Opensoda-Cli icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Opensoda-Cli copied to clipboard



This tool is developed by LazyAnalysis group in OpenSODA competition.


About this project

A terminal tool to have a easy view of metrics of popular github repositories. Apis in this tool are supported by X-lab2017.

This project is powered🚀 by create-node-cli, and its project site:

Node version: 18.17.0

To ensure smooth execution of this TypeScript project, it's recommended to run tsc --watch in a separate terminal to listen for project changes before executing the project. If you haven't installed TypeScript yet, you'll need to run npm install typescript -g to install it.


This repository uses pnpm as its package manager. Before starting to use it, make sure you have installed pnpm, which can be viewed by command pnpm -v, and if pnpm is not installed, just type in npm i pnpm -g to install it!

To install this tool, run pnpm install and npm link under the sorce code folder.

pnpm install
npm link

or you can just install by npm -g:

npm i opensoda-cli -g


Run opendigger -h for detail.

basic usage template:

opendigger -r <author/repo-name> [-m <metric> -t <time> -d]

here are some examples:

You can get openrank of valhalla/valhalla by typing in terminal:

opendigger -r=valhalla/valhalla -m=openrank


If you want to explore an another repo, just type in opendigger -r <author/repo_name> -m openrank to get the information. Here -r indicates a repository url, -m indicates the metric to be used.

For more information of metrics, please visit Hopefully you will be excited at the wonderful world. And I'm very appreciated of you to contribute to it!

You can also export report to local, just add -d choice. Have a try of

opendigger -r=valhalla/valhalla -m=openrank -d


the exported markdown includes picture generated by echarts and data you queried. The report and picture will be stored at ./opendigger-output/

What's more, you can specify a time to search one metric at specific time. This command

opendigger -r=valhalla/valhalla -m=openrank -t=2022-10

will return the activity metric of repository valhalla/valhalla in 2022-10 and save the result.


Searching all of the metrics at a specific time is supported, just without specifying metric argument. Try command

opendigger -r=valhalla/valhalla -t=2022-10


Now it is supported to search all of the metrics of all months:

opendigger -r=valhalla/valhalla


Searching all of the metrics of all months, and store the report in markdown:

opendigger -r=valhalla/valhalla -d


the result will be very exciting!

Online experience 😋

To help experience this tool with no difficulties, we developed a website. This is how it looks like now:


And now you can have a try with visiting !