Jose Enrique Ruiz
Jose Enrique Ruiz
@mgeier re: sphinx-gallery feature That's really very good news !! We have been recently talking about the possibility of having our [tutorials]( exposed in the way *sphinx-gallery* does, and we...
@mgeier I understand your point, but the main thing here is that when writing the links in the MD cells we prefer to avoid this *complex* syntax. ``` [some text](../api/gammapy.maps.Geom.rst#gammapy.maps.Geom.to_cube)...
Thanks @adonath for the review. I've gone through all your suggestions, I've done most of them and exposed reasons in the review why not doing the others :) You can...
I have identified the following broken links in the docs: ``` [./analysis/3D/analysis_mwl.ipynb] - Failed (404): [./api/fitting.ipynb] - Failed (404): [./gallery/spectral/plot_logparabola.ipynb] - Failed (404): [./development/pigs/pig-009.rst] - Failed (404):...
I paste here the python snippets provided in RST files that are not tested. ``` docs//maps/index.rst:155:.. code-block:: python docs//maps/regionmap.rst:101:.. code-block:: python docs//development/howto.rst:64:within blocks labelled with ``.. code-block:: python`` Sphinx directive....
Here the python code provided in docstrings of Python files that is skipped. ``` gammapy//catalog/ >>> cat = SourceCatalogHGPS(filename) # doctest: +SKIP gammapy//catalog/ >>> source = cat['HESS J1843-033'] # doctest:...
@bkhelifi I fixed most of the things of the list above in #3753 I paste below the items that I could not fix, because I did not find the broken...
@kstre Thanks for spotting this ! I think that the calculation of J-Factor maps in Gammapy was introduced more as a coding exercise than as a feature to compute accurate...
> A good way to go might be if someone writes a short docs section outlining roughly where we're going in the next 2-3 weeks that we have left with...
@adonath @JouvinLea I have tested the 1D fitting using a model with no spatial component, with the high-level interface. Everything seems to work nicely. Should we close this issue? ```...