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Query Rows does not work with bindings when using a MySQL datasource
- Self
- Method: BudiCLI
- Budibase Version: 1.0.178
- App Version: 1.0.178
Describe the bug Query Rows does not work with bindings when using a MySQL datasource. Instead it returns all rows until the row limit is hit.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Create a new app with a MySQL data source
- Create two tables Record and RecordType
- Create two columns in RecordType: Type/Text , Value/Number
- Create at least two rows in the with both columns filled with different values in the RecordType table
- Create the following relationsip between the tables: One RecordType row > many Record rows
- Create a column in the Record table called Value and make it a number type
- Create an automation to launch when creating a row
- Create a Query Rows step in the automation to query the RecordType table and filter it by the foreign key from the trigger row
- Create an Update Rows step in the automation to update the Record Table
- Set the RecordType field to
return $("trigger.row.RecordType");
- Set the Fk_RecordType_Record field to
return $("trigger.row.fk_RecordType_Record");
- Set the Value field to
return $("steps.1.rows.0.Value");
- Set the RowID field to
return $("trigger.id");
- Press Run test at the top of the automation page and select anything but the first record in the RecordType table created earlier
- The first value will have been pulled through instead of the correct value.
Query Row Input:
{ "tableId": "datasource_plus_fc2c66277ba54f2caac0dc36d5efc531__RecordType", "filters": { "string": {}, "fuzzy": {}, "range": {}, "equal": { "id": null }, "notEqual": {}, "empty": {}, "notEmpty": {}, "contains": {}, "notContains": {} }, "filters-def": [ { "id": "Aa5fR_PiF", "field": "id", "operator": "equal", "value": "{{ js \"cmV0dXJuICQoInRyaWdnZXIucm93LmZrX1JlY29yZFR5cGVfUmVjb3JkIik7\" }}", "valueType": "Binding", "type": "number" } ], "sortColumn": "id", "sortOrder": "ascending", "limit": "50" }
Query Row Output:
{ "rows": [ { "id": 1, "Type": "Type1", "Value": 1, "_id": "%5B1%5D", "tableId": "datasource_plus_fc2c66277ba54f2caac0dc36d5efc531__RecordType", "_rev": "rev" }, { "id": 2, "Type": "Type2", "Value": 2, "_id": "%5B2%5D", "tableId": "datasource_plus_fc2c66277ba54f2caac0dc36d5efc531__RecordType", "_rev": "rev" }, { "id": 3, "Type": "Type3", "Value": 3, "_id": "%5B3%5D", "tableId": "datasource_plus_fc2c66277ba54f2caac0dc36d5efc531__RecordType", "_rev": "rev", "Record": [ { "_id": "%5B18%5D" }, { "_id": "%5B19%5D" }, { "_id": "%5B20%5D" }, { "_id": "%5B21%5D" } ] } ], "success": true }
Update Row Output:
{ "row": { "id": 22, "fk_RecordType_Record": 3, "Value": 1, "_id": "%5B22%5D", "tableId": "datasource_plus_fc2c66277ba54f2caac0dc36d5efc531__Record", "_rev": "rev", "RecordType": [ { "_id": "%5B22%5D" } ] }, "response": "Record saved successfully", "id": "%5B22%5D", "revision": "rev", "success": true }
Expected behavior
The correct values have been filtered to the expected position. e.g. in the outputs above the expected value is 3 instead of 1
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Windows 10
- Browser: Chrome
- Version: 101.0.4951.67
Additional context Both handlebars and javascript bindings have this issue
The binding within the filter appears not to be working:
Does not work
I confirm this bug still appear on 1.0.206 and also affect to Internal Database too #6329
This appears to be fixed in the latest version: v2.1.31
I'm using the online app builder with version 2.6.11. I'm using a Budibase DB and have the same issue as this initial post. Following is the procedure I followed:
- Create a new app
- Add an internal Budibase DB with a single required column of numbers and some sample rows
- Create a new automation with trigger App Action
- Add a single field
- Add query rows as a step 1 of the automation
- Fill in appropriately the table reference and define the filter to have the column equal to a binding and the binding is to the field created in point 4
- Finish and test automation inputing a value that exists in the table
There is no output rows with the bindings, same behaviour as described by @melohagan (comment), if the binding in the filter is replaced by a number it works fine. Can anyone verify that it has been fixed?
Re-introduced in v2.2.1
Think it was in this commit: eca7af83f4330963a66a53e488781a09aef0d125