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🚀 Cookiecutter Template for FastAPI + React Projects. Using PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, and Docker

Results 45 fastapi-react issues
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Frontend build faild, don't know why ```bash /app/ line 2: $'\r': command not found /app/ line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `$'in\r'' 'app/ line 3: `case $1 in ```

Hi there, I'm getting a bunch of Typescript errors in the browser console when bringing the docker-compose file up from defaults. ``` VM111:2 Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined at...

After a clean install and trying to run this, the frontend locks up and I get the following errors: ``` Warning: React does not recognize the `computedMatch` prop on a...

Bumps [httpx]( from 0.15.5 to 0.23.0. Release notes Sourced from httpx's releases. Version 0.23.0 0.23.0 (23rd May, 2022) Changed Drop support for Python 3.6. (#2097) Use utf-8 as the default...


Bumps [pyjwt]( from 1.7.1 to 2.4.0. Release notes Sourced from pyjwt's releases. 2.4.0 Security [CVE-2022-29217] Prevent key confusion through non-blocklisted public key formats. What's Changed Add support for Python...


in [Routes.tsx]( there's a piece of code which will throw warnings ```typescript { logout(); history.push('/'); return null; }} /> ``` This will generate the following warning from React: a warning...

The project pulled in TypeScript 4.x but used other dependencies that were not compatible with TypeScript 4.x which resulted in failures out of the box that provided no context as...

Closes #181 --- ### Summary - [x] Update SQLAlchemy to v1.4. - [x] Update SQLAlchemy-Utils to 0.38.2 (supports SQLAlchemy v1.4). - [x] Add asyncpg to dependencies; this is a required...

According to API break in material-ui 5.0, which breaks the test suite.

Bumps [celery]( from 5.0.0 to 5.2.2. Release notes Sourced from celery's releases. 5.2.2 Release date: 2021-12-26 16:30 P.M UTC+2:00 Release by: Omer Katz Various documentation fixes. Fix CVE-2021-23727 (Stored Command...
