justnotes.io icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
justnotes.io copied to clipboard



Access justnotes.io to see the production app.

What is the goal?

This app was built to learn and share knowledge with the community using a "real" project. (We never know when we are going to build the next unicorn startup right?) Eventually, I'll publish some blog posts on my personal blog https://brunoquaresma.dev related to this project's, learnings.

Questions or suggestions?

If you have questions or suggestions you can open an issue and I'll try to answer you as quickly as possible. Also, feel free to ask questions and provide feedback. Maybe your questions or comments will give me something I can write about on the blog.


Before start

Rename your .env.local.example to .env.local and replace the default values.


source .env.local
yarn install
yarn setup


yarn start


  • Tests and tests
  • Group notes by notebook