DockerGrafanaInfluxKit copied to clipboard
No such file or directory sh
I installed docker and cloned the grafana influx repository but with the command docker-compose up, I am getting the error - Starting dockergrafanainfluxkit_influxdb_1 ... done Starting dockergrafanainfluxkit_grafana_1 ... done Attaching to dockergrafanainfluxkit_influxdb_1, dockergrafanainfluxkit_grafana_1 ': No such file or directorycute 'sh : No such file or directory sh dockergrafanainfluxkit_influxdb_1 exited with code 127 dockergrafanainfluxkit_grafana_1 exited with code 127
Copying from one of the comments on the article:
"Got the same error.
To resolve it I just opened docker file and entrypoint file for grafana and influxdb in the notepad++ and changed from Windows to Unix system and save"
This worked for me too
Yes, I also faced the same issue and by converting the files from dos2unix command worked. i.e install a tool on your o/s (windows/mac). I have windows system this I executed run the command "dos2unix -o filename" to make it work.
If its a windows machine, shouldnt it be unix2dos?
Even when i use dos2unix, it gives below error messages.
docker-compose up Container gatling-grafana-influxdb-influxdb-1 Created Container gatling-grafana-influxdb-grafana-1 Created Attaching to gatling-grafana-influxdb-grafana-1, gatling-grafana-influxdb-influxdb-1 ': No such file or directoryluxdb-1 | env: can't execute 'sh gatling-grafana-influxdb-influxdb-1 exited with code 127 gatling-grafana-influxdb-grafana-1 | /usr/bin/env: 'sh\r': No such file or directory gatling-grafana-influxdb-grafana-1 exited with code 127