a premium example on how to not write code. Code-wise, its clearly a sin of my youth, however, it still works and is usable, which is why I added it to the bsuite.
On the end-user side, you will find various tools to speed up your modeling and to make it more convenient.
The online documentation can be found here:
Please note that this is legacy code which is entirely unsupported in case you want to use it.
============ BPT Features
- Tweak your Meshes in realtime and split trough it almost instantly.
- You can procedurally slide or push your split, or align it to it's boundary.
- Soft Selection functionality is directly integrated into the node and can be used in conjunctions with every action which changes the mesh's topology.
- The Tools will not be limited to a specific component type, and you decide whether you want to work with vertices, edges or faces. Additionally, Smart Split is actually 3 in 1: Split through geometry, poke faces or connect vertices.
- Byrons Poly Tools bring to you a chamfer and solid chamfer. Due to new algorithms it will give higher quality bevels compared to other packages.
######## Building ######## The B-Suite build system uses cmake to setup its build environment. For a successful build you need the headers for Ptex ( as well as a compiled static or dynamic library. Additionally you require a maya installation (version 2008 to 2012).
For your convenience, ptex is included as git-submodule which can be retrieved rather easily. After cloning the repository, make sure you run::
# get a clone of ptex
cd bsuite
git submodule init
git submodule update
# create the ptex library
make -C 3rdParty/ptex
First, you generate your build configuration, then you perform the actual build::
mkdir -p build/release
cd build/release
cmake ../..
# this fails as you have to setup some paths - see the error message
# for more info and run the cmake gui to perform the configuration.
cmake-gui .
# setup the PTEX variables, otherwise the configuration will fail for PTexVis.
# Hit generate in the UI or execute cmake .
# Linux|OSX: build the plugin for all configured maya versions
# Windows: Open visual studio and build from there
Adjust the maya plugin and script path for maya to find your newly compiled plugin(s)::
export MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH=src/mel
export MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH=bin/release/2012
Launch maya and load the plugin::
# create a node and connect a mesh (which matches the the ptex file)
# See for examples
createNode "ptexVisNode";
connectAttr "mymesh.outMesh" "ptexVisNode1.inMesh"
# In the attribute editor, select a ptx texture to display.
# You will see error messages in the viewport if something doesn't work.
####### Testing #######
In short:
- Make sure cmake knows where your tmrv executable is. Its part of the
mrv development framework<>
_ - run ctest to invoke the test-suite.
######## License ######## New BSD License