find-junk-html icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
find-junk-html copied to clipboard

A WordPress plugin that helps you find the junk HTML that careless editors copy pasted into your beautiful site.

Find Junk HTML

A WordPress plugin to find undesired HTML in your posts.



  1. Download the ZIP.
  2. Extract the folder to /wp-content/plugins/.


cd /wp-content/plugins/
git clone


  1. Download the new ZIP.
  2. Replace the old folder in /wp-content/plugins/.


cd /wp-content/plugins/find-junk-html/
git pull

Optional configuration

Add custom types of junk

The code field will be searched for. The tag field is the key used when saving settings, and for display. The desc is displayed on hover, to explain why this tag can be junk.

add_filter( 'fjh_needles', function ( $needles ) {

    $custom_needles = [
            'code' => '<h2',
            'tag'  => 'h2',
            'desc' => 'The reason for why this can be junk.', // optional
            'code' => '<h3',
            'tag'  => 'h3',
            'desc' => 'The reason for why this can be junk.', // optional

    return array_merge( $needles, $custom_needles );


Found a bug? Anything you would like to ask, add or change? Please open an issue so we can talk about it.

Pull requests are welcome. Please try to match the current code formatting.


Tim Brugman