Brutus The Tschiepel
Brutus The Tschiepel
Running into the same problem. (Python 3.6.5, numpy 1.14.0, OSX 10.13.6) Is a solution or workaround available yet?
A minimal test would be: import numpy as np import yarp i = yarp.ImageRgb() a = np.zeros( (10,10,3), np.uint8) i.setExternal(a, 10, 10) This will trigger the segfault. As far as...
It was mentioned in here: _Changed in version 3.6: The default allocator is now pymalloc instead of system malloc()._ As I said, I am not sure if this is...
Slightly more info ... For some unknown reason the call of _::setExternal_ from the SWIG wrapping (yarp.i:1234) segfaults without even entering the method on the C++ side. This happens with...
The function is defined in line 320 and following. Line 331 seems the one where it breaks. Don't know much about the stuff that happens there and it also...
If one changes the test example to use a bytearray type the segfault does not happen: import yarp i = yarp.ImageRgb() a = bytearray([1,2,3,4]) i.setExternal(a, 2, 2) From my understanding...
- macOS: 10.15.7 (Catalina) - ROS: Noetic - CMake: 3.18.4 - AppleClang - Python: 3.9 - catkin: 0.8.9 I can confirm the above error. It seems to be solved...