Back to where I began still cannot save to USB hard drive - and of course cannot remember how I got to get the hard drive to show on the...
Yes Robert - I have got the camera to save images to the USB hard drive so that seems to be going OK- just the other problems with jerky video...
Thanks for the advice Robert. I will try that as one has a longish power cable. Any luck with the multi-view?
OK Robert - one question - if I have two cams what IP address do I use to view to show the multi view or doesn't it matter - either?
I am trying to access the multiview using Is this correct or do I not need the html after the IP address. If i get rid of that its...
Sorry - again its not pasted in:- style="width: 49%"/> style="width: 49%"/>
Cannot do that - most frustrating..!!
Thank you Robert - worked a treat - maybe these instructions should be included in the WiKi instructions...just a suggestion. Again cheers
Thank you for the reply Robert - I have changed the divider to 2 and the quality to 5. The size is still set at 512. I assumed these settings...
Out of interest the preview seems to stop/start in line with the time - every millisecond the frame view changes...?? Not sure if this helps